


  • punkinkat
    punkinkat Posts: 85 Member
    Also: I've been tossing my thoughts on 30DS into my MFP blog... Anyone else blogging the shred?
  • stephk19
    stephk19 Posts: 16 Member
    I am starting this today. How does everyone log this in their daily exercises, or do you not bother?
  • ladyallen18
    ladyallen18 Posts: 26 Member
    I attempted Day 1 - Level 1 last Monday. I've done it in the past and quit so I wanted to give it another shot.

    I knew I couldn't do everything all at once, so I just did what I could and decided I would build up to the full movements. My arms and abs were killing me by the end of the workout. So I knew I did some good for my body. However, the next day, I couldn't extend my left arm.

    As a massage therapist, I did some self-assessment tests and discovered I pulled my left bicep right at the base of the muscle where it connects to the tendon at the inside elbow. I had to keep it at a 90 degree angle for three days. I worked on massaging the muscle to help it heal faster. At the end of the three days, I got full range of motion back. Now it's a week later and I'm gonna start over lol. I figured this time if I pulled it again, I would just hold off on the weight lifting and just do the cardio and abs. I really like what it did for my abs...especially the lower transverse abs.
  • About to do day 2 level 1.

    I didn't think day 1 was so bad. (Granted, I did Ripped in 30 before this, so this is a cakewalk. LOL!)

    No soreness so far. Might mix it up with some No More Trouble Zones 2 or 3 days a week as well.

    Anyone else doing 30DS have instagram? I love following people doing the same program, it's great motivation :)
  • punkinkat
    punkinkat Posts: 85 Member
    I am starting this today. How does everyone log this in their daily exercises, or do you not bother?

    You could log it as either "Circuit training, general" or.... you could use a Heart Rate Monitor while working out, which would enable you to log *exactly* how many calories you burn! When I logged it simply as circuit training, I was cheating myself out of at least 100 calories burned!
  • punkinkat
    punkinkat Posts: 85 Member
    As a massage therapist, I did some self-assessment tests and discovered I pulled my left bicep right at the base of the muscle where it connects to the tendon at the inside elbow.

    I think it's great to hear from a health professional such as yourself on the potential for injury with this program. I felt like the 30DS was putting way too much stress on certain areas -- not just the muscles, but the joints, which is not good. I've since moved to doing 30DS only every other day, and this has been the key to me being able to do the work without feeling like I need physio!
  • cms721
    cms721 Posts: 179 Member
    Day 3 level 1. Ran a 1/2 marathon 10/21/12, took a week off, and started on Saturday. great workout for the time. Had a couple small runs this weekend also. My knees are really feeling it!
  • violet976
    violet976 Posts: 310 Member
    Day 8 level 1 down. ;)
  • junipearl
    junipearl Posts: 326 Member
    I am on level 2 and have done it about 5 times so far. I got REALLY bored of level 1 by the time I was done it, so with Level 2 I am not doing it every single day, but instead alternating with strength training so that I don't get as bored of it and don't dread it as much.
    HUGE differences so far though in my stomach, waist, hips, arms, legs, etc.
    everything is firmer! and some spots are looking pretty toned. =)
    I am probably going to continue to do the 30DS work outs even after I am done the 30 days because it is a really good workout :)
  • ladyallen18
    ladyallen18 Posts: 26 Member
    As a massage therapist, I did some self-assessment tests and discovered I pulled my left bicep right at the base of the muscle where it connects to the tendon at the inside elbow.

    I think it's great to hear from a health professional such as yourself on the potential for injury with this program. I felt like the 30DS was putting way too much stress on certain areas -- not just the muscles, but the joints, which is not good. I've since moved to doing 30DS only every other day, and this has been the key to me being able to do the work without feeling like I need physio!

    Yes potential injury can happen with any exercise program. That's why it's so important to only do what you CAN! Yes, you need to push yourself, but there's a fine line between pushing yourself and injuring yourself. I heard Jillian herself suggestion two days of 30DS and then take a rest day, but I'm with you on this one, every other day appears to be more reasonable. Unless, of course, you injure yourself like in my case. Just be cautious of your own bodies, people!
  • shanniebug
    shanniebug Posts: 29 Member
    Eeeek! I fell off the wagon this week. MUST.GET.BACK.ON.TRACK.STARTING.SATURDAY.MORNING!!!

    Just did not feel up to it this week as I have not been feeling all that well. I still have 2 more days of level 2 to get through and then on to level 3.
  • violet976
    violet976 Posts: 310 Member
    I did my second day of level 2 today & I still absolutely hate it. The only good thing I can say about it is that there are only 8 more days to go. I hate those planks with a passion... :(
  • LadyVeng3ance
    LadyVeng3ance Posts: 236 Member
    Im on day 7 level 3 today!! I am kinda happy to almost be finished.. But now Im sitting here thinking, what am I gonna do when Im done with the shred? lol.. Ripped in 30 and insanity is what Ive come up with until now.
  • violet976
    violet976 Posts: 310 Member
    Day 3 level 2. 7 more days to go.
  • sin485
    sin485 Posts: 125 Member
    level 3 day 2 in a way i cant wait for it to be over BUT because its such a good workout im tempted to do it over again...:s
  • violet976
    violet976 Posts: 310 Member
    level 3 day 2 in a way i cant wait for it to be over BUT because its such a good workout im tempted to do it over again...:s

    You're crazy. ;) I don't think my knees & arms could do another round. I'm still not sold that they can get through the first one.
  • Level 2 day 5!! :D
  • muamontreal
    muamontreal Posts: 109 Member
    I did my second day of level 2 today & I still absolutely hate it. The only good thing I can say about it is that there are only 8 more days to go. I hate those planks with a passion... :(

    Plank hater here ! I will finish the week with level 2 and I am so ready for level 3 even if it's harder !
  • violet976
    violet976 Posts: 310 Member
    Day 4 of level two, and I stand behind my previous statements. The planks are a killer, along with the military squats/arm raises (any arm raises kill me). I can get through most of the dvd, mostly on the beginner routines but I do a few of the advanced for at least one rep, but there is absolutely nothing graceful or dignified about it. The noises coming from my room aren't pretty, and I just lay in the floor in relief when it's done.
  • Eric53066
    Eric53066 Posts: 46 Member
    I just finished Level 1 on Friday. I took before measurements and after level 1 I hadn't lost any weight or inches. I'm not terribly shocked as it seems that I'm not destined to lose weight or gain muscle (*shakes fist at sky*) and I've decided to stay off of the scale while I do level 2.