Hate "Exercise" Need Something Fun



  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    ok...fun stuff...

    get a skipping rope and relearn the skill.

    play keepys off with the dog and a ball.

    get a hula hoop and try to master it.

    blow up a balloon and set the oven timer and try to keep the balloon up in the air for the length of the timer.

    stick on your favourite music and dance like no one is watching.

    sit on a towel on your hard floors and try and bum walk across it - polishes the floor too at the same time :D
  • Exercise is not a must for weight loss.
    However, find something that you do like, there are many out there.
    Also, what about lifting weights? It's something I would recommend for everyone who has no condition preventing them from doing it.

    I have to disagree. Exercise IS a MUST for weight loss. If you just eat less you will get skinny fat. You will also lose more weight if you combine exercise with your healthy eating plan.

    I agree here. When first starting out, changing eating will be all you need to lose weight. But if you don't start exercising you will hit a plateua. You can only eat so many few calories before your body will reach it's maximum point of weight loss by food alone. Then exercise is a must.

    But I exercise not just for weight loss. I do it for the endorphin boost and other benefits. My extreme anxiety is literally gone, depression, gone. Mood swings, gone. I'm happy and joking all the time, something unheard of before. Exercising isn't just about losing weight. It's about changing your body as a whole. After a month of exercising, I'm hooked. Head over heels in love. At the beginning I had to push myself, now I'm pushing people out the door to go to the gym with me. It's not easy, but I suggest giving it a good 4-5 weeks. It makes a mental difference more than anything, and that's my greatest benefit and love for exercise.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Zumba, aqua zumba. Rowing machine. Weights with a video. Jazzercise or other dance like salsa or tango.

    Bike or other equipment while watching a movie.
  • That would be nice. I dont know how to add friends, but you are welcome to add me. My dietician is my only "friend" on here right now lol.

    I have been under a ton of stress lately and working out is just adding insult to my already crazy life. I like playing Dance Dance Revolution, but I live with my boyfriend and his dad and they are just not as into it as I am so I don't get to do much of that. I haven't lost any weight really yet, but I just started watching my calories and fats when I joined this site.

    W00t! W00t! I'm *not* the only person in the world still playing DDR! I pull it out once or twice a week for my workout - all the jumping doesn't really allow any more than that for me 'cause it kills my ankles. I've been trying Dance Central fro the Kinect but I suck suck suck at it!!! Good luck finding more fun ways to exercise!
  • Exercise is not a must for weight loss.
    However, find something that you do like, there are many out there.
    Also, what about lifting weights? It's something I would recommend for everyone who has no condition preventing them from doing it.

    I have to disagree. Exercise IS a MUST for weight loss. If you just eat less you will get skinny fat. You will also lose more weight if you combine exercise with your healthy eating plan.

    I agree with what you are saying about the skinny fat issue, but I only mentioned weight loss. If we're talking about fat loss and preventing muscle loss then yes exercise is a must.
  • something that made exercise fun for me was the wii fit. It comes with the board and game disk, it's a lot cheaper now than it was. It keeps track of your weight loss and after you do the activities, it logs how much time you've spent on it and how many calories you burned. I recommend it.
  • _lizzie_
    _lizzie_ Posts: 130
    Exercise is not a must for weight loss.
    However, find something that you do like, there are many out there.
    Also, what about lifting weights? It's something I would recommend for everyone who has no condition preventing them from doing it.

    I have to disagree. Exercise IS a MUST for weight loss. If you just eat less you will get skinny fat. You will also lose more weight if you combine exercise with your healthy eating plan.

    I agree, a lot of exercise is optional unless your goal is stamina and/or being muscular. Also, I think "skinny fat" is an ugly term. Is healthy not good enough anymore? You dont have to be rock hard in order to be healthy. Personally, I do want muscles, but I dont like that term because it just seems so negative for people who dont want that "lean" look.

    I also really enjoy weight lifting, if you've never tried I suggest giving it a chance. Also, since you mentioned the cold weather, I love snowboarding! You could try other winter sports like skiing or snowshoeing etc... Find something that isnt a chore!

    check this out for more info on cardio/exercise and weight loss http://www.marksdailyapple.com/case-against-cardio/#axzz2AhzQJGTY
  • That would be nice. I dont know how to add friends, but you are welcome to add me. My dietician is my only "friend" on here right now lol.

    I have been under a ton of stress lately and working out is just adding insult to my already crazy life. I like playing Dance Dance Revolution, but I live with my boyfriend and his dad and they are just not as into it as I am so I don't get to do much of that. I haven't lost any weight really yet, but I just started watching my calories and fats when I joined this site.

    W00t! W00t! I'm *not* the only person in the world still playing DDR! I pull it out once or twice a week for my workout - all the jumping doesn't really allow any more than that for me 'cause it kills my ankles. I've been trying Dance Central fro the Kinect but I suck suck suck at it!!! Good luck finding more fun ways to exercise!

    A friend of ours has Just Dance 3 for the kinect and my 3 year old neice can play it and get stars, when we play we end up gross sweaty but apparently its easier than dance central.

    I like DDR because it has a workout mode, or you can just play along and it counts your calories burned.

    I get shin splints ( seriously bad pains that make it feel like I fractured my shins) when I leave the jump and freeze arrows on DDR so I just turn them off and you still get a good exercise without the jumping around.
  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 557 Member
    Do you watch TV? Walk in place while you watch. Exercise bands and a yoga mat can be used to do almost anything.
    Can't go outside? Can't afford a gym membership? Nothing is close enough? All that can be overcome with a little
    ingenuity and determination. It has worked for me for a long time. That's mostly what I do. You're doing nothing else
    when you watch TV anyway. There are lots of indoor exercise videos on line. Try google and YouTube.
    You don't have to put out a lot of money (or space) On equipment you may not continue to use.
  • Very good suggestions for TV time. I will deffinately look into exercise bands also
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    My suggestion...

    Don't lock yourself into a regular exercise yet. Do, however, lock yourself into a minimum goal of how many times per week you will work out. Try a bunch of stuff. Also, keep in mind that when and if you are ready to tackle a more steady routine or a training regime, you can still add in the other stuff periodically for fun and motivation. It doesn't always have to be fun though. Some things I do for fun and some I do for results.

    Here are some ideas (you decide which camp they fit into):
    *rollerblading/ice skating/roller skating
    *hiking in a state park (maybe a weekend thing)
    *walking to explore new areas (downtown, new town, your area, etc.)
    *seasonal sports (winter and summer offer exciting stuff if you just look)
    *walk and chat with a walking partner or walk a dog
    *mall walking before shopping
    *team sports
    *local dance classes such as Zumba, jazzercise, ballet, belly dancing, etc.)
    *other fitness classes including yoga
    *home fitness videos (a good effective short one is the 30 Day Shred by Julian Micheals. It is only 25 min!)
    *weight lifting
    *learn something new (skateboarding would be new for me)
    *volunteer at a pet shelter to walk the animals (dual purpose)
    *try a new challenge such as the C2K (couch to K run) app
    *buy a pedometer, wear it all day and challenge yourself to move more than you did the week before (fitbit has fun online challenges too but you could buy a regular pedometer and challenge yourself if money is an issue)
    *go on a date--dancing
    *arrange a weekend of camping
    *find some you tube exercise videos
    *jump rope
    *play on a trampoline
    *swim (maybe indoor pool at this time of the year)
    *investigate some new adventures such as zip lining
    *go to an amusement park or a zoo (hours of walking)
    *do some squats and jumping jacks between folding laundry
    *google and learn how to go from zero in something to a goal (such as push ups)
    *look up your chamber of commerce and see what community events you could do
  • thr33martins
    thr33martins Posts: 192 Member

    I get shin splints ( seriously bad pains that make it feel like I fractured my shins) when I leave the jump and freeze arrows on DDR so I just turn them off and you still get a good exercise without the jumping around.

    Shin Splints are a sign that you need new/better shoes! Get some good "studio" sneakers for your dance workouts and the shin splints should go away. I love Rykas, and they make both low-impact and high-impact studio styles. :happy:
  • Lonestarlesa
    Lonestarlesa Posts: 33 Member
    I agree with the ZUMBA..you can do it at home with a video, on your dance games alone...there are so many DVD's that can be worked into your day. I understand that you hate to set time aside for working out, but once you start..you might just find you like it. It becomes a time to let go of the things of the day..to focus on something "un-stressful" gives the brain a break...and rejunivates the body.
  • My suggestion...

    Don't lock yourself into a regular exercise yet. Do, however, lock yourself into a minimum goal of how many times per week you will work out. Try a bunch of stuff. Also, keep in mind that when and if you are ready to tackle a more steady routine or a training regime, you can still add in the other stuff periodically for fun and motivation. It doesn't always have to be fun though. Some things I do for fun and some I do for results.

    Here are some ideas (you decide which camp they fit into):
    *rollerblading/ice skating/roller skating
    *hiking in a state park (maybe a weekend thing)
    *walking to explore new areas (downtown, new town, your area, etc.)
    *seasonal sports (winter and summer offer exciting stuff if you just look)
    *walk and chat with a walking partner or walk a dog
    *mall walking before shopping
    *team sports
    *local dance classes such as Zumba, jazzercise, ballet, belly dancing, etc.)
    *other fitness classes including yoga
    *home fitness videos (a good effective short one is the 30 Day Shred by Julian Micheals. It is only 25 min!)
    *weight lifting
    *learn something new (skateboarding would be new for me)
    *volunteer at a pet shelter to walk the animals (dual purpose)
    *try a new challenge such as the C2K (couch to K run) app
    *buy a pedometer, wear it all day and challenge yourself to move more than you did the week before (fitbit has fun online challenges too but you could buy a regular pedometer and challenge yourself if money is an issue)
    *go on a date--dancing
    *arrange a weekend of camping
    *find some you tube exercise videos
    *jump rope
    *play on a trampoline
    *swim (maybe indoor pool at this time of the year)
    *investigate some new adventures such as zip lining
    *go to an amusement park or a zoo (hours of walking)
    *do some squats and jumping jacks between folding laundry
    *google and learn how to go from zero in something to a goal (such as push ups)
    *look up your chamber of commerce and see what community events you could do

    Wow thanks for all the great suggestions!
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    How about putting on some peppy music for an hour and doing your house work fast and in dance form with over exagerated stretches and lunges?
  • RychelleD
    RychelleD Posts: 103 Member
    Im a busy Mom, i found the ' 30 day shred' manageable to fit into a busy week. Its only 26 minutes and Ive seen results. :) its a Jillian Micheals video. You dont even have to leave the house.
  • fun_b
    fun_b Posts: 199 Member
    I would recommend getting Nintendo Wii Fit. It is a fun way of getting some exercise. I have also saved money as I used the Wii to weigh myself when previously I used to pay to use the machines. Obviously it may not be possible depending on your financial situation or space in the home etc. Just a suggestion.

    Update: Oops sorry didn't realise someone had already suggested this but can't remove my post.
  • Ronngie
    Ronngie Posts: 295 Member
    I love walking, if you have time for it.
  • One thing you might try is getting weighted gloves or ankle weights. Wear them while you are doing your normal household activities, and it will add some extra toning to what you are already doing. You could even put some weight in a backpack, and wear that while you are doing housework. I add this type of stuff to my cardio workouts and it really increases the calorie burn.

    The other thing that I can suggest is make some goals with a few exercises, like 50 squats, 50 jump and jacks, 50 situps etc -- and then just do 10 at time sporadically throughout the day. You will get in some exercise, and it won't interfere with your schedule.
  • I won't get a new game system, we have a good ps3 lol I am gaming system biased lol.

    I suppose I should buy a scale though it would help keep me on track more I think