Hate "Exercise" Need Something Fun



  • try zumba :)
  • luvtcuk
    luvtcuk Posts: 69 Member
    I'm not going to lie, I hate exercise. I'm not lazy, I bustle around my house every day but I hate setting aside time for scheduled exercise. Its cold out with winter coming and walking around in bear country before they hibernate scares the toes right off my feet.

    Do any of you have a suggestion of something I can add to my every day life of laundry, dishes, tending live chickens and a big dog that will work in pieces of exercise without it being "exercise" ?

    When it's cold and rain, I use DVD to exercise. There are many out there, 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes each time. Cardio kick boxing, tae bo, walk in place, Just have to find what you like.
    If you have Netflix, they have it stream online. I do not like exercise either, but that the only way we could burn more calories. I am like you busy all day but can't lose if I don't exercise. I like short DVD.
  • AyaKara
    AyaKara Posts: 220
    Do you dance? I belly dance &, although I love to exercise, I hope one day that dancing will be the only exercise I'll have to do daily (besides yoga & pilates) once I get into complete muscular shape to stay that way . . . at least until I get pregnant & need to start all over :laugh:

    I definitely suggest dancing or swimming for fun :heart:
  • I LOVED Turbo Fire. I used to hate working out too, but now I help others. It changed my life. Helped me get over my weight loss plateau! I'm hoping to start up a support group on facebook soon. I'd love to have you. LET'S DO THIS!! :D
  • Dance Dance revolution for xbox360, or wii, orPS2
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    I don't like going out when it's too hot or too cold. When I first started losing, I walked laps through my house for 30-40 minutes and started with a kids' Billy Blanks Tae Bo DVD. When I mastered that, I moved on to an adult Tae Bo DVD. They're pretty cheap at WalMart. Next, I purchased the Chalean Extreme DVD and a set of SelectTech dumbbells. That program includes strength training and cardio. Now, I've added running and cycling. It felt good to add more activity as I lost weight and moved more easily.

    Another thing I did when I didn't want to leave the house was look for Zumba clips on YouTube. I'd dance along with the same video 5 or 6 times until I got it down.
  • acpgranberg
    acpgranberg Posts: 137 Member
    Indoor rock climbing. Super fun and super social.
  • Bizoulovy
    Bizoulovy Posts: 2 Member
    Get some cheap exercise videos
  • starspeckled
    starspeckled Posts: 313 Member
    ok...fun stuff...

    get a skipping rope and relearn the skill.

    play keepys off with the dog and a ball.

    get a hula hoop and try to master it.

    blow up a balloon and set the oven timer and try to keep the balloon up in the air for the length of the timer.

    stick on your favourite music and dance like no one is watching.

    sit on a towel on your hard floors and try and bum walk across it - polishes the floor too at the same time :D

    Hula hoop = CRAZY good exercise. I make my own hoops now too (can get enough stuff to make 8 hoops for about $50).

  • karlalband
    karlalband Posts: 196 Member
    I have the same problem can't get out either. And snow is coming. I will be back in a bit, need to go to store to feed everyone else. I like this conversation. And I have NO privacy where I'm living if I wanted to be around people I would go to the gym, but can't afford it either. I'm in the same boat! Good luck!
  • marx4
    marx4 Posts: 236 Member
    Use your computer and go to youtube and search exercise videos or search zwow on youtube, there are tons on videos. It's in your home and you can do it when you want.....good luck!!!
  • nrsratchett
    nrsratchett Posts: 3 Member
    If you like Dance Dance Revolution you may really enjoy Hip Hop Abs.
  • Zumba! I take a Zumba toning class where you hold 2 pound weights and work on toning your arms, shoulders, abs, etc while having a good time dancing!!
  • I love exercising on my mini trampoline. I have a you tube playlist of workouts that I stream though my wii, and the time flies as each song has its own routine. I also sometimes just bounce while I am watching tv. I burn a lot of calories--last night I burned 460 calories in 50 minutes.

    You can get an inexpensive mini trampoline (also called a rebounder) at Walmart.
  • c2111
    c2111 Posts: 693 Member
    I took up kick boxing, tae kwon do, its awwesome and so much fun, id reccommend that :) see if you have a local gym that does it or ymca etc, or shadow box on your own. Goodluck :)
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    Exercise is not a must for weight loss but from one fairly recent former anti-exercise person to another, I'm gonna let you in on a secret. One day it suddenly clicked that all of my resistance was really a mental thing. You will see people attempt weight loss because they want the prize but for whatever reason, they aren't fully ready yet for the mental part of weight loss. The same is true for exercise. I realized the key was just to do it. There is nothing else really stopping me more than my own mind. I won't lie. I don't enjoy all of it but I have learned to be proud of my accomplishments and I gather motivation through the journey by realizing it is a journey and learning more and challenging myself more. Along the way, I've learned to even really enjoy some of it. I don't always stick to the things I enjoy all the time though because like the tasks involved in weight loss, sometimes I'm after a specific goal. But all in all, I gained a sense of freedom the day I discovered the trick was just being open to it and doing it and stop allowing my mind to close the possibilities up.
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I hate exercise too. The hard part is finding out what you like... I like kickboxing. It's fun and you get some built up aggression out. I recommend everyone try it or a variation of it like taebo or karate. I wish I was involved in karate as a kid rather than ballet. I knew I wasn't going to be a ballet dancer as a young kid. lol
  • Put some music on and dance during your breaks. Or you can look for free exercise videos on youtube. There are a lot of them in different styles (dance, yoga, boot camp, etc.) so maybe you could try out a different one every day?

    Gearing yourself up and exercising isn't fun or easy when you're not used to it. You might just have to fight your way through it until your body starts anticipating the endorphin rush on its own.

    yep just keep moving... crank up the tunes and move all those body parts :D
  • Zumba! I take a Zumba toning class where you hold 2 pound weights and work on toning your arms, shoulders, abs, etc while having a good time dancing!!

    theres a ton of u tube videos too
    or the wii zumba fitness
    thats what im doing and im seeing results
  • thr33martins
    thr33martins Posts: 192 Member
    Exercise is not a must for weight loss but from one fairly recent former anti-exercise person to another, I'm gonna let you in on a secret. One day it suddenly clicked that all of my resistance was really a mental thing. You will see people attempt weight loss because they want the prize but for whatever reason, they aren't fully ready yet for the mental part of weight loss. The same is true for exercise. I realized the key was just to do it. There is nothing else really stopping me more than my own mind. I won't lie. I don't enjoy all of it but I have learned to be proud of my accomplishments and I gather motivation through the journey by realizing it is a journey and learning more and challenging myself more. Along the way, I've learned to even really enjoy some of it. I don't always stick to the things I enjoy all the time though because like the tasks involved in weight loss, sometimes I'm after a specific goal. But all in all, I gained a sense of freedom the day I discovered the trick was just being open to it and doing it and stop allowing my mind to close the possibilities up.

    Awesome. Love this. Good for you, and everyone that pays attention to this post.