Weight Loss Help!!!!!//Anyone tried Herbalife//PCOS



  • ❤B☩❤
    ❤B☩❤ Posts: 634
    I used to be an Herbalife Distributor. I won't even TALK about the cost for that. It is expensive, even though you are replacing 2 meals with shakes. I WILL say, however, that the shakes are delicious....and you can be very creative with flavorings, etc.

    That said, I lost about 20 pounds in about 6 weeks. When I stopped using the shakes, I put it all back on. This is only my experience. Others may have had better luck....Good luck to you! :drinker:
  • pitbulllover
    pitbulllover Posts: 98 Member
    I have pcos. Low calorie diets weren't working for me... Just wasn't losing. I cut out all sugar, processed foods and grains and now I'm down over 40 pounds in 5 months. You just have to find what works for you. It does seem like lower carb diets work will for most with pcos.
  • skimbrough28
    skimbrough28 Posts: 21 Member
    I have severe PCOS and in all my years of trying to lose weight and get help the doctor who was able to explain the condition the most is a fertility specialist. Women with PCOS have hormone imbalance and produce testosterone more than other women. Due to this, it is difficult for us to control and maintain our weight and we sometimes grow facial hair and have fertility and other health issues. In my frustration over the years in trying to find out about my condition i found a blog called power over pcos. On there, they talk about certain foods that women with PCOS should stay away from because they cultivate our cyst further and help keep our hormones out of wack. No matter what you do, learning about the condition helps when losing weight and keeping the weight off. No fad diet will work. its just like any other medical condition, you have to learn about it so you can find the ways to live productively with it. Since I have started to stop feeling sorry for myself and take this approach, my weight has been falling off. I wish you luck. PS-If you don't learn about the condition, women with our condition also develop other conditions such as sleep apnea,diabetes, etc
  • FierceFox81
    I sell...well sold HerbaLife products about a year ago. I don't use the products anymore because it is like any other fad diet if you are using it as a weight loss tool. You drop a few lbs in the beginning, sure, but that's mainly water weight. It's pretty unrealistic to think you can continue drinking meal shakes 2x a day for the rest of your life. When it comes down to it, it's all about lifestyle changes that you can continue. Most people that do the shake diet, tend to gain that weight back when they start eating normal meals again because they have not been properly taught how to eat healthy (types of food and portions). Sure maybe replaceing 1 meal a day can be sustained, but 2 meals is really pushing it.

    That's the main reason I didn't stick with the product. That and it's pretty expensive. And when you break down the calories, it's rediculous, I've found TONS of other products to use as supplements and replacements. I really like Gold Standard that I get from bodybuilding.com. And for the price..you get WAY more.
  • kld4239
    kld4239 Posts: 186 Member
    It's all about the diet and exercise. There is no easy way to lose weight AND keep it off especially when you have PCOS. I was diagnosed with PCOS 10+ years ago and I tried to lose weight on fad diets and sure they worked but the minute you stop you gain it all back and then some. Two years ago I hit rock bottom and realized how unhappy and unhealthy I was (250lbs+) and I decided to change my life. I started exercising (slow and steady at first) and eating right and I started to shed the lbs. I lost over 70lbs in about a year and felt amazing! I even got pregnant unexpectedly last year with my second child. My first required the help of a fertility doc and a lot of meds.

    I often think why didn't I do this 10 years ago when the doctors told me that I needed to diet and exercise but you can't change the past. Do this for you and do it now. I had my daughter in April and I'm working on losing the 25lbs I gained during my pregnancy. I know I can do it because I have done it and I know how great I'll feel when I get there and that is what motivates me. If you need some additional motivation please feel free to friend request me and we can help each other along the way.
  • MbGart
    MbGart Posts: 1
    I dont have pcos.. i just got a client who does tho.. however i have been doing herbalife since march i guess.. i have lost 30 pounds of fat and put on idk how many pounds of muscle.. which for me is insane bc i have RA its an autoimmune disease and i was always lethargic and tired... yeah you can lose weight by eating healthy meals all the time, but honestly when i first started my journey i didnt have that kind of self control.. i started herbalife to lose about 15 pounds and i ended up falling in love with the products.. all the ones i have taken so far.. its all natural and organic, its like eating clean food. I have decreased my pain and swelling in my joints and have SO MUCH more energy.. its CRAZY.. i wish you I could tell you guys how great this product is and you guys believe me. I have now switch to a clean diet free of gmo's and processed food, flour, or sugar. I am working toward my abs. I wouldnt be here if i hadnt started using herbalife. I will be on it my whole life.. it has done more for my well-being that any medicine i have EVER taken.. why would i ever want to stop. I could possibly keep this momentum on a strictly clean diet without herbalife but the energy i have bc of the teas idk if i could get on my own. i could try but i shudder to think of the cost. I know its not for everyone and like anything it has to become a lifestyle change and not just a diet.. and at this point i get 50% off so its cheaper for me but srsly the marketing plan makes it so anyone can get to that point with a little determination. I'm a little gung ho lol, but i just hate to see ppl bad mouthing it bc its not a diet. with the right wellness coach who knows what they are doing bc there are some who dont.. you can change your life.
  • allforba
    Hi! I was diagnosed with PCOS last year. My heaviest weight was 200 lbs. and I am currently 129 lbs. but my lowest has been 119 lbs. I was recently on vacation for three months so I know the reason I went up in weight lol too much boozing, red meat, and lots of lazy ;P Any who, so before this and before I was diagnosed with PCOS I started exercising, eating a lot of unprocessed foods, and very little red meat. I suspect I've had PCOS since I was 14 but was only diagnosed at the age of 31! I had been at least 30 lbs overweight for most of my life so when I got to the 120's I was super ecstatic. I do 30 minutes of high intensity interval training and 30 minutes of yoga at least 5 times a week. I really recommend Jillian Michael's 30 day shred and Shred it in 30. They are short workouts but they work your butt off literally. So as far as eating, before I went on vacation I was trying to go vegetarian but found myself to have lost the ability to do workouts with the same intensity as before and was not able to lift as much as I could before. My friend has been on Herbalife and has been selling it for years. She is one of the fittest if not the fittest person I know. So when I went to her I wasn't exactly looking for a way to lose weight. I was looking for a way to maintain the same energy and intensity in my workouts without having to eat very many if any animals at all. I wouldn't recommend doing a shake diet since it is only a diet and you will eventually have to go back to eating regular food and you'll gain the weight right back. The Healthy Meal Replacement shakes have only 90 calories so it isn't a wonder that you'll lose weight and quickly if that is what you're eating in place of real meals. Currently I do drink the shake for breakfast but I supplement it with some of Herbalife Protein (you can probably find cheaper with similar quality but I'm still experimenting with that so don't quote me on that) and I add 1/2 a banana. Otherwise I eat mostly vegetarian and unprocessed from Monday through Friday. I've been blessed with a very active social life so unfortunately I find myself around too many meat eaters on the weekends so I indulge. You can't be on a strict regime forever otherwise you'll fail if you feel deprived. So count your calories, watch what you eat, and don't forget to exercise at least 5 times a week. The way I see it, some people take pills daily to control symptoms of their ailments, my daily pill is exercise and eating right :) Wish you the best and good luck on your weight loss journey. <3
  • mayramortician
    It didn't work for me but maybe cause I was on anti-depressants that made me gain a lot of weight I was a 120 and had ballooned up to 152 lbs. I managed to lose 10 pounds so far. A lot of dieting and workingout.
  • arosegeo
    arosegeo Posts: 254 Member
    ive never tried herbalife but i have pcos too and i drink a product called RevvNRG that has been helping me and some of the people i know, check it out. hmu if you are interested. http://www.revvnrg.com/52511?q=node/1
  • jazminparedes9
    It is really good. But the most important product to drink is the tea not the milk shake the milk shake only fills u but the tea actually speeds up your metabolism specially if u drink it hot. Drink it for breakfast and dinner all the food you will need is lunch u won't even be that hungry..
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    You don't need to waste your money on herbalife. It has nothing special in it that will make you lose weight with PCOS.

    I've got PCOS and I've lost 25kg/50ish lbs.

    I did it by eating at a moderate deficit, with lower carbs - which is recommended with PCOS. I also started lifting weights/resistance training, which is recommended as it can have a positive effect on insulin resistance. I also do moderate cardio.

    Last time I went to see my Ob/GYN he said I no longer have any symptoms of PCOS.

    All my hormone levels are normal, and my cycle has regulated.

    You sound like you are making excuses (that having a shake would fit into your life style, that its so hard with PCOS)... Quit that. Work hard and you'll reach your goals.
  • kungfuflyer
    kungfuflyer Posts: 29 Member
    Key is to find something that is reasonable for you and produces results. This is what MyFitnessPal is for. Use it as a system to help manage yourself to obtain the results you want. Find out a reasonable calorie intake for yourself and stay consistent with it and track your results with it. If you are seeing results stick with it and if you are not then make some changes as far as dropping calories or adding more exercise. Don't look to fad diets or supplements to do anything. You will find yourself wasting money for something you can't stick with.