
  • Spiritwarrior3000
    Spiritwarrior3000 Posts: 322 Member
    If a person eats junk food within his limits he will not gain weight. Dont forget junk food is not 100% fat it does have some fibre and protein. Also younger people tend to have a faster matabolism and if the person who eats junk food still is exercising he will have a better chance at lossing weight.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    You just stick with the good food you are eating. People who continue to eat garbage, just less garbage, WILL gain any loss back... trust that.

    No they wont. If they stay within a balance or deficit of caloric intake they will not gain the weight back. They may not achieve the body composition they want or health they want, but they can manage their weight with only twinkies if they wanted to.
    OK know it all.

    Why name calling? He's right, if you stay under your calorie intake goal and eat junk, you will not gain weight. There's a reason the ridiculous Twinkie experiment diets actually work. They're eating a reduced number of calories even though they're eating junk.
  • IrishHarpy1
    IrishHarpy1 Posts: 399 Member
    You just stick with the good food you are eating. People who continue to eat garbage, just less garbage, WILL gain any loss back... trust that.
    Good to know the Dairy Queen choco mint brownie Blizzard I shared at lunch today will pack back on 81#. biggrinno.gif

    I eat the so-called "junk" food. I budget for it. Dessert after lunch and supper keep me from sticking a knife in peoples' chests.

    Like the Five Guys cheeseburger (with extra cheese, of course) that is on the agenda for tonight's dinner.... and which is why I was up at 4AM for my workout ;)

    It's not all or nothing -- it's entirely possible to lose weight, keep it off, and get HEALTHY even with the occasional junk/processed food tossed in for fun and flavor.
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    I eat "dirty" all the time and my blood workout always comes out stellar. I've never been over weight in the slightest.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    You just stick with the good food you are eating. People who continue to eat garbage, just less garbage, WILL gain any loss back... trust that.

    really? i eat candy, processed food etc and have maintained without struggling for around 8 months now.
  • Good to know the Dairy Queen choco mint brownie Blizzard I shared at lunch today will pack back on 81#. biggrinno.gif

    I eat the so-called "junk" food. I budget for it. Dessert after lunch and supper keep me from sticking a knife in peoples' chests.

    LOL at the knife scenario. I budget for junk food every day, too. Specifically, chocolate! It looks like a lot in my diary, but I balance it out with healthy foods and my macros come out looking good most days. I lost 5 lbs last week and 4 more since Monday, so the chocolate is definitely not hurting my weight loss. :laugh:

    Congrats on losing 81 lbs! And not sticking a knife in anyone's chest. :laugh:
  • dutchman24
    dutchman24 Posts: 108 Member
    I've wondered the same thing. Most people use a lot of "bad" food for snacks, which is all right if you do it in moderation. I find that if I "monkey" too much with snack chocolate bars or etc, I don't have very good results. Some people eat some of the bad stuff, and then exercise like crazy. I can't do that 'cause it puts me in the wrong frame of mind...I am a person that needs to stay focused to have good results.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    You just stick with the good food you are eating. People who continue to eat garbage, just less garbage, WILL gain any loss back... trust that.

    No they wont. If they stay within a balance or deficit of caloric intake they will not gain the weight back. They may not achieve the body composition they want or health they want, but they can manage their weight with only twinkies if they wanted to.
    OK know it all.

    You do know that you sound like a bit of a know it all too, right?
  • slash5049
    slash5049 Posts: 2 Member
    There is nothing else to go by except what ppl list. The question is are
    they listing everything they eat during the course of the day.
  • chinakat72
    chinakat72 Posts: 21 Member
    I've done this before, the loosing weight thing. I would cut out "bad" foods, eat only small quantities of "good" food and, shockingly, I couldn't keep that lifestyle up and gained everything back.

    This time, armed with my newfound knowledge of TDEE/ Net Calories/ BMR/ etc, I decided to throw caution to the wind and eat reasonable portions of reasonable foods and not worry so much about it. I don't eat fried foods, cake, candy, pop all the time, but I do eat them. Completely without guilt, I might add! I've lost that 35 pounds in my ticker since July and this is the first time ever that I felt I knew how I did it and how to keep it off without it being an emotional and physical drain. This has been an exercise in learning what is going into my body and learning better ways to eat the foods that I like. :)

    So, I had that fried fish the other day and will have a slice of cake today without feeling like I failed myself AND still revel in the fact that the scale is still dropping :happy:

    TL;DR- They plan around the foods they want to eat and are hopefully happy and satisfied :)

    Thank you for saying this!! I could have written this post myself! I have lost so much weight in the past, but always gained it back because it was a completely different way of eating that I couldn't mentally stick to. This time I am trying to eat "more reasonable" food and focusing on portion control and have lost 36 lbs since July. And knowing that I can plan my food to allow any damn thing I want, makes the "naughty" food seem so much less desirable. It takes all the emotions of deprivation out of the picture and I can look at food in a "is it worth it?" sort of way. Most of the time it's just not worth it to eat 1 burger vs. a huge lunch of healthy food for the same calories. Most of the time... :)
  • MrFitness972
    MrFitness972 Posts: 45 Member
    The poison is in the dosage!!!!
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    You don't have to understand other peoples ways....in fact this post is just plain snarky. What works for them shouldn't concern u as long as it isn't dangerous
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    You just stick with the good food you are eating. People who continue to eat garbage, just less garbage, WILL gain any loss back... trust that.

    No they wont. If they stay within a balance or deficit of caloric intake they will not gain the weight back. They may not achieve the body composition they want or health they want, but they can manage their weight with only twinkies if they wanted to.
    OK know it all.

    Lolz - I have no idea if they are a know it all, but they know more than you on this particular topic.
  • Fragilebird24
    Fragilebird24 Posts: 202 Member
    It's awesome that you are filling your diet with healthy foods. Don't worry about what other people are eating. I personally love sweets. The last time I lost weight I cut sweets out completely and ended up gaining back 3x what I lost because I went on a sugar binge. Now I know that if I swear those foods out of my diet, I will eventually snap and binge. As long as I'm staying within my calorie goal, it's peachy.
  • BenChase
    BenChase Posts: 169
    You just stick with the good food you are eating. People who continue to eat garbage, just less garbage, WILL gain any loss back... trust that.

    No they wont. If they stay within a balance or deficit of caloric intake they will not gain the weight back. They may not achieve the body composition they want or health they want, but they can manage their weight with only twinkies if they wanted to.
    OK know it all.

    Why name calling? He's right, if you stay under your calorie intake goal and eat junk, you will not gain weight. There's a reason the ridiculous Twinkie experiment diets actually work. They're eating a reduced number of calories even though they're eating junk.

    all this twinkie talk..... i think i'm going to go on the twinkie diet and lose weight just to piss people off when they asked how i lost weight :tongue: think of how awesome that conversation would be " i eat twinkies to lose weight, nothing at all except for twinkies, and lost 20 pounds" :laugh:
  • lalalyn12
    lalalyn12 Posts: 80 Member
    I've done this before, the loosing weight thing. I would cut out "bad" foods, eat only small quantities of "good" food and, shockingly, I couldn't keep that lifestyle up and gained everything back.

    This time, armed with my newfound knowledge of TDEE/ Net Calories/ BMR/ etc, I decided to throw caution to the wind and eat reasonable portions of reasonable foods and not worry so much about it. I don't eat fried foods, cake, candy, pop all the time, but I do eat them. Completely without guilt, I might add! I've lost that 35 pounds in my ticker since July and this is the first time ever that I felt I knew how I did it and how to keep it off without it being an emotional and physical drain. This has been an exercise in learning what is going into my body and learning better ways to eat the foods that I like. :)

    So, I had that fried fish the other day and will have a slice of cake today without feeling like I failed myself AND still revel in the fact that the scale is still dropping :happy:

    TL;DR- They plan around the foods they want to eat and are hopefully happy and satisfied :)

    Dido I agree, in the past I tried to go clean in dieting and I failed everytime..Now I am learning portion control and if I want something eat it and move on, before I would eat it and feel guilty and I would just gain everything and plus some back... people should do what they feel will work for them, now if they complain that they are not losing and do not understand than that is on them and they need to re evaluate things and notice that the bad food is causing them to eat bad..I am 50/50 and I am fine with that, I am almost 20 pounds down in 2 months..and I am exercising regularly and if I want some pizza I will eat a slice or two if my allowance allow for me to..I do not eat whatever I take in consideration how much I am eating and is it worth it..
  • Miiimii
    Miiimii Posts: 279 Member
    I eat pretty healthy, but I also eat candy or other processed food once in a while. Just because I like and it fits in my calorie goal. If I have room for it and I have a desire to eat it, I eat what ever I want - for example a wunderbar bar. Yummy! I also eat Pizza (a whole of course) and burgers (but only organic veggie burgers in a local restaurant, not that crap at McDonalds).

    I eat so much healthy stuff, I don't have problems with eating delicous sins once in a while.

    For example - to night we'll gone have a great swiss cheese fondue with baguette, potatos, veggies and salat. A and won't forget the wine and Schnaps afterwards. Yeah!
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    WHo really cares what other people eat?

    The way I see it, if I want some wings and they fit in my calorie budget why not? If I want a candy bar and it fits, why not?

    I go to the gym, I work hard, I have a pretty balanced diet. So... I'd rather treat myself if it fits...

    Rather than end up holed in my house for a week eating every single bit of bad food I can get my hands on, laughing like a manic.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    How is it on peoples food diary they have candy bars, pkgd processed foods, all kinds of junk and they make it under or on their calorie goals. I have all kinds of good food with an exception of one can of pop once in awhile and im always way over a target. I dont get it...lol

    I never concern myself with what other people are eating or doing to diet. All things in moderation. Remember that if you completely deprive yourself you're more likely to give up and go back to your old ways. Just do what works best for you and don't mind what others are doing. Their life is not yours.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    You just stick with the good food you are eating. People who continue to eat garbage, just less garbage, WILL gain any loss back... trust that.
    Got any evidence to back that up.

    Watched 'fat head'? (I haven't, but I believe it covers this topic in decent detail.)

    Me; I'm going to be putting it back on if I don't have a bit of what people consider 'garbage'.

    I've been doing a fair bit of exercise recently; . Therefore I fund this interesting:
    Happy to eat a fair bit of what people consider 'garbage' and it seems to be working just fine for me. Don't notice any difference between when trying to eat 'clean' and whatever I want.

    Of course, I do have to do more exercise to make up for it - unfortunately I do have a decent appetite.