MFP Pet Peeve



  • RunIntheMud
    RunIntheMud Posts: 2,645 Member
    Just as all people don't get along in real life, all people don't get along in cyberlife either. It happens. Everyone has different styles, personalities and attitudes and that's not a bad thing. It's up to you to decide if you want to listen to the advice.

    Skipping over something you don't like is no different than smiling politely and walking away from someone obnoxious. Why let it ruin your day?

    Using the search function is not cuts down on the number of posts and also the number of times people respond to the same subject (really, how many times do you want to repeat yourself to your kids?).
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    We were all newbies once but after only 12 months on the forums there are certain posts I get to see EVERY day that start to get annoying, including but not limited to:
    Diet Pills
    Eating less than 1200
    Eating 1200
    MFP Pet Peeves

    Maybe if people did use the search function people who need help with a new topic wouldn't get buried under the barrage of the same topics over and over
  • lgreen37
    lgreen37 Posts: 196 Member
    It can be alot of Oprah's and Dr. Phils on this site! I tend to ask questions of those that are on this journey with me. MFP friends - are really cool. They all tend to have "open arms" of helping people. Now - may get a few post every now and again about something off subject of this site or wild in regard to a "pattern" but I am learning to "chew the cherry and spit the seed".
    This is a journey - a journey that I have traveled many a times. I believe this time - is the "charm time". With MFP friends with me, I'm going to make it
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    I see no reason to always play nice, especially when certain people are being idiots and refusing the help that's right in front of them.
  • murphette2
    murphette2 Posts: 75 Member
    The ones I don't like are when someone posts a question or comment and 50 people all tell them how wrong they are basically all saying the same thing and then 20 more people all have to jump in with the same answer. I think they got it after the first 50
  • JohnMessmer
    I tend to smile at stupidity, I smile a lot at some folks in here. To tell someone who is new to search for a topic is like telling your 2 year old to drive up to the store and buy a salad; neither have any idea how to do what you are asking. Most people can't even find the forums the first few days after they join MFP and even more have no concept of where the search option is. It may be second nature to those that have been here a while, but for new people it takes a little time to find and figure out everything the site has to offer. People tend to forget what it is like when you are new and just starting out, kind of like they forget how they struggled and the "silly" questions they asked along the way.

    I don't think it is being thinned skinned to ask that if you can not be helpful, then you should be silent. There is enough rudeness in our lives, we do not need more of it here. I try to address every single person the same way that I would speak to them if they were having the discussion with me in person. Then again, I use my real name as my user name; perhaps, if I used an alias I would act like a 12 year old also.
  • ashdred
    ashdred Posts: 95 Member
    I hate it when someone asks a question, and the first responder tells them to use the search function. Because the question has been answered many times before.

    Truly! The "experts" on the board are always talking about things changing...old and new studies...sometimes topic needs to be revisted.
  • Nalgh94
    Nalgh94 Posts: 181 Member
    For all the people who are saying, rudeness comes from people frustrated with the lack of "search engines" usages this is actually what inspired my post. I use search engines instead of posting a new thread for every question and finding it frustrating that the search engine comes with results where 90% of the the thread are people ridicouling the original question instead of actually answering it.

    Search engines are a great tool for people who have been here long enough to realize it exists, they're also a lot of more efficient if they weren't blogged up by useless replies. Simply post a link to an existing thread to help the person out.
  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    my pet peeve is a saying I see a lot on here.
    Someone will post that they haven't lost weight in X amount of time and they don't know what's wrong. Someone will inevitably say, "you didn't gain the weight in a day, and you won't lose it in a day".

    ?? I always think that the OP wasn't looking to lose it all in a DAY... they just want to lose SOMETHING.
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    my favourite is people who say 'i do x, y and z and i cant lose weight' so people suggest trying a, b or c, and the OP shoots each idea down with an excuse why they couldnt possibly try that... so what did they bother asking for?!

    Hey, twin sista! We kind of look alike :D
  • mslainie
    I totally agree. Alot of stuff people on here say i dont agree with, but i dont say anything because it doesnt affect me. one thing i do know is that everybody's body and taste is different. what might work really well for one person may not work well for another.
  • mslainie
    No one is required to respond. I agree they should be nice or be quiet
  • mslainie
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I totally agree. Alot of stuff people on here say i dont agree with, but i dont say anything because it doesnt affect me. one thing i do know is that everybody's body and taste is different. what might work really well for one person may not work well for another.
    But people are never going to agree. And that's OK. When you post something, you never can predict exactly what kind of a response it's going to get. There are some incredibly knowledgeable individuals who patiently answer the same questions over and over. And I've seen those people criticized for being "rude" because someone doesn't like their answer. They continue to try to help out, and the site is a better place for it. Who really benefits if everyone just keeps their mouths shut?
  • JustANumber85
    JustANumber85 Posts: 644 Member
    When a guy sends you messages only trying to flirt and then when you politely turn him down- hes turns into a doodlewad.
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    Well, not everyone believes in a certain style of giving advice. Many are the tough love types. Especially when it comes to certain things(eating under 1000 calories, diet pills, etc) people react strongly. You also have to realize, many of the vets here have seen the same topic a billion times and probably have given advice many different types of ways before.....frustration sometimes plays a roll.

    Surely if you are a vet' and have seen the question come up time and time again, the answer is simple - isn't it? - either be civil or don't post.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    I think people need to understand that MFP alum (the people that have been there done that, and are just here now to keep off what they got off) know how get to where all the newbies need to be. We are kinda like the fountain of information. We've been there, done that and we did it without any "diet" or "pill" or "potion". A drastic eating plan or a crazy workout regime isn't required. What is required is healthy eating, lots of water, getting up off your butt once in awhile and staying patient and positive. If you slip up one day, don't sweat it - we all did. You cave into those potato chips at the party, we don't really care, because we have too. You skipped a workout day because you didn't feel like it - guess what, we have too. So, if we give advice it comes from knowledge and we are trying to save you from the failure and the aggravation that all those "plans" typically produce. We aren't trying to be mean, even if disagreeing with you comes off snarky...
  • jkcrawford
    jkcrawford Posts: 435 Member
    This is why I will not ask a question in a forum. Rude people have deterred me from asking. I will read and sometimes throw a suggestion out but I will never ask anything. I depend on my MFP' friends to answer what I have as a question, and they are not rude. I do understand tough luv, but not rudeness. I agree if you don't have something nice to say don't. It is like at work when I have to say the same thing over and over even if I said it yesterday, someone may have missed it, I don't tell them to go look it up as I just said it yesterday. Yes you can search a topic but sometimes the answer your looking for may not be there.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    Well, not everyone believes in a certain style of giving advice. Many are the tough love types. Especially when it comes to certain things(eating under 1000 calories, diet pills, etc) people react strongly. You also have to realize, many of the vets here have seen the same topic a billion times and probably have given advice many different types of ways before.....frustration sometimes plays a roll.
    Totally agree... Also you have to consider where the other person comes from. The advice may find it offensive for you but not for the person giving an advice. That's life, whether online or offline. Not everyone are born and raised the same way as you are and so you must accept that certain people behave in a certain way.
  • Spokez70
    Spokez70 Posts: 548 Member
    my favourite is people who say 'i do x, y and z and i cant lose weight' so people suggest trying a, b or c, and the OP shoots each idea down with an excuse why they couldnt possibly try that... so what did they bother asking for?!

    This exactly. Or better yet when those posts begin by asking for only people who got good results with something to respond in the first place- then they get mad when people who got bad results chime in.