


  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    A child I know had them at age 7 during a time of extreme stress when a neighbor actually filed a charge of sex abuse against her for a game she was playing with the neighbor's daughter. Who does that!? So yes, you can get them very young.

    I hope it heals up quickly!
  • MuddyEquestrian
    MuddyEquestrian Posts: 366 Member
    A child I know had them at age 7 during a time of extreme stress when a neighbor actually filed a charge of sex abuse against her for a game she was playing with the neighbor's daughter. Who does that!? So yes, you can get them very young.

    I hope it heals up quickly!

    what the heck?!?!!? no wonder the kid came down with shingles....
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    A child I know had them at age 7 during a time of extreme stress when a neighbor actually filed a charge of sex abuse against her for a game she was playing with the neighbor's daughter. Who does that!? So yes, you can get them very young.

    I hope it heals up quickly!

    what the heck?!?!!? no wonder the kid came down with shingles....
    I may get shingles just reading about it.
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    My mom has shingles in her mouth right now. go to the dr asap-it gets brutal the longer you wait. Youll get anti viral meds and maybe a shot.
  • MuddyEquestrian
    MuddyEquestrian Posts: 366 Member
    My mom has shingles in her mouth right now. go to the dr asap-it gets brutal the longer you wait. Youll get anti viral meds and maybe a shot.

    that's horrible! I've seen people who get it on their face and it is not pretty! I hope she gets better soon. I'm going to my PCP tomorrow morning but if it gets worse I will just be seen tonight once I get out of work.
  • danafoxx
    i had shingles when i was 13 (only case my doctor had ever seen in someone under 50!!) and it was due to stress apparently. they were incredibly painful and i still have scars from it.
    definitely see a doctor, i had chicken pox young and it was bad then.
    with my shingles i had to get shots and take medications, it took about a month to go away.
    good luck!
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    Bump... Yes I've had them, and they suck big time.
  • Toya2xcel
    Toya2xcel Posts: 107 Member
    I had shingles in high school I believe I was 16 or 17. When I was young i had a very mild case of chicken pox (only 3 bumps to be exact) and i ended up getting the shingles BAD on my back across my spine. I was immobile in my bed for 4 days. It sucked. The rash will be red and hurt to the touch if you do have it.
  • DianneBoo
    DianneBoo Posts: 226 Member
    I did not get Chicken pox until I was nearly 14...and it was SEVERE! I was violently ill and it took over my entire body...inside and out. I also developed a severe kidney infection due to the Chicken Pox. I got quarter size blisters on my feet and in between my toes that took over 8 months to heal!!! I literally had to be carried everywhere for over a month! When I was 22, my right foot (the top) started to hurt. It looked a funny red. I went to the doctor knowing I had shingles.....Grandmother had a cronic case of shingles for the last 20 years of her life, I knew what I was looking at! He confirmed shingles and that it had been caught very early. I was medicated for about 3 weeks and it caused me very little pain...but my foot was about twice its normal size and the rash was just nasty!!! I healed up and have not had another outbreak and am 37. I do have a funky purple scar on my foot...but no lastig effects.

    Please get in to your doctor! The sooner u r diagnosised and treated, the better off u will be!!!!!!
  • Rebroland
    Rebroland Posts: 92 Member
    I had Shingles when I was in 5th grade.. yes VERY rare and yes it WAS shingles.. The rash will appear on one side of your body and is VERY painful. I had it in a line under the left side of my chest. It seriously felt like broken bones - actually I broke my leg in the 2nd grade.. I would have taken that again over shingles. It was awful. I had to miss over two weeks of school. If you just feel crappy (and not in excruciating pain) it more than likely isn't shingles.. but you should see the doctor! Hope you feel better soon!
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I got shingles when I was 32 and pregnant. If I became suspicious that I had them and the dr office was not going to be open within a few hours I would go to the ER. Maybe an overreaction but, it hurts like heck and the sooner you get treated for them with antivirals the better they work. My Mom has been in pain from shingles for the last several years due to nerve damage caused by the virus. I do not want to go through what she has been suffering, so you bet, I would be getting someplace as soon as that tingle started. And trust me, once you have felt it, you know what it is.
  • VitaBailey
    VitaBailey Posts: 271 Member
    OP, did you ever get a diagnosis?
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    What a timely post...I was just diagnosed with Shingles today.

    My symptoms are fairly atypical. Started with an itchy spot (Sunday or Monday) that I thought was just a dry skin and red from scratching so I put some lotion on it and switched to Bag Balm on the 2nd day figuring that'd be more healing. Yesterday it was still quite itchy and I had Hubs take a look - he thought it looked way worse and suggested I go see the doc. After noticing some spreading and experiencing some shooting pain last night, I fully agreed. Got in around noon today and walked out with an Rx for Valtrex.

    Hadn't even considered it was Shingles until I called the doc's office and the clinic person asked about my symptoms and asked if I'd ever had Chicken Pox. Had a friend of mine look at the spot since her Hubs had Shingles a year or two ago and she didn't think it looked the same but I'm still in the early stages, not really blistering yet (thankfully) and the pain is still minimal. That was a real mind blower and I was kinda freaked out for a couple hours.

    Bring on the meds and cortaid!