Top excuses for avoiding exercise?

I was reflecting on some of the excuses people have given me for avoiding exercise. Those with medical reasons have valid excuses but what about those who don't. What excuses do you use or have you heard for avoiding exercise? The one that really pisses me off just now is people with minor injuries that could easily do other stuff e.g. sore shoulder - how does that stop you getting your *kitten* on the bike??


  • cbear017
    cbear017 Posts: 345 Member
    Claiming to be tired or "forgetting" a crucial piece of gym gear used to be my two biggest excuses. Now I drag my *kitten* to the gym no matter what because it increases the quality and efficiency of my life. Period. I grab a strong coffee and go.

    Last night I forgot my t-shirt, so i ran in my undershirt (kind of tight but who gives a f***) and threw on my hoody for the weight room.

    Now there are no excuses. If I feel uncomfortable I push past it and get my butt there regardless.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    My typical excuse tends to be with time. For a while, trying to catch up on sleep combined with my commute and work, left me with very little time. Now that I am caught up, I naturally wake up perfectly in time for the gym! Yay me.

    Another excuse I use has been simply being too sore. I prefer full body work outs, so if I overdo it (like I did yesterday) I do not think it reasonable to go to the gym (tomorrow for example) if by then I am still waddling around like a little old man. Definitely should have eased my way back into the gym! If not Friday, then I am going Monday (starting Strong Lifts 5X5... read the whole thing this time! lol).

    Apart from me the most often excuses I see are...

    1. Not enough time - This one has varying levels of validity and deals more with time management than simple time. It is also a case of priorities, where many will go ahead and place driving little Timmy to Soccer practice above getting their own exercise.

    2. Money - Valid. Gyms cause money. Home weights cost money. There are exercises you can do at home for strength, but they can only go so far. Cardio though, is free and BETTER outside of the gym.

    3. I HATE cardio - do strength training.

    4. I HATE lifting weights - do cardio.

    5. I HATE lifting weights and cardio - Do you hate them more than being fat? :P

    There are tons of excuses, but I tend to prefer to look at the reasoning behind it. I will NEVER EVER place exercise over personal health and safety.
  • feast4thebeast
    feast4thebeast Posts: 210 Member
    Claiming to be tired or "forgetting" a crucial piece of gym gear used to be my two biggest excuses. Now I drag my *kitten* to the gym no matter what because it increases the quality and efficiency of my life. Period. I grab a strong coffee and go.

    Last night I forgot my t-shirt, so i ran in my undershirt (kind of tight but who gives a f***) and threw on my hoody for the weight room.

    Now there are no excuses. If I feel uncomfortable I push past it and get my butt there regardless.

    That is brilliant :) The other week during training I ripped my shorts on squats I could have chucked it and went home but I went to my locker ran up to the sports shop upstairs from the gym and bought another pair continued the session. The coffee keeps me going to - you are an inspiration :)
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I don't have time. Ok, I can't say much to those who have younger kids with daily after shool activities on top of a FT job and all that. Seriously, if you're that busy, do it if you can but eating right and getting sleep is more crutial IMHO. But for the rest of us, it's tough to swallow. Anyone can fit in 30 minutes 3 times per week (minimum recommendation). Whether you do it all at once or split it up into three 10 minute jaunts, it's still way better than doing nothing. If you have time to watch your favorite shows at night, you have time to do exercise. Instead of sititng there the whole time, at least use the commercials to get up and do some jumping jacks or punches or push-ups or sit-ups or a combo of a bunch of things. Get moving! Stop worrying about what your partner or kids or the neighbors will think. It's not about them, it's about you!
  • petiteLady89
    petiteLady89 Posts: 198 Member
    My biggest excuses have been the kids, lack of time and energy. I've proved the old me wrong. :)
  • amydee714
    amydee714 Posts: 232 Member
    There are 2 big ones I hear:

    Not having time - Yes you do: Park farther away at work, take the stairs, do squats or lunges during the commercials, take a walk at lunch, (you should be able to fit something in somewhere)

    I can't exercise - EVERYONE can exercise. Even if you have medical problems, there is something that you can do. It may not be much (walking to the mailbox and back to start, 10 arms curls a day with half filled water bottles), but everyone can do a little something.

    For me I don't even bother to make excuses. I hate to exercise plain and simple. If I didn't do it, its because I didn't want to. Let's just be honest about it! :tongue:
  • BrunetteRunner87
    BrunetteRunner87 Posts: 591 Member
    The only one I used lately was Tuesday when it was raining and there were 50 MPH winds. And I said I needed a rest day anyway. I still feel really guilty and plan on making it up on another "rest" day.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I didn't go run because my arm was sore from a flu shot. I love me.
  • m0pp3t
    m0pp3t Posts: 32 Member
    My walking/jogging path is underwater.

  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    Pretty much no excuses for me. It has to be valid, like I have a fever or I'm bedridden with a serious flu, or I really am physically fatigued because I've been pushing hard and really need the rest/recovery. Although I will admit I didn't feel like going running when my mouth was numb from the dentist, luckily I had just done a weight workout at the gym and decided I could run the next day instead. :)
  • AimersBee
    AimersBee Posts: 775 Member
    can't go walking/running outside, too cold - 40
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    My biggest excuse is that my studies are more important at the moment and need to be my number 1 priority.
  • Sweetpea472
    Sweetpea472 Posts: 229 Member
    I used to swear up and down that once I got to my goal weight that I would start exercising! LOL!
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    I have very few excuses.
    My sister on the other hand-
    "I don't have time to get on my elliptical" -- but I have time to sit on my couch 2 feet from my elliptical and watch TV.
    "I need an event to prepare for like a bikini contest or Hero Rush" -- and Hero Rush next year doesn't count.
  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,641 Member
    Ones I get are that they don't have enough time to exercise but have 3 hours of time to watch TV or too tired, worked all day. Well so have I and I am tired but still make it to the gym. When I say that, I always get "well you don't have kids".
  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member
    Ha ha.... I need a nap MORE than I need a workout......

    Oh yeah.. I used to use that one ALL the time... but since eating healthier I have WAY more energy so yep, can't use THAT excuse anymore! :)
  • crazyellybean
    crazyellybean Posts: 999 Member
    Mine are:

    I'm too tired

    I want to go home and clean (which never happens)

    Bad day at work
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member

    I had to change the type of workouts I was doing when I got pregnant, but that didn't stop me from getting in at least 30 minutes per day of activity. A lot of women use getting pregnant as an excuse to eat like crazy and sit on their arses.
  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    My typical excuse tends to be with time. For a while, trying to catch up on sleep combined with my commute and work, left me with very little time. Now that I am caught up, I naturally wake up perfectly in time for the gym! Yay me.

    Another excuse I use has been simply being too sore. I prefer full body work outs, so if I overdo it (like I did yesterday) I do not think it reasonable to go to the gym (tomorrow for example) if by then I am still waddling around like a little old man. Definitely should have eased my way back into the gym! If not Friday, then I am going Monday (starting Strong Lifts 5X5... read the whole thing this time! lol).

    Apart from me the most often excuses I see are...

    1. Not enough time - This one has varying levels of validity and deals more with time management than simple time. It is also a case of priorities, where many will go ahead and place driving little Timmy to Soccer practice above getting their own exercise.

    2. Money - Valid. Gyms cause money. Home weights cost money. There are exercises you can do at home for strength, but they can only go so far. Cardio though, is free and BETTER outside of the gym.

    3. I HATE cardio - do strength training.

    4. I HATE lifting weights - do cardio.

    5. I HATE lifting weights and cardio - Do you hate them more than being fat? :P

    There are tons of excuses, but I tend to prefer to look at the reasoning behind it. I will NEVER EVER place exercise over personal health and safety.

    I just gotta say I enjoy your posts.
  • Beckyloo80
    Beckyloo80 Posts: 1,088 Member
    being too tired! But I push myself because I ALWAYS feel great after I work out. I have used the NO MORE EXCUSES motto for the last 15 months... have lost 37 lbs..... never want to go back to where I came from. That is enough motivation for me!
  • No excuses, ever!

    But I'll agree....too tired and not enough time are probably the most common. I do my best to get my *kitten* to the gym regardless...I just make it part of my routine, like going to work.
  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    I have a girlfriend who weighed upwards of 250 lbs, and at 5'1", is pretty darn heavy. I've tried to get her to watch her diet, exercise, even go for walks. She said she couldn't exercise because it hurt her knees. I said, no, you knees hurt because you are huge. I hated being mean, but I think it woke her up a bit. She started weight watchers and walked regularly. Lost some weight, but has a long way to go.
  • lizzynewm
    lizzynewm Posts: 199 Member
    i'm annoyed right now because my workout-buddy has a "sore wrist" so he won't go to the gym with me. you can do so much without even utilizing your wrist in the slightest! extra annoyed because i'm paying for his membership. :|
  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member
    For about 10 months, mine was an injury. Now, for some of that time, that was a valid excuse - but for a lot of that time, I could have certainly been doing SOMETHING! Paying now...

    These days, I'll take a day or two off if I'm really feeling run down. Otherwise, I usually get to the gym for 4 -5 hours a week. Now, with the shorter days and crummy weather, I have sort of let myself get away with not doing my doubles (Monday & Thursday). Once it's dark all the damned time, I'll adjust again and be right back on it with 6 - 7 (or more) hours.

    No matter what, though, the dog gets his half hour walk every morning - even with hurricanes threatening... lol
  • weeblex
    weeblex Posts: 412 Member
    My excuse is after a long day at work is, it is the last thing I want to do. (Doing it in the morning doesn't work for me, I wake up to congested to breath well enough)

    My compromise has been running at weekends, and while at work, unless the conversation is only going to take 10 seconds I will get up and walk to whoever I need to just to keep myself mobile rather than use the phone. As as rule I take the long way round too.
  • jessepants
    jessepants Posts: 60 Member
    the kids....(the biggest excuse for everything in the world)
  • OkieinMinny
    OkieinMinny Posts: 834 Member
    the small people that insist on calling me mom are typically the excuse I have used - Football practice etc - this year I made it a point while they were practicing to walk/run or squeeze in a quickie at the gym
  • beckyboop712
    beckyboop712 Posts: 383 Member
    My biggest excuse is that my studies are more important at the moment and need to be my number 1 priority.

    I used to use my workouts as another form of procrastination during Grad School "Hey, I really should go to the Library to write the next 5 pages of my thesis...but I want to log 5 miles first " :-)

    My biggest excuse is having no energy (wanting nothing more than to pass out after work). I can't say time because it seems like on my busiest days is when I want to run the most and will squeeze something in between appointments or before leaving for the day.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    My best (or worst) excuse is "not enough time." Once I was too lazy to kick my daughter off my laptop in order to do my 30DS workout. :ohwell:
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    I used to say that I dont have the time bc I dont get home until late then eat dinner late and just dont have the time. Its all BS. Im just lazy right now. No need to jump me about it. I know and Im working on it.