Goals for 2013



  • caldon4523
    caldon4523 Posts: 227 Member
    I like the idea of helping others. I will add that to my list:
    Do at least one good deed by working with an organization such as Habit for Humanity.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    1. half marathon in May
    2. weight of 110 before Domincan in March and stay there~
    3. finalize divorce
    4. start home reno
    5. find a new job
    6. and start much needed and very late RRSP's need to play catch up
  • caldon4523
    caldon4523 Posts: 227 Member
    1. half marathon in May
    2. weight of 110 before Domincan in March and stay there~
    3. finalize divorce
    4. start home reno
    5. find a new job
    6. and start much needed and very late RRSP's need to play catch up
    Wow, you ex is really going to miss something great. Good luck to you!
  • katie__pillar
    1. Reach and maintain my goal weight
    2. Get down to at least 20% BF
    3. Keep up my exercise regime
    4. Start and complete C25K
    5. Do either the Moon Walk or Maggie's Walk (charity night walk marathons)
    6. MAYBE start lifting heavier - just need to pluck up the courage to talk to the people at the gym!
  • Trudyr777
    Trudyr777 Posts: 573 Member
    Hit my goal by June
    Do a Tough Mudder or Warrior Dash
    Look good in a bathing suit (note *good* not swimsuit model)
    Have a better job
  • _Tuyana_
    _Tuyana_ Posts: 83 Member
    1) lose 8lbs/4kgs of body fat
    2) gain 4.2lbs/2.6kgs of muscle
    3) lift heavy
    4) eat clean
    5) become awesome at my new job that I start in Feb 2013
    6) drop more body fat if needed (to see my abs)
  • squirrelythegreat
    squirrelythegreat Posts: 158 Member
    1. Quit Swearing

    That should be enough work... Been cursing like a sailor for over a decade.
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 420 Member
    1.) Maintain my fat-loss for another year!
    2.) Add 10-15 lbs of lean mass
    3.) Run a few 10k's and a Half Marathon
    4.) Set a good example for my kids, and stay healthy for them!
  • Givenitmybest
    Givenitmybest Posts: 57 Member
    1) 5K
    2) Get down to a reasonable weight/BF
    3) Bike from Alexandria, Virginia to Pennsylvania
    3) Finish off a few more classes
    4) Be more supportive for my fiance
    5) Some sort of career devolpment whether it be promotion or better job
  • starry8740
    Mine are simple as well.

    1. Find a full time job where they dont degrade me.
    2. Get a new phone...I hate this one...ready to throw if under a train! Cant afford a 600.00 phone and cant afford losing unlimited to get a 200.00 dollar phone.
    3. Get out of debt. We have 4,300 in debt and if we get this apt....we need another loan to move which puts us 6k in debt.hoping income tax return is large so I can get my car legally on the road and pay off one bank loan!
    4. If we dont get to move this year, have to by next.this apt is a fire hazard and landlord wont fix what needs to be.
    5. Be 130 lbs in march by my 21st by the end of march so i can wear a sexy outfit to the casino.
    6. Want to take the 9 hr trip to nashville and try selling my songs....everyone says theyre good...even my husband who isnt shy to tell me i sing like a cow being butchered, lol.
  • JosephVitte
    JosephVitte Posts: 2,039
    !) Volunteer for community service at least twice a year.

    2) Feed some homeless people at least once a month.

    3) Hit my goal weight, and maintain it all year, if not better it and set a new goal.

    4) Read a new book once a month, nothing fictional.

    5) Go on a date or dates.

    6) Use MFP less in the forums, except for constructional use/topics

    7) Donate clothing and goods that I do not use, or have extra of.

    8) Be thankful for all I have, and all I've learned along the way, continually thank God.

    9) Make new clothing designs, generate new ideas.

    10) Really remember these goals, and generate my plan to execute them
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    1. Hit goal weight (only 32 more pounds to go!)
    2. Start lifting so I can get some sexy girly muscles going
    3. Travel somewhere new
    4. Get a better paying position or go back to school for my Master's (either way, I want to be making more money by the end of next year!)
  • crystal101wise
    Reach goal weight, stick to budget, take some online courses, learn more about current job.
  • RiverMelSong
    RiverMelSong Posts: 456 Member
    1. Lose the last 30lbs (20 before June)
    2. Start my MA, preferably in Cardiff
    3. Beat my depression once and for all!
    4. Start drawing again
    5. Find a job
  • caldon4523
    caldon4523 Posts: 227 Member
    1. Lose the last 30lbs (20 before June)
    2. Start my MA, preferably in Cardiff
    3. Beat my depression once and for all!
    4. Start drawing again
    5. Find a job
    You're a beautiful woman. Think about that whenever you get a tang of depression. :wink:
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,134 Member
    1. Finish writing book
    2. Self-publish book
    3. Get people to buy book
    4. Lose 95ish pounds
  • The_new_me_x
    To be able to fit back into my uk size 10 jeans!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Real simple.

    Reach goal weight.

    Maintain goal weight (as far as fat percentage, not numbers on the scale).

    Get in the best shape of my life.
  • Jmbean84
    Jmbean84 Posts: 261 Member
    Lose 48 lbs to hit my goal weight by my birthday (may)

    Learn to love myself and my body

    Find myself and what I want from here on out
  • Rhia55
    Rhia55 Posts: 247
    1. Finish my novel and self publish on Smashwords and Amazon.
    2. Be at goal by 43rd birthday next year, or at least in a size 8.
    3. Get my name legally changed.
    4. Get at least one debt paid off.