Substitutes for sweets (I have a horrible sweet tooth)



  • sr_maggie
    sr_maggie Posts: 19 Member
    I use a half a packet of sugar free chocolate fudge pudding and a cup of almond milk vanilla no sugar, put it in the blender with ice and make a shake.

    That sounds delicious! :)
  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member
    I came upon this in my search for something similar!
  • lilylux
    lilylux Posts: 109 Member
    I battle with this a lot too.

    I try:
    Sugar free jelly with fruit.
    Sugar free butterscotch sweets.
    A banana fried in a pan with spray oil and a sprinkle of cinnamon.

    And I drink black tea with milk, it's really tasty and satisfying.

    Lately I've been trying to be a sugar free zone after dinner - white carbs beget white carbs IMHO so I find it easier to avoid it completely otherwise I binge.
  • annie_banannie
    annie_banannie Posts: 65 Member
    What has everyone replaced sweets with?

    I don't replace sweets with anything. When I want something sweet, I eat something sweet. I'm trying to eat in a way I can maintain for the rest of my life, and that won't happen if I walk around feeling deprived. But I try to make smart choices about the sweets I choose, and I'm trying to stay away from "artificial" ingredients.

    I eat freeze dried fruit, which is a crunchy, concentrated source of sweetness, but it is also nutritious and delicious. I also eat sweet fresh fruits, particularly things like berries & melons.

    I enjoy Trader Joe's lite kettle corn, which has only four ingredients: popcorn, sunflower oil, sugar & salt. Individually packaged, and each packet has110 calories per bag.

    When I need chocolate, I've been eating Trader Joe's Gone Bananas -- slices of banana covered in chocolate and frozen. Each frozen slice is 20 calories, and a few of them satisfy my cravings.

    I'm also buying bags of individually-wrapped Unreal #77 -- chocolate peanut butter cups with no artificials, no GMOs, no preservatives, no corn syrup and no hydrogenated oils. Each cup is 75 calories and the fact that they are individually-wrapped helps me with portion control.
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Dark chocolate for the win
  • eylia
    eylia Posts: 200 Member
    I usually just turn to fruit.
  • anifani4
    anifani4 Posts: 457 Member
    I made myself look at foods with high sugar, fat, salt, and white flour as poison..... For me they are poison. They make me feel sick, fuzzy headed and sleepy. I guess I kinda put a black skull and crossed bones between myself and the alluring item. It makes me stop and think and make a concious choice.

    But I have not ruled out everything sweet or that has refined sugar in it. Gosh, I was raised in a family where there was dessert of some kind at the end of every meal and snacks were cookies, cake, pie, and ice cream. I guess I can be thankful that chips were a rare treat, I don't have that hurdle to overcome. So now I make my own reduced fat cookies with whole wheat flour. I manage to parcel them out instead of eating them all at once as I used to. I allow myself a tiny slice of cake at birthday celebrations. I have chocolate when I want it but in much smaller amounts than I used to and I log it in.

    I think I've learned that moderation works much better for me than quitting completely when it comes to food.

  • grdnr03
    grdnr03 Posts: 547 Member
    In the begining I would avoid the sweets due to wanting to see the scale move in the right direction. Now I will allow myself some sweets, and I also add them to my food diary to visually see what i've eaten. For me this journey is forever so learning limits is a great thing cause unless I become allergic to something I plan on still eating it in moderation of course.

    I've noticed that the less of the sweets I indulge in the less I crave them. weird.
  • Fragilebird24
    Fragilebird24 Posts: 202 Member
    I have the same exact problem! If it weren't for my sweet tooth I wouldn't be at the weight that I'm at now. Aldi carries these Mini Rice Cakes that come in either a "Smore's" flavor or "Cinnaswirl." They only have 90 calories and they sometimes do the job. I love, love, love dark chocolate so I'll eat a couple squares (however sometimes I want more!) Since dark chocolate is richer it usually satisfies the craving. Fresh fruit is good at taking my cravings away too. Especially apples at this time of year - they are so sweet! At night time when I crave something sweet I eat a bowl of Special K Chocolatey Delight cereal. Otherwise I would just eat smaller proportions of the sweets that you like. I like to find recipes of low-cal, healthier versions of the yummy treats that I enjoy. Good luck!
  • lcloyd7121
    lcloyd7121 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks to everyone, I appreciate your advise. I now have some great resources and options to fall back on. I know that if I walk completely away I will not stick to this lifestyle change.
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    Lately I've been liking homemade applesauce (it's just peeled apples and water, sometimes a tiny bit of cinnamon or cinnamon-sugar) with a graham cracker. It's a little bit apple pie-ish.
  • SToast
    SToast Posts: 255 Member
    Werthers Orignal. Hard candy is the way for me to go because one piece lasts a minute or two which is usually long enough to satisfy my sweet tooth. It's about 25 cal per candy. You can go sugar free and it's less than 10 per candy but I don't like artificial sweeteners so I go all out :)

    I try not to deprive myself, I just make room for some sweets. I usually eat some cookies and cream ice cream 3-4 times per week without going over my target calories for the day. I just plan ahead.
  • beansprouts
    beansprouts Posts: 410 Member
    Sugar can be a terrible addiction...If you want to be free...go cold turkey!

    I completely disagree.

    Me too. This is a LIFESTYLE change. Don't think of this as a DIET.
    With that said, you want to be able to enjoy things you like, as long as it doesn't knock you over your calorie limit for the day.
    ENJOY life. Don't go through it feeling deprived.
    You can meet your goals even with your sweet tooth.
    Many here have done it, you can as well.....

    Some people CANNOT handle sugar!!! Refined sugar effects the same brain sensors as yes you absolutely can be ADDICTED to SUGAR!!! And furthermore...should you find that you are an individual (who is Addicted to refined sugar)...then I think that you need to treat your sugar cravings like a true Addiction.

    OP mentioned quitting cigarettes...(a recognized addiction)...I bet she tried cutting back on smoking lots of times before realizing that she had to stop smoking!...All true addictions work the same way...that's why alcoholics never pick up that first drink and that's why wise people once they quit smoking avoid taking that first puff on a cigarette..
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    A handful of honey nut cheerios, applesauce, various fruits.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    I replaced sweets with....*drumroll* sweets.

    I eat one cookie, instead of 24. Moderation, folks.
  • Moosycakes
    Moosycakes Posts: 258 Member
    Sugar can be a terrible addiction...If you want to be free...go cold turkey!

    This is so true! It gets easier and easier as you go on- just cut out all junk! That means no cookies, no sweets, no chocolate (unless your boyfriend gives you a piece :3), no unhealthy take aways, no white bread... I don't get what's so wrong with eating fruit as your sweets ;D

    But seriously, cut it all out and have some fruit :) After a while of no junk, healthy stuff just starts tasting like absolute heaven. You won't even think about the bad stuff any more!
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    Fruit. Graham crackers or ginger snaps for the cookie craving... Chocolate. All of these at serving size. I mean I could eat a whole bag of chocolate chips, but i keep a snack at 2 full graham cr4ackers and a small (small!) handful of chocolate chips. it normally satiates the sweet tooth.
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    I saw anifani mentioned being glad she wasn't raised eating potato chips. I WAS. and I've found a good substitute for them to be...goldfish. :) They've finally started making flavored kinds, BBQ and Sour Cream, so it satisfies the potato chip craving even more.
  • castlerobber
    castlerobber Posts: 528 Member
    What has everyone replaced sweets with?

    I have a horrible sweet tooth and am tying to find healthier alternatives. As a one time smoker I replaced smoking after meals with foods. I love fruits but after I eat them I want something chocolate/sweet. I have coco almonds but I need to be able to have some kind of variation.

    A square of dark chocolate (70% cacao or more, I like Ghirardelli or Godiva) after a meal or with my coffee usually does it for me these days. I never thought I could do without sweets, or would ever want to; but the less of them I eat, the less I crave them. I eat fairly low carb, say 50 to 60g most days, so I rarely have starchy carbs such as bread, pasta or potatoes. I think that helps with the cravings.

    I do have a few recipes for low-carb goodies for when I just have to have something. I made chocolate almond-flour muffins this morning, for instance. They don't taste low carb, and they don't trigger cravings that me want to eat the whole batch.
  • marshart
    marshart Posts: 24 Member
    Frozen grapes