How can I stop messing up my diet at the end of the day??



  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    I want people to be worried about my health (if that makes sense)

    What? Honey, normally I do not comment with ED cases, but please for your health seek therapy
  • JohnnyKitty
    JohnnyKitty Posts: 117 Member
    It can "be happening" if she has jerks around her telling her she's getting fat.

    Your diary seems extremely healthy, if sparse (i couldnt do it anymore...not while exercising)

    Honestly, though...i know pro-ana girls who dont eat as little as 500. All your food is low-calorie...and any "weight" she could be gaining is bloat from malnutrition and lack of fat.

    Well, I actually have fat around my sides :/
    And it seems like all the Ana girls only eat 300. So I don't eat that little.
    But yeah, I focus on healthy foods, but as you can see, I ended up eating some butterfingers hahah
    Uh huh...

    Yeah, I'm getting the attention seeking vibe over here now.

    I honestly don't even know what to say anymore. I'm sorry, I promise I'm not trying to seek attention. Thank you for posting though, and I'll stop posting myself.
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Yay! Another attention seeking post!

    Seriously, get help. What you're doing is sick.

    I'm not attention seeking. I didn't even want anyone to read my diary.
    I just wanted to know how to stop the afternoon binges.
    First of all, they are not binges. You are craving food because you are hungry.
    Second of all, stop eating so little. These very restrictive diets don't work in the long run because as soon as you stop, you'll start gaining weight.
    Third of all, sorry you'd had so much backlash. Eating disorders or crazy diets are not supported here as they are not a healthy solution to losing weight.

    I actually don't even plan on stopping my "diet," it's more of a whole lifestyle change I've done. :(
    I'm sorry, I guess I really should stop posting this stuff, or I should just hide my profile. lskjflsdkjf I promise I'm not attention seeking, I'm just looking for 'general diet/weight loss help' as its called

    You're obviously not listening. People are trying to tell you that 500 calories is not enough to live on.

    But you're 18, you're gonna do what you want. Whatever.
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    I know exactly how this works. You are LOVING the attention. You are BASKING IN THE GLORY of other people telling you that you are eating too little.

    It makes you feel strong. It makes you feel better than everyone else. It strengthens your determination to continue. And I know this because I've done the same at one point as a bulimic. I wish everyone would stop giving you what you want.

    So, you know what, I'm not having any of it. I can't imagine how many people in recovery are reading this and fighting the urge to not be triggered and start up their own diets again. I know I am. So please, just go away. MFP is a safe place. If you want to be with the pro-ana girls on this site, they usually tend to keep to their own little groups and stay out of the forums. If you find one, you'll find the rest with a just a simple friend request.
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    I knew late night snacking could be a downfall for me so I save at least 300 calories for late at night. I like to have 2 or 3 different things, because if I have variety I'm less tempted to keep eating. I also prelog each day the night before so there's no guesswork involved - I know what I'll be eating.

    For example, tonight my late night snacking is 4 triscuits with tofutti "cream cheese", strawberries and a sugar free vanilla pudding.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    I know exactly how this works. You are LOVING the attention. You are BASKING IN THE GLORY of other people telling you that you are eating too little.

    It makes you feel strong. It makes you feel better than everyone else. It strengthens your determination to continue. And I know this because I've done the same at one point as a bulimic. I wish everyone would stop giving you what you want.

    So, you know what, I'm not having any of it. I can't imagine how many people in recovery are reading this and fighting the urge to not be triggered and start up their own diets again. I know I am. So please, just go away. MFP is a safe place. If you want to be with the pro-ana girls on this site, they usually tend to keep to their own little groups and stay out of the forums. If you find one, you'll find the rest with a just a simple friend request.

    I'm so very glad you're doing your best to be healthy! I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors.
  • Rawr1978
    Rawr1978 Posts: 245 Member
    Shows how well i navigate this site- i didnt even know where her pics were.

    I wont bash about how pro-ana isnt healthy. I've tried it in my younger years, i lost a lot of weight. But...a lot of those girls dont look good. They look gaunt. And, if and when they get ill, they're screwed. A lot die on it if it goes into full-blown anorexia.'re right, it wasnt a lecture on anorexia you were asking for. The only thing i can advise is to stay busy, and if you ARE pro-ana, this doesnt seem like the right site for you :-(
  • sullykat
    sullykat Posts: 461 Member
    I get the feeling you're not actually 18...
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    Oops, I didn't read about how low your calorie goal is until I had posted my other comment.

    This is obviously more complicated than someone who likes to snack at night.
  • LittleBallofFurr
    LittleBallofFurr Posts: 242 Member
    Just the other night my mom told me that I've been eating too much and that I need to work harder. And then I told her I might have an Eating disorder and she just ignored me. So I mean, I know I need to lose weight, but if I eat any more than 700 I gain. And I've been gaining...

    There are toll free numbers you can call about eating disorders, they are confidential and they work. They will help you. :)
  • Ok, here's the straight talk:

    You are an 18-yr old female at 124 lbs. I don't know your height, so let's assume it's 5'6."

    Your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the number of calories you burn each day if you do nothing but lie around in bed.

    According to your BMR is 1360 cals/day.
    According to your BMR is 1420 cals/day.

    I don't know why the sites come up with a different result. Now, if you are taller or shorter than 5'6," it makes a difference, but only of a few calories per day.

    Now, in addition, you say that you are doing multiple workouts per day. actually has a rough guide of calories burned per day based on activity level. But let's assume that they are short workouts, so you are only have a "high" level of activity rather than "very high." Based on that, you are burning approximately 2346 calories/day (based on the website). The actual number depends on the kind and amount of exercise you are doing.

    Now, in order to lose 1 pound, you have to put yourself at a calorie deficit of 3500 calories. It's not recommended that you lose more than 2 pounds per week.

    Let's do the math:
    To lose 1 pound per week you need a calorie deficit of 3500 cals for the week
    You burn 2346 cals per day
    2346 cals X 7 days = 16, 422 cals/week
    16,422 cals/week - 3500 cals = 12,922 cals/week <--this is what you need to consume per week to lose 1 lb.
    12,922 cals/week / 7 days = 1,846 cals/day

    Do you see that?

    1846 calories per day. That should be your target (approximately). If you needed to lose weight. Which you don't.

    Your current Body Mass Index is 20.0, which puts you at normal weight for your height. Athletes (although this tends to apply more to males) who have more muscle mass than the average person actually register a higher BMI than normal, but that doesn't mean they are fat! It means that muscle weighs more than fat.

    The point is: you don't have to lose any weight. You are already where you are supposed to be.

    Below 1200 calories/day, you are literally starving yourself to death. It is not possible to have anything near adequate nutrition where you are at.

    If I knew your doctor, I'd tell your doctor. If I knew your parents, I'd tell your parents. If I knew your school counselor, I'd tell your counselor.

    If this is how you are living, you are anorexic, and you need someone to talk to *immediately.*

    Please, take this seriously. Being skinny isn't worth your health, maybe even your life.

    You are in my thoughts and prayers.
  • JohnnyKitty
    JohnnyKitty Posts: 117 Member
    Just the other night my mom told me that I've been eating too much and that I need to work harder. And then I told her I might have an Eating disorder and she just ignored me. So I mean, I know I need to lose weight, but if I eat any more than 700 I gain. And I've been gaining...

    There are toll free numbers you can call about eating disorders, they are confidential and they work. They will help you. :)

    I think I'll have to build up the courage to try and call. But thanks :) I'll keep that in thought.
  • JohnnyKitty
    JohnnyKitty Posts: 117 Member
    Ok, here's the straight talk:

    You are an 18-yr old female at 124 lbs. I don't know your height, so let's assume it's 5'6."

    Your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the number of calories you burn each day if you do nothing but lie around in bed.

    According to your BMR is 1360 cals/day.
    According to your BMR is 1420 cals/day.

    I don't know why the sites come up with a different result. Now, if you are taller or shorter than 5'6," it makes a difference, but only of a few calories per day.

    Now, in addition, you say that you are doing multiple workouts per day. actually has a rough guide of calories burned per day based on activity level. But let's assume that they are short workouts, so you are only have a "high" level of activity rather than "very high." Based on that, you are burning approximately 2346 calories/day (based on the website). The actual number depends on the kind and amount of exercise you are doing.

    Now, in order to lose 1 pound, you have to put yourself at a calorie deficit of 3500 calories. It's not recommended that you lose more than 2 pounds per week.

    Let's do the math:
    To lose 1 pound per week you need a calorie deficit of 3500 cals for the week
    You burn 2346 cals per day
    2346 cals X 7 days = 16, 422 cals/week
    16,422 cals/week - 3500 cals = 12,922 cals/week <--this is what you need to consume per week to lose 1 lb.
    12,922 cals/week / 7 days = 1,846 cals/day

    Do you see that?

    1846 calories per day. That should be your target (approximately). If you needed to lose weight. Which you don't.

    Your current Body Mass Index is 20.0, which puts you at normal weight for your height. Athletes (although this tends to apply more to males) who have more muscle mass than the average person actually register a higher BMI than normal, but that doesn't mean they are fat! It means that muscle weighs more than fat.

    The point is: you don't have to lose any weight. You are already where you are supposed to be.

    Below 1200 calories/day, you are literally starving yourself to death. It is not possible to have anything near adequate nutrition where you are at.

    If I knew your doctor, I'd tell your doctor. If I knew your parents, I'd tell your parents. If I knew your school counselor, I'd tell your counselor.

    If this is how you are living, you are anorexic, and you need someone to talk to *immediately.*

    Please, take this seriously. Being skinny isn't worth your health, maybe even your life.

    You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    I'm just so scared, 1800 seems like so much >< I think I'll try to slowly up my intake.
    Thank you <3 You put so much thought into this answer. And I really want to get better.
  • Spiritwarrior3000
    Spiritwarrior3000 Posts: 322 Member
    I looked at your pictures and you look at a healthy weight. You eat late because your body is still craving food your not getting enough calories a day. However to answer your question to lose weight you'll need to just eat fruit and veg aday and then your body will naturally burn off them calories without exercise.

    But beware your weight loss will not make you healthy!
  • AliciaStinger
    AliciaStinger Posts: 402 Member
    You REALLY need to eat more calories. You're probably having trouble because your goal is way too low. I also think there's some serious disordered thinking on your profile (you say you want people to worry about your health) so I would also suggest talking to a counselor.

    My thoughts exactly. Just about everyone I've encountered on MFP has (or has had) an "eating disorder"; my unhealthy relationship with food is that I eat too much. Yours is that you're eating too little. You're not going to lose anything because your body is going to go into starvation mode...I seem to recall that this means your body will eat your muscle and hold on to your fat - and then you'll just look sick. I'm not trying to be mean; I seriously want to help - but I honestly think you need more help than the average MFPer can offer. As in, professional help. You're really going to get sick.
  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    Please, please, PLEASE call the number you find here:
  • JohnnyKitty
    JohnnyKitty Posts: 117 Member
    I knew late night snacking could be a downfall for me so I save at least 300 calories for late at night. I like to have 2 or 3 different things, because if I have variety I'm less tempted to keep eating. I also prelog each day the night before so there's no guesswork involved - I know what I'll be eating.

    For example, tonight my late night snacking is 4 triscuits with tofutti "cream cheese", strawberries and a sugar free vanilla pudding.

    That's a good idea! I'll save some calories for the afternoon. Thanks :)
  • just talk to someone and get help, this isn't healthy. You shouldn't "want people to look at you and be concerned abut your health"
  • patrarmstr
    patrarmstr Posts: 2 Member
    Ya Until you get a handle on it go to bed--I used to do that all the time because I was soooo hungary I couldn't stand it-- but after just a couple of weeks I got over the hump and didn't have the problem anymore. That was a while ago.
  • JohnnyKitty
    JohnnyKitty Posts: 117 Member
    Ya Until you get a handle on it go to bed--I used to do that all the time because I was soooo hungary I couldn't stand it-- but after just a couple of weeks I got over the hump and didn't have the problem anymore. That was a while ago.

    Ah yes!! Sleeping usually helps.
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