Tattoo Idea - overcoming rough times



  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    Tattoos are extremely personal in my opinion...when you find will just know...that is what you want.....make sure you get a really good makes a world of difference in how it turns out...and how the ink will hold could always go to a good artist...tell them what you are going for..and they should be able to create exactly what you are wanting....
    MDLNH Posts: 587 Member
    A great place to start for ideas is:

    A good artist can always "modify" any idea or tattoo you find or have seen into something you'll want.

    Just remember, you'll get what you pay-for, so don't always go w/ the cheapest - They last a life time. Check-out the studio, the artist, the sterilization procedures, etc. If they won't show you or give you an attitude, Walk Away !!! Check on-line to see if they have any health board issues or complaints. Defintely, ask other people who have tattoos where they got their work done and who did their work. *You may also get a great story about their tattoos - Everybody has them :-)

    Good Luck !!!
  • spud_chick
    spud_chick Posts: 2,640 Member
    It's not as pretty, but the bat represents one who has gone through the long dark night of the soul and come out transformed--like the shaman who endures terrifying trials to reshape his consciousness.

    No reason you have to incorporate it into a tattoo though.

    My past is pretty similar. Really happy that you have found a safe harbor in life.
  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    I'm getting a new tattoo started next week. My will represent the three miscarriages I've had in the past few years. I didn't know what to get either, I didn't want anything that every one else has, so I just went through hundreds of pictures of tattoos online, took little pieces of a few different ones that I really liked and found a great artist to put it all together for me. So, that's really what I'm getting at, find something you like, like the bird, look at a million pictures and find what you really like. My tattoo will only be symbolic to me and my husband, no one will ever look at it and be able to know that it's for my three angel babies, I didn't want it to be a sad thing, I just wanted it to be something to have to remember them, something beautiful and bright and vibrant and mine. That's the main thing, you need to make it yours.
  • caroldot
    caroldot Posts: 388 Member
    I'm also thinking of getting a tattoo when I reach goal weight. I've contemplated for many years since my divorce but never really found anything until recently. I found one that looks like an old skeleton key with a bow tied around it. I'm very "girlie" so I like the feminine touch of the bow but it will represent "my key to happiness". Wish I could figure out how to upload pics so show it! :(

    I also recommend scheduling an appt with a tattoo artist and telling them what you want and they will help you decide or come up with an original just for you!
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    You gotta do what works for you.
  • LisaR517
    I've had this one pinned for a while:


    You could turn it into whichever bird you wanted! :)

    "Alis volat propriis" = she flies with her own wings
  • mia840
    mia840 Posts: 42
    I know exactly how you feel. I was in the same exact boat. I got the words breathe and believe tattooed. I have nine total but I got those because of everything I've prevailed. Happy tatting :)
  • StyxxandStones
    Bumping cause I want a Phoenix tattoo, and that first one posted is probably my fave so far!
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    That the past sweetie and you in a much better place dont dwell on it you should get a tat that makes you feel sexy and one that represents he people who love and care for you now or what you want in the future I had a bad childhood I hated it and my goal was also a tat I got a bow on my bum in my daughters favourite colour and little stars around it in my patners fave colour and it symbolises us united as a family tied together like a bow xxx
  • TahliaHarveysMummy
    I love those Phoenix's! Another idea is the lotus flower, The lotus flower starts as a small flower down at the bottom of a pond in the mud and muck. It slowly grows up towards the waters surface continually moving towards the light. Once it come to the surface of the water the lotus flower begins to blossom and turn into a beautiful flower.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    There are many great tattoo artists out there that will design something specifically for you.
    Also, there are other types of ink designs out there that look different than the typical inks you see. some are much brighter.


    I like this style as well.
  • abigailhutch
    Just be patient! You will find the perfect one when the time is right! I too suggest making an appt w/a tattoo artist and let them help you come up with the design! It's their passion/skill/talent, its what they love! Let them help you make your one of a kind design!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    That feeling is a hard one. "I want a tattoo but I don't know what to get." It will come to you. You've prevailed through a lot, and you'll see something or think of something that's perfect very soon. :)
    Agreed...think long and hard and make sure its what you want before you do it. The removal process is expensive, long and can be painful, so be sure its something you're SURE you want and will be able to live with!
  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member
    With tattoos, when you find the right design or idea, you just know. Before my first tattoo I considered so many things over and over and couldn't decide and then a week before I went I thought of my first tattoo and knew it was the right choice. It's still one of my favorites. Don't worry about uniqueness or whether other people will like it, get what you like! I have a tattoo of a chambered nautilus because (a la the poem by Oliver Wendell holmes) the shells chambers represent the idea of growing and moving forward in life but that you it'll rely on your past and that you must learn from it and grow from it. I have a small tattoo of a jellyfish to remind me to
    "move like a jellyfish" or go with the flow sometimes. It was my motto in high school (from jack Johnson) and holds significance with my relationship with my brother. Another tattoo is an artistic rendering of a DNA double helix with the quote "crescat scientia" which is "let knowledge grow" in Latin. This tattoo reminds me of m love and passion for science and specifically DNA, and also my passion for learning. Smetimes I need a reminder of how much I love learning and how much I have overcome to get where I am today and for my future. Lastly, my fourth tattoo is three birds flying with the quote "learn to miss". It also has a small heart. The heart is for my great grandfather who passed about a month before I got the tattoo. The birds go with the essence of the quote which is from the hitchhiker guide to the galaxy and says "the knack to flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss". That quote really stuck withi me for about three years and I decided to model a tattoo after it. It makes me think outside the box and really took me aback when I read it because it makes sense but doesnt make sense, and sometimes in life that's how novel and innovative things are.

    All of these tattoos I had lined up to get them at some point and got them all within three years. I knew that I wanted them and kind of felt like I was uncovering them and they were always there. They're just a part of me now. I don't regret an y of them, even if they aren't as relevant anymore, they represent something that was important to me at a specific age and snow now I have grown. They're like a photograph of the type of person I was at each time period.

    If I were to get a fifth tattoo, it will be my biggest one yet, and my first one in color. It will definitely be a watercolor type tattoo because I think they are beautiful and it might not be anything of specific meaning but rather something the I find beautiful. I want a tattoo solely for its beauty next. But I am way poor and don't have any specific ideas yet so I will wait a while :)

    Also my next best tip for tattoo getting is to get it in your abdomen somewhere, hip stomach ribs lower to mid back, side, etc. I've found that explaining my tattoo on my shoulder to everyone who sees me in a dress or tank top gets really annoying. You might feel the same way as you probably wont want to explain to everyone that the tattoo has to do with your abusive past. If it is on your abdomen then I twill only show when you want it to or when you're in a bathing suit.

    Good luck deciding!!
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    Thanks everyone for the awesome ideas! I appreciate every single one of them! Now to decide what to do :P