jmzz1 Posts: 670 Member
anyone can u plz help me with a nutrtious 1500 calorie diet .... just want to know how it loks like ... really confused with the food type and the quantity.... just give a sample menu for a 1500 calorie diet .. a healthy one..


  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Look up the Mayo Clinic food plan. It will give you an idea of what to eat.

    Also, the website www.gidiet.com has menus and recipes that will help you out.
  • jmzz1
    jmzz1 Posts: 670 Member
    i would encourage if people give a proper diet plan... i am not obsessed with certain type of food open to all category of food
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Eat whatever you want. For weightloss purposes, the content matters not besides the calorie intake. Fruits and veg, lean meat and fish, nuts and lentils. Fit some chocolate or whatever in every now and then for sanity's sake :)
  • jmzz1
    jmzz1 Posts: 670 Member
    would love to have some nutrtious foood ... having tough time in finding it out and how much to eat
  • jmzz1
    jmzz1 Posts: 670 Member
  • 1500 Calorie Diet Sample Menu #1


    1 cup Oatmeal Squares by Quaker

    4 oz. skim milk (nonfat)

    4 oz. orange juice

    ½ cup blueberries

    Midmorning snack:

    8 TLC Crackers – Kashi Original Whole Grain

    2 pieces mini Babybel light cheese


    2 slices Flax & Fiber bread by Arnold

    1 tbsp. peanut butter – natural creamy

    1 tbsp. Low sugar jam or preserve by Smuckers

    1 medium apple

    8 carrot sticks

    Water, unsweetened tea or coffee, or diet soda

    Afternoon snack:

    Your choice of a 75-calorie snack


    Make a large salad

    1-3 cups spinach leaves with salad greens

    ½ chopped ripe red tomatoes

    ½ cup drained and rinsed chickpeas (garbanzo beans)

    ½ cup low fat 1% cottage cheese

    ½ tbsp. salad dressing light Ranch

    1 SMALL oatmeal muffin (150 calories or less)

    Water, unsweetened tea or coffee, or diet soda

    ½ cup light vanilla ice cream

    Source: http://www.womenandweight.com/reviews/diets/1500-calorie-diet-sample-menu/
  • Here's another. These are just a result of doing a quick google search for "1500 calorie sample diet" so if you'd like more, that's how I found these.

    1. Breakfast Choices: 300-400 calories
    Breakfast is the most important meal of the 1500 calorie diet. Our bodies need to sustain energy throughout the day, so be sure not to skip it. Here are some suggestions for a healthy and low-calorie breakfast:

    1 cup of Cheerios and a small, sliced banana with 1/2 cup of fat free milk and 1 tablespoon of chopped walnuts
    1 egg, 2 pieces of whole wheat toast and 1/2 cup of orange juice
    2 egg omelet with low fat chedder cheese
    2 lean sausages and a piece of fruit
    2. Lunch Choices: 300-400 calories

    Whether you’re at work or it’s the weekend, you can still choose healthy options for lunch from the 1500 calorie diet plan. Here are some low calorie options for lunch:
    2 slices of whole wheat bread with 1 tablespoon each of peanut butter and jelly
    3 ounces of tuna fish with a handful of almonds
    Vegetable salad with 3 ounces of grilled chicken and low calorie vinaigrette dressing
    Whole wheat pita bread with 2 tablespooons of hummus, veggie burger and grilled onions or grilled mushrooms
    3. Dinner Choices: 400-600 calories

    Create a habit of cooking up smaller portions of some great dinner foods. Stay withing the 1500 calorie meal plan with these healthy options:
    1/2 cup of brown rice, vegetable stir-fry with added chicken or shrimp
    Baked potato, baked beans and cottage cheese
    3 oz sirloin steak, broiled or grilled with 1 cup of rice, 1/2 cup of carrots and a small salad with 2 tablespoons low-fat dressing
    3 oz of skinless chicken breast, medium baked potato, 1 cup of cooked broccoli
    4. Snacks

    Depending upon the meal choices you’ve made from the 1500 calorie plan, you should still have a few calories left over for in-between snacking. Choose from fruit, vegetables and dip, a muffin or a cup of cereal. Snacking is a healthy choice for your body and your digestive system when you choose from one or more of these great snacks:
    1 banana – 100 calories
    flavored yogurt – 120 calories
    2 kiwi fruits – 60 calories
    mixed vegetables – 100 calories
    small chocolate bar – 150 calories (note: dark chocolate is very healthy for your body as it is packed with antioxidants. Try to choose the darkest chocolate you can find for added health benefits)
    3 cups air popped popcorn – 95 calories
    2 hard boiled eggs – 150 calories
    1 cup non-sugar cereal – 120 calories
    1 english muffin – 130 calories

    Source: http://www.3fatchicks.com/free-sample-menu-plan-for-the-1500-calorie-diet/
  • from my own head:

    Aim is for the following or something close to it:

    B: 400 calories
    L: 400 calories
    S: 200 calories
    D: 400 calories
    S: 100 calories

    B: 2 eggs (140), 1 slices of ww toast (80 calories) w/ 1 tbsp pb (90) with a cup of milk or 6oz yogurt (90 calories)= 400

    L: salad with salad greens (40) 1 oz shredded cheese (100) 4 oz chicken or lean protein (120) and 1/2 cup beans (110) = 370 calories

    S: 1oz nuts and a plum ~200

    D: 1 oz ww pasta (180) w/2 servings broccoli (60) 1 tsp olive oil (40) 1 tbsp parmesan cheese (30) and 4 shrimp or chicken (120) = 430 calories

    S: 1 cup berries w/ whipped cream (50-75 calories) and a drizzle of chocolate syrup (~25 calories)
  • ggtojuju
    ggtojuju Posts: 35 Member
  • zsaoosh
    zsaoosh Posts: 402 Member
    I usually try to stay in the range of 300 (breakfast) 400 (lunch) and 500 (dinner) this leaves 300 to play around with or for snacking. I find it easier to plan out how many cals I want to take in and when and then plan around that.

    Breakfast - I love an egg white omelet with veggies and a little cheese. Add some fruit and coffee and you are good to go.

    Lunch - I need carbs so I love subway or a good PB&J. A salad with chicken and fruit as well or leftovers from the night before.

    Dinner - Fish, steamed veggies, fruit salad, steak or chicken breast.

    Snacks - I love ice cream so I usually save my cals for a bowl of vanilla (new favorite is frozen cocanut milk ice cream with fruit or chocolate on it), yogurt, crackers and cheese.
  • alaskaang
    alaskaang Posts: 493 Member
    This is my typical 1500 calorie day.

    Breakfast - 2 Eggs Hard Boiled & Coffee

    Lunch - Huge salad with 6 oz of protein and 1T of dressing
    Romaine - Lettuce, 3 Cups
    Generic - Grape Tomato, 5 tomatoe
    Red Onion - Red Onion Slice, 1.4 onces
    Cucumber - With peel, raw, 0.05 cup slices
    Kirkland Signature- (Costco) - Organic Boneless and Skinless Chicken Breast, 6 oz
    Oil - Olive, 1 tablespoon
    Black Pearls - Large Pitted Black Olives, 6 olives

    Dinner - 6 oz protein, a sweet potato or 1/2 cup of rice, and lots of veggies:
    Broccoli - Broccoli Steamed, 2 cup steamed
    Sweet Potato - 1 Medium Sweet Potato ,(2" Dia, 5" Long) Baked In Skin, No Salt , 1 medium
    Pork - Fresh, loin, center loin (chops), bone-in, cooked, broiled, 6 oz

    Snacks - Rice crackers and hummus early in the day, Dessert of fruit and nuts in the evening
    Crunch Master - Toasted Sesame Rice Crackers, 15 Crackers
    Costco - Pita Pal Organic Spicy Roasted Red Pepper Hummus, 4 tbsp
    Generic - Honeycrisp Apple, 0.5 apple (154 grams)
    Generic (Fresh) - Meyer Lemon, 1 fruit
    Nuts - Walnuts, english, 0.5 oz (14 halves)

    The above is 1490 calories, 99g carbs, 117g protein, 71g fat, 22g fiber, & 26g sugar
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    bfast: 1/2 c cantelope, 1 slice whole wheat toast, 2 tsp almost butter and 1 c lowfat yogurt
    lunch: 1 c minestrone soup, 1 oz lowfat mozz cheese, 2 pieces tomato slices, 2 slices whole wheat bread, 1 tsp prepared mustard
    snack: 1 oz peanuts/nuts
    dinner: 4 oz broiled fish, 1 sweet potato, 5 mushrooms, 1/2 c asparagus, 1 c mixed greens, 1 tbs olive oil, 1 tbs vinegar 1/2 c strawberries
    snack 2: 2 whole grain crackers, 2 tsp peanut butter, 1/2 c skim milk

    bfast: 3/4 cup bran cereal, 3/4 cup skim milk, 1/2 cup blueberries, 1 whole wheat english muffin, 2 tsp. almond butter
    lunch: 2 oz. turkey breast, 1 oz. whole wheat pita bread, 1/2 cup alfalfa sprouts, 3 slices fresh tomato, 2 tsp. mustard, 1/2 cup skim milk, 1/2 cup apricots
    snack: 1 oz. macadamia nuts
    dinner: 4 oz. fresh whole wheat pasta, 1/2 cup marinara sauce, 3 oz. crab meat 1 cup eggplant, 2 tbsp. grated parmesan cheese, 1 cup tossed salad, 1 tbsp. olive oil, 1 tbsp. vinegar
    snack 2: 1 peach

    get some more here http://www.brighamandwomens.org/Patients_Visitors/pcs/nutrition/services/healtheweightforwomen/eating/mealPlans/1500_calorie2.aspx

    breakfast: 1 sliceof 100-percent whole grain toast with 1 tbs almond butter, 1 hard-boiled egg, 1 orange, `1 cup coffee or tea with natural sweetner
    lunch: 2 slices 100-percent whole-grain bread, 2 oz sliced roast beef, 1 slice swiss cheese and one tbs mustard, 1/2 c sliced carrots, 1 c non fat milk
    1 3 oz chicken breast fillet with 2 tbs salsa, 1 c cooked broccoli with lemon juice, 1/2 c cooked black beans, 1 whole wheat dinner roll with one tsp butter, 1 small glass white wine
    snacks:, 1 nectarine, 3/4 c plain yogurt with 1 tbs honey, 1/2 c blueberries, 10 pecan halves, 1 c grapefruit juice
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    My diary is open to friends so feel free to add me and take a look. I am a vegetarian and I wouldn't say I am a health nut but I do keep the processed food to a minimum. I try to keep it balanced and within my numbers every day.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I eat a bit less than 1500 calories, but I will post a typical day for me, in nothing else just for food ideas

    Breakfast - oatmeal, banana, 1/2 serving of light hot chocolate 255 cals
    Snack - granola bar or fruit & cheese string approx 150 cals
    Lunch - hummus/cracker pack or wrap with lettuce, meat, cheese, fruit, yogurt 250-300 cals
    Snack - almonds, cheese string, checha puffs, etc. 100 cals
    Dinner - I aim for around 300-350 for dinner (meat, rice, veggies)
    Snack - popcorn or rice cakes 150-200 cals

    I eat generally around 1250-1300 cals, but I have started creeping up higher to 1350-1400, and with that I may have a larger afternoon snack or throw in a drink that costs calories.

    ETA- I am working to add more fruits/veggies to the snacks instead of all the carbs, I'm a work in progress :)
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    Any type of whole food. Fruits, veges, nuts, and legumes would be the ultimate way to fill up and maintain that calorie count. But it's difficult to stay away from processed foods.
  • joanne70
    joanne70 Posts: 68 Member
  • sportytalldoll
    sportytalldoll Posts: 208 Member
    you just want to remember to keep your metabolism moving...longest gap you want between meals is right around 2.5-3.5 hours and if you workout in between you want some major protein thrown in there immediately.

    my day normally (normally, not always bc i believe in splurging) looks like this:

    8amish - an Oikos greek yogurt and a 100 calorie Thomas enlgish muffin with a little bit of strawberry jam (around 250cals usually)

    1030ish- turkey pepperoni, pickle spears, and some low calories crackers (around 200cals usually)

    1ish (normally post workout) - grilled chicken, 1/2cup of instant whi rice, cheese, salsa (around 450cals)

    330ish- celery, peanut butter, rasins (about 200cals)

    6pmish dinner - Normally am at work so i just take a Smart Ones meal and they range from (280cals-400cals)

    8pm snack (last meal of day) - healthy choice frozen greek yogurt (different flavors) all are single serving and 100cals OR the Edy's all natural Froze nstrawberry popsicle THE BEST 80 CALORIES you'll eat!!! EVER!!
  • denezy
    denezy Posts: 573 Member
    I aim for 1600 ish... feel free to add me or check out my diary.

    (and don't mind the fact that I drank bailey and beer for lunch yesterday)
  • persilcolours
    persilcolours Posts: 92 Member
  • I'm starting to master the healthy filling food thing so here we go with me I do

    1 egg (60-90 depending on size)
    1.5 pieces of Turkey Bacon (30-60 calories depending on brand)

    Toufyan Smart Pocket 80 cals high in fiber low in sodium
    Fresh cut lunch meat, generally around four pieces for one serving (60 calories)
    Light Mayo ( 35 calories)
    Lettuce, Tomato, Onion, stuff like that (handful of calories)

    Spinach Nests (200 calories for two nests, really decent sized portion.. these are noodles)
    Home made sauce, 1 cup 60 calories
    Peas (depending on portion, for me usually 130)

    And this will leave you with calories to play around with. I can eat this kind of meal and not be hungry because the food is filling. For snacks I suggest blueberries, banana, a low calories fiber bar.
  • jmzz1
    jmzz1 Posts: 670 Member
    thanks everyone ... there are seriously some good options for 1500 calories diet........... i am planning to eat my TDEE and would increase my calorie intake to 2300.... one of my friend adviced me to have i fat version of food .. do u think it is advisable to have i fat food or stick to my low fat version and incerease my calorie intake.........
  • HotDolphinMama
    HotDolphinMama Posts: 82 Member
  • jmzz1
    jmzz1 Posts: 670 Member
  • musenchild
    musenchild Posts: 182 Member
    I eat around 1500.

    Oatmeal with almond milk, 1t brown sugar, cinnamon and vanilla, 2T flax, some fruit
    OR oatmeal with onions, nutritional yeast, soy sauce, flax, and a poached egg
    OR two eggs with a ton of spinach, mushrooms, onions, and a little cheese, maybe some whole wheat toast

    big salad of spinach, kale, or arugula with some kind of beans or lentils, avocado, red peppers, whatever other veg I have in the fridge, nutritional yeast, lemon juice or balsamic vinegar for dressing
    OR leftovers

    Whatever recipe I feel like trying, usually vegetable casseroles, lentil soup, etc. Sometimes a veggie burger on a sandwich thin. Sometimes a treat like homemade pizza.

    Fresh fruit, almond butter (I don't like peanut butter), whole wheat toast, fresh raw veggies, partial portions of leftovers

    Beer, wine, cookies, ice cream, extra bread
  • jmzz1
    jmzz1 Posts: 670 Member
    thanks guys can i have a 2000 calorie diet plan since my TDEE is 2045........
  • TDEE is total calories burned in a day--if your objective is to lose weight then you need to eat less than that. I'd opt for a 250 deficit--1/2 pound per week--and aim for 1800.
  • jmzz1
    jmzz1 Posts: 670 Member
    TDEE is total calories burned in a day--if your objective is to lose weight then you need to eat less than that. I'd opt for a 250 deficit--1/2 pound per week--and aim for 1800.
    i am reseeting my metabolism thas y eating my entire TDEE for few weeks......... i would like to have a 2000 calorie diet plan
  • Oh in that case yes. You can eat 2050z

    Add a protein shake for easy calories:
    1 scoop protein (130)
    1 cup milk (90)
    1 banana (100)
    1 tbsp pb (100)

    =420 calories

    Or have an oz of dark chocolate and an oz of nuts =~300 calories
  • jmzz1
    jmzz1 Posts: 670 Member
    Oh in that case yes. You can eat 2050z

    Add a protein shake for easy calories:
    1 scoop protein (130)
    1 cup milk (90)
    1 banana (100)
    1 tbsp pb (100)

    =420 calories

    Or have an oz of dark chocolate and an oz of nuts =~300 calories
    dont u have some good recipes for a protein shake which does not include protein powder