Thanksgiving-Strategies to Stay on Track!



  • NoisyAstronomer
    NoisyAstronomer Posts: 9 Member
    I'm nervous about this, too. My first Thanksgiving while watching what I eat.

    I couldn't do the gum chewing thing. That only makes me MORE hungry. My belly is like, you are chewing but there's no food coming! What gives?!

    Usually I stuff myself til it hurts. This year I plan to stop when I'm ACTUALLY FULL. Most days I'm under my calorie goal, so in the long run it averages out. (I've had this come up before when going to Indian restaurants. That is worse than Thanksgiving for me.)
  • BPayton27
    BPayton27 Posts: 626 Member
    I am planning on enjoying myself this Thanksgiving. I am not going to eat until I want to vomit, but I am going to eat without obsessing. I've been at this for a year now and am pretty comfortable giving myself a day a week. Enjoy your holiday! Like others have said, it's a lifestyle. Keep active to compensate and strive for progress, not perfection.
  • Car0lynnM
    Car0lynnM Posts: 332 Member
    I will take one reasonable spoonful of all my favorites, and a small piece of each of my favorite desserts, and even some wine. I will workout that morning, and drink plenty of water throughout the day. The most important part is that I will enjoy the day with my family. I love Thanksgiving!!
  • DKWaggoner
    i doubt the gym will be open that day my love :)
    I'm planning on cooking my favoriyes but with a healthy spin. Then eating in modertaion. I will also make sure i work out that morning with my 60 min of the eliptical; :):happy:
  • jnn0409
    jnn0409 Posts: 171 Member
    My plan is to have half a plate of vegetables, and the other half whatever I want.

    ...And a slice of pie.

    Great idea! Thanks :)
  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    The worst for me though is going to be stuffing.... it is my favorite part of the meal and something that I cannot have. This will be the first Thanksgiving since becoming 100% gluten free.

    My MIL makes a stuffing that has almost no bread (or no bread, I can't remember) and wild rice, water chestnuts & corn with other yummy things. Geeze I wish I could remember more about it. In any case, it has normal stuffing spices, and is really really yummy. If you want me to get the recipe from her, message me!

    My FIL is vegan, so it makes Thanksgiving dinner really really interesting. I think we'll be roasting a turkey again and bringing it with us. And my husband always makes a Cranberry gelatin salad w/ walnuts, celery and marshmellows on top (in perfect little rows because he is OCD on that kind-of thing.

    I don't like the Cranberry salad, so I'll probably have turkey, wildrice stuffing, mashed potatoes, squash, gravy & a roll. I might have pumpkin pie, but I'm not sure. It isn't my favorite, but I do enjoy it on Thanksgiving.
  • a_crotty
    a_crotty Posts: 225 Member
    I have 3 Thanksgivings this year over 3 weeks. So my plan is, small portions and work out twice that day rather than my usual once. When I have mine here at my home, I plan to do healthier option variances to classics. Sugar free desserts, healthy appetizers etc and I too will log my everything.

    I am just starting out so I hope that this works.