System/Colon Cleanse

I am a big believer in periodic fasting/ cleansing. (I know some people are very anti-cleanse and fast, this is not meant to draw a discussion on the pro's or con's of fasting and cleansing. I am NOT doing a fast/ cleanse for short term weight loss {just to clarify!})

I am curious if anyone has found a good 3-7 day colon/system cleanse to reset and detox. I love doing low carb but have not found any low carb cleanses. I do not eat organic as frequently as I would like (tight budget) so I want to do a detox to cleanse some of the toxins from my body.

If anyone has had any experience with a good cleanse please share!

(I have done the master cleanse previously, but didn't feel it "cleansed" well enough. I also did a 5 day supplement/juice cleanse over a year ago... it worked pretty well and seemed to detox but I dread the idea of all the sugar in the juice!!!)

Thanks! :)


  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    this is not meant to draw a discussion on the pro's or con's of fasting and cleansing.

    Good, because there are no "pros"
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    this is not meant to draw a discussion on the pro's or con's of fasting and cleansing.

    Good, because there are no "pros"

  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    I am a big believer in periodic fasting/ cleansing. (I know some people are very anti-cleanse and fast, this is not meant to draw a discussion on the pro's or con's of fasting and cleansing. I am NOT doing a fast/ cleanse for short term weight loss {just to clarify!})

    I am curious if anyone has found a good 3-7 day colon/system cleanse to reset and detox. I love doing low carb but have not found any low carb cleanses. I do not eat organic as frequently as I would like (tight budget) so I want to do a detox to cleanse some of the toxins from my body.

    If anyone has had any experience with a good cleanse please share!

    (I have done the master cleanse previously, but didn't feel it "cleansed" well enough. I also did a 5 day supplement/juice cleanse over a year ago... it worked pretty well and seemed to detox but I dread the idea of all the sugar in the juice!!!)

    Thanks! :)

    yes, send me $99.99 for my patented di-hydrogen monoxide cleanse. guaranteed to be no worse and no better than any other cleanses. plus, i get rich in the process. win for you! win for me! :happy:
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member

    If anyone has had any experience with a good cleanse please share!

    Isn't that an oxymoron.
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member

    If i want a good deep cleanse, these will make me clear my bowels and also make my soul feel refreshed and a little bit violated.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    I feel a certain, subtle, anti-cleanse sentiment here....hmmm.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I highly recommend a good dose of castor oil and a garden hose.
  • mallorycutting
    You have a functioning body correct? That's all you need to cleanse. Our body is a wonderful machine and does a great job at cleansing itself when you eat right, drink water, etc. THe hype of the body building up toxins is a load of crap and an idea made up by the drug companies wanting people to spend money on their "cleanses" which are basically expensive laxatives.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    All the joking aside, since the majority of people and the entire medical profession think that cleanses are unnecessary at best, and dangerous at the worst... have you considered counselling?
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    this is not meant to draw a discussion on the pro's or con's of fasting and cleansing.

    Good, because there are no "pros"

    Nailed it
  • stacyhall79
    You have a functioning body correct? That's all you need to cleanse. Our body is a wonderful machine and does a great job at cleansing itself when you eat right, drink water, etc. THe hype of the body building up toxins is a load of crap and an idea made up by the drug companies wanting people to spend money on their "cleanses" which are basically expensive laxatives.

    haha you said "load of crap"... :) THIS
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    i like how this thread is going. :laugh:
  • fitQueenbeast

    If i want a good deep cleanse, these will make me clear my bowels and also make my soul feel refreshed and a little bit violated.

    Taco Helllllll!!!!! LOL

    McNasty always does wonders for a good detox. Only cost me $5.85 too. (I went cold turkey on McNasty effective Jun 3 and never had another meal from that place again.)
  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    Eat right, drink water, stay away from tobacco and booze. There's the perfect 'cleanse'.
  • VictoriaWorksOut
    VictoriaWorksOut Posts: 195 Member
    Hi Sara, I have tried different fasting and detox options over the years and have educated myself as I went along. I have done colon cleanse, water fast, juice fast, and Daniel Fast. There are pro's and con's as you know.

    Several month ago I discovered this website (see link below) that has a lot of great advice (articles, free podcasts) from reliable source. B. Richards explains and makes point why slow process is better than 3-10 day fast diarrhea approach.
    I got and currently am taking these 3 supplements, one is Fiber Helper which helps with what you are looking for, but nothing as drastic as colon cleanse program.
    -- Daily Balancer protects your liver and provides nutrients that help to clear a wide variety of common metabolic waste products as well as pollution and toxic metals like mercury.*
    -- Immune Plus naturally activates macrophages in your lymph system to enhance your own housecleaning operation.*
    -- Fiber Helper superior forms of soluble fiber that mix easily, have a pleasant taste (not sweetened at all), are not gas forming, and help absorb toxins in your GI tract for easy elimination.*

    Free onlline podcasts on different topics
  • MidwestAngel
    MidwestAngel Posts: 1,897 Member

    If i want a good deep cleanse, these will make me clear my bowels and also make my soul feel refreshed and a little bit violated.

    ^This or White Castle
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,131 Member
    What is the purpse of this "cleanse"?

    ...and if you are planning to live off juice, you NEED that sugar in the juice. SMH.
  • momhol
    momhol Posts: 1 Member
    I fast once a week. I gradually worked my way up from not eating from Monday at 6 p.m. to Tuesday morning to all the way from Sunday night till Tuesday morning. I started after I had a colonoscopy in early summer and had to prepare for it with a fast the day before. I am not aware of the 'cleansing' benefits. I do it mostly because once a week I am free to 'not eat'. I don't have all the symptoms others seem to have - headaches, growling tummy, etc. Instead I find a good dose of peace and quiet with restful sleep. Whether this is all in my head or not, I find my body has a chance to repair without having to work on breaking food down.

    The trick to it is not to eat a lot before or after. And the bigger trick is to do what feels right. Would I recommend it to anyone? Never. Fasting IMO is a very personal matter and definitely not for everyone. And I quite agree that there are no medical benefits in regards to cleansing. The body does a fine job of cleansing itself without outside stimulants or deprivation. .

    Hope this helps.
  • BOLO4Hagatha
    BOLO4Hagatha Posts: 94 Member
    WOW! Its astounding how rude majority of you are.

    OP, sadly I don't think there is such a cleanse. You seem to be doing good with the low carb part.
  • aoelmann
    I love the advocare 10 day cleanse. I can give you more information about it if you would like.