How did you give up sweets?



  • Katbody10
    Katbody10 Posts: 369 Member
    I didn't give them up. Just fit it into your calories and macros for the day. I don't believe in cutting things out that you enjoy, having it once in a while is fine.


    However .. everyone is different and if you have a sugar addiction .. then it's like a drug addict hitting that stage of withdrawals and literally will do anything to get their fix..

    Some people are more disciplined than others. I am a huge sugar hound .. I've literally had to simply cut out all kinds of sugars .. not just table sugar. I don't believe in depriving myself of my dark chocolate -- but I'm able to pass on the cakes, cookies and junky snack stuffs.

    If you really can't do without .. then work them in as part of your calorie count. However .. sugary stuffs are empty calories and you'll feel a lot more hungry and reach for more sugar to fill up that hunger gap.

    If you can manage with your oreos and little debbies - one treat a day and not feel starved and hungry every day .. yay for you! :-) If you are feeling hungry, then you may need to consider swapping those sweet sugary calories for something more substantial like nuts and protein calories.
  • MissNations
    MissNations Posts: 513 Member
    Dark Chocolate.
  • cherrycreekdue
    I have cut out my sweet craving in a quite different way... I ususally buy frozen fruit your choice... Mine is Blueberries.... And you get some coolwhip and put a little on top of your fruit.. This has not hindered my weightloss at all... I also do this with organic banannas and cut them up and put some coolwhip over them... it tastes like bananna cream pie... its really good and also filling too.. Good luck...
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    After years of thinking I could just "cut down" on the sweets, I realized I had a true addiction. I couldn't eat 1 cookie - I had to eat a dozen. I would have such cravings, I'd run to the store and buy huge bags of M&Ms and eat them until I was sick. When it comes to sugar, I am no more able to control myself than any alcoholic or drug addict. I had to quit - completely. I went on the 17-Day Diet to cleanse my system. The first two weeks don't allow any sugar - not even fruit. It's not easy, but once my system was clean, I didn't have the cravings anymore. After that the key was to just not have that first bite. I don't EVER eat cookies, candy, cakes, pies - anything made with processed sugar. I have found many recipes to make that are sugar free. Granted, they don't taste as good as the real stuff, but then I also don't feel the need to eat them until I'm sick. I can stop easily at one or two. I know this solution is not for everyone, but it is the only one that works for me. I have been off sugar for 1 1/2 years now. It gets easier to turn down sweets every day.
  • stashypants
    My shakeology helps me cut back on sweets, since it fools me that I'm having something delicious (but mega healthy) plus post workouts, I like to have 6 little chips of dark chocolate. Pretty satisfying!!
  • reneecgc
    reneecgc Posts: 179 Member
    I didn't give them up either. Fiber One 90 Calorie Brownie was my savior.