First binge in a month and it's a bad one! :/



  • ^Everyone I meet always says that!! Haha I love it! :) xD Your right, what's done is done. I shouldn't dwell on this anymore than it needs to be dwelled on. I'll do better tomorrow, I know I will!
  • Hi Jenny, don't beat yourself up about it. Just get back on track starting NOW! Log on every day and enter EVERYTHING you eat. It really helps me keep in check just by seeing how many calories I'm consuming.

    Hi! :) I'm trying not to but it's hard. I just want today to be OVER. I plan on starting to track using this account tomorrow as I don't think I could even bear to see today's giant mishap...can I add you?

    Perhaps you need to see a therapist and take a look at 1) why you did this and 2) why at your weight that you are worried about it.

    This. Absolutely. I think it sounds like you have a very unhealthy relationship with food. You shouldn't have to feel THIS badly about this incident. For it to make you this upset, I think very clearly shows that you should talk with a professional.
  • brendaliodakis
    brendaliodakis Posts: 1 Member
    @ jenny. stop feeling guilty. what is the point of eating it and indulging if you couldn't enjoy it. Accept it and then move forward. You indulged today but the day isn't over yet...just continue to make wise choices from now...get up and get moving and allow yourself this one afternoon to indulge...p.s. throw out whatever you have left !
  • Perhaps you need to see a therapist and take a look at 1) why you did this and 2) why at your weight that you are worried about it.

    I do se a therapist actually, just not for food and body image related problems. Maybe I'll bring it up next time though

    Okay, it sounds like you are on the right path.
  • krainbird
    krainbird Posts: 30 Member
    Do your best and forget the rest!
  • lesliep107
    lesliep107 Posts: 22 Member
    I feel you. With binging it's that out of control feeling, then the guilt. ugh, the guilt.

    Forgive yourself. You don't deserve the guilt. I haven't quite yet found that magic ticket that prevents the binges entirely.

    What strategies do you usually use when you get that compulsive drive to overeat?
  • Fruit ninja. I know it sounds ridiculous, but if I can distract myself (whether it be with a game, person, or even pain of some sort) I tend to lose all urges to binge almost immediately. That didn't work today sadly but most other days it works wonderfully haha :) I've also heard that writing 'no' on your hand works. That way whenever you reach it you see the word 'no' and it supposedly helps you? I've never tried it before but it's worth a shot!
  • Sheirai
    Sheirai Posts: 79 Member
    Jenny, the situation you described seems to invite a binge, and I'll bet you're not the only one who overindulged, so don't be too hard on yourself. Try to learn from the experience, and focus on recovery; drink lots of water, get some exercise, and when your appetite returns, eat some lean protein and veggies. I also think it's quite possible that you binged because you were hungry, in addition to the appeal and availability of all that candy. I find that treat foods are not nearly as tempting if I'm eating enough real food, and getting my macros in.
  • KRG72
    KRG72 Posts: 9
    Before I came to this site, my life was FULL of real bad binges, and poor choices.
    One thing I have learned in life, is you need to forgive yourself, and start over and learn from your mistakes. I have a very LONG road ahead of me due to all those poor choices, but I will get there and so will you.
    You just need to believe in yourself first, and as I have read you have a Great support team backing you here
  • Amazing you say you have been on MFP for years. The forum is 18 and older. If you are seeing a Therapist please let them know. Sounds like you have an ED and you might not realize you have one.
  • MissusPorter
    MissusPorter Posts: 10 Member
    And here is an example of how the 'supportive community' can not be supportive in the least. If you have nothing positive to say to this woman, why bother? How sad.

    Regardless if you're thin or fat, this is my FITNESS pal and it isn't just for obese or morbidly obese people. Binging isn't healthy Jenny and I hope you find the encouragement you need. She's looking for people who understand her, who can relate and provide support not someone to bash her because she's thin with a eating disorder. If she were 340 pounds and Binging there would be a different tone to some of the negative comments. Good Luck Jenny, add me if you wish :-)
  • OP: you realized that's not even enough calories to gain 1lbs? (4000 - TDEE = net calories) . You will probably gain a few lbs, it's just water and glycogen(carbs in the muscle). it will go away. One bad day won't make you or break you.

    I know...but I can't help but worry! I hate my mind. Why does it do this to me? :P My TDEE is 2100, but I ate a little bit over my TDEE yesterday as well since I had a party with friends. I think I gained about 3/4 pound at the most which isn't too bad, I know it'll even out later naturally. Thank you for the reply!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    Hi jenny who is 5'5" and 113 now probably 114 pounds....


    Here is your reality check.

    You can afford to gain that pound. It's not going to make your thin self look bad. In fact you could gain a few more pounds and still be perfectly beautiful.

    Forgive yourself and eat better today.

    Michelle who is 5'2" and a beautiful 185.8 pounds and will never ever ever ever weight 114 pounds

    How rude... >.>
  • crabbyab90
    crabbyab90 Posts: 111 Member
    Jenny who is 5'5" and 113 now probably 114 pounds

    Just remember tomorrow is a new day and you can always start over :). Add me if you want considering I just did a binge too :/

    Abby who is 5'2" and a lot heavier than you :)
  • bgisabel
    bgisabel Posts: 8 Member
    I was just going to post something very similar. I have been having pieces of candy and hot dogs and a donut that co-workers brought into work. Its been a rough couple of days and I am feeling super guilty. All the hard work I have been putting in the last couple of months can be ruined by these 2 days of eating junk. The guilt is really getting to me. I feel like tomorrow I should eat really low low calories and low carb to make up for the 2 days of bad eating. Ugh! and the weekend is here, which always makes it harder for me to stick to my healthy eating. I have been doing pretty good for about 2 months but yesterday and today have been horrible. :ohwell:
  • Noonight: Thank you for sticking up for me, your very kind! I'll definitely add you :)

    fattypattybin: It's super easy to sign up for this site. All you need really is an iPhone or computer and email address, then a friend or group of friends willing to sign up with you.

    KRG72: Aww thanks! Good luck on your journey!
  • Hi jenny who is 5'5" and 113 now probably 114 pounds....


    Here is your reality check.

    You can afford to gain that pound. It's not going to make your thin self look bad. In fact you could gain a few more pounds and still be perfectly beautiful.

    Forgive yourself and eat better today.

    Michelle who is 5'2" and a beautiful 185.8 pounds and will never ever ever ever weight 114 pounds

    How rude... >.>

    I don't blame her :P I said something rude today as well (not online) but it's all good. I know she's only trying to be helpful just like I was! :)

    bgisabel: I'm sorry you had a bad day today Isabel! :( But tomorrow's a new day, and you can do it, I believe in you! :) Noo, don't eat too low in calories that'll only lead to a binge later...just try and eat like you regularly would only a bit cleaner with more water. Don't worry, I understand. Halloween is the worst! Feel better soon! :D

    crabbyab90: Hey your not crabby! ;) Ahaha yeah that's what I'm trying to do. You should do the same- it's November and the start of a new month. Perfect chance to start over. Adding you!
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Fruit ninja. I know it sounds ridiculous

    Haha fruit ninja is awesome and in no way ridiculous :) I wouldn't beat yourself up about it too much. We've all had moments we're not proud of, and tomorrow is a new day :flowerforyou:
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    not including water weight, at MOST you may gain like half of a pound.

    i wouldn't worry about it. you can take that right off in a couple days. just get back to your routine.