Yes I'm gonna be all the girls...

sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
Did you marry your first love? I am just really curious I wanna hear about it...How you met...etc etc hehehe yes we are going to girl gab but hey if you fella's have a story too come with it.

Here is a brief summary of my life right now:

When I was 18 I met Jon in boot camp, we dated briefly but eventually broke up over location (I know stupid) but I was going to Va and he was going to Japan. We lost touch, but everytime a new site came up ie facebook, myspace..I would just curiously look him up, never any luck I ended up marrying and having my son(only awesome thing that came out of it) I was going through divorce when I finally found him again but he was married so I kind of gave up....But still kept in touch...Well alot has happened since we first found each other again and with that being said we are finally dating almost 11 years after we first met. I am soooo happy and I only know that things are going to get better....Who says there is no such thing as fate.



  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Wow, your story sounds like the Nicholas Sparks novel Dear John!
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    :love: I always thought we had one of those cutzie stories...

    I LOOOOVVVEEEE nicholas spark books hehehe
  • tinabosquez
    tinabosquez Posts: 107
    Mushy met my hubby on yahoo chat, yes that's right. lol My name was CrazyMexiBillyChick, and his was MexiBillyDawg. So right off the bat, we had something in common, both of us were have mexican and half hillbilly. We met online on Tuesday, realized we were 20 minutes from each other, then went on a date friday night. The rest is history! lol We have been together ever since, and August 10th will mark our 11 years from out first date. We have been married 9 years, together 11 years. We have 2 beautiful daughters, Angelina and Arianna. YES, I was that chick who said I was never getting married or having kids......then I met my soulmate, and it changed my mind real quick! Love is Grand~
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Yep. We met when I was 16, he was 17. We dated for the remainder of high school (I became pregnant my senior year), I had our daughter when I was 18, we got married 4 months later (I was 19 by then)....and we will be celebrating our 10 year (6 years married) next Tuesday (3/16). :bigsmile:
    My husband and I went together in 7th grade!!!!! We went together in 7th and 8th and part of 9th. I hated him in high school.( He was such a nerd) LOL. Then right after graduation he asked me out and the rest is history. We will be married 27 years in June!!!!
  • StaceG1986
    StaceG1986 Posts: 350
    I never really had any serious relationships before I met my hubby at 18 (he was 24), we met at a mutual friend's New Year's Eve party! We hit it off straight away and began dating almost immediately (erm the next day :laugh: ) , he proposed to me 6 weeks later and 5 years later we are very happily married and still very much in love, we will celebrate our 2nd wedding anniversary in July! :heart: We have no children atm, but are trying, one of the few reasons why I am on here! :happy:

    Edited cos of typos, doh :indifferent:
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    Ahh what a great story! I love a happy ending!

    I met my husband on YEP, it does work! haha...
    Anyway, he was in Iraq, and I was living in Boston (an hour from where he grew up), and we started chatting. We talked for about 9 months till he came home for two weeks of leave. We got engaged during those two weeks. After he came home for good from Iraq (5 months later) we were married. It was our five year wedding anny last month! And BTW, we're still totally head over heels in love with each other.
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    My husband and I went together in 7th grade!!!!! We went together in 7th and 8th and part of 9th. I hated him in high school.( He was such a nerd) LOL. Then right after graduation he asked me out and the rest is history. We will be married 27 years in June!!!!

  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    Mushy met my hubby on yahoo chat, yes that's right. lol My name was CrazyMexiBillyChick, and his was MexiBillyDawg. So right off the bat, we had something in common, both of us were have mexican and half hillbilly. We met online on Tuesday, realized we were 20 minutes from each other, then went on a date friday night. The rest is history! lol We have been together ever since, and August 10th will mark our 11 years from out first date. We have been married 9 years, together 11 years. We have 2 beautiful daughters, Angelina and Arianna. YES, I was that chick who said I was never getting married or having kids......then I met my soulmate, and it changed my mind real quick! Love is Grand~

    That's awesome hunny! Congrads!
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    Yep. We met when I was 16, he was 17. We dated for the remainder of high school (I became pregnant my senior year), I had our daughter when I was 18, we got married 4 months later (I was 19 by then)....and we will be celebrating our 10 year (6 years married) next Tuesday (3/16). :bigsmile:

    :drinker: woohoo
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I never really had any serious relationships before I met my hubby at 18 (he was 24), we met at a mutual friend's New Year's Eve party! We hit it off straight away and began dating almost immediately (erm the next day :laugh: ) , he proposed to me 6 weeks later and 5 years later we are very happily married and still very much in love, we will celebrate our 2nd wedding anniversary in July! :heart: We have no children atm, but are trying, one of the few reasons why I am on here! :happy:

    Edited cos of typos, doh :indifferent:

    :flowerforyou: sending you some baby dust!!!
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    Ahh what a great story! I love a happy ending!

    I met my husband on YEP, it does work! haha...
    Anyway, he was in Iraq, and I was living in Boston (an hour from where he grew up), and we started chatting. We talked for about 9 months till he came home for two weeks of leave. We got engaged during those two weeks. After he came home for good from Iraq (5 months later) we were married. It was our five year wedding anny last month! And BTW, we're still totally head over heels in love with each other.

    awww I love it when military relationships work
  • AmberMommyTo2G1B
    AmberMommyTo2G1B Posts: 44 Member
    I love to hear other peoples love stories :) I never really had a "serious" relationship before I met my husband. We met when we were working at McDonalds. I really, really hated him lol. He didn't do his job the way I did and I didn't like it lol. I was right and he wasn't (not literally that is just how I felt). Anyhow, our McDonalds caught fire and we were both offered positions at another store until ours was rebuilt and we both went. I don't really know if I started liking him because he was the only person I knew or what but he invited me to Thanksgiving that year and I have loved him every since.

    During my senior year in hs (he is about a year older then I am) he joined the army and went to Ft. Benning. That was a very hard time for our relationship, I never left him and waited for him like any good girlfriend would. He ended up getting discharged for asthma and came home at about midnight one night and knocked on my back door. I thought I was dreaming I'm not even kidding you. I closed the door in his face and went and told my mom he was there. He knocked again and I was like wth is this really real lol. Yep he was home. We got married that summer and now have 3 beautiful children. Kaidence (3), Peyton (2), and Addison 2 months. They are the reason I am here :)
  • PaulaDygert
    PaulaDygert Posts: 148 Member
    I was 15 with a friend going to see her boyfriend I didn't want to be a 3rd wheel so her boyfriend invited some friends over. Ryan (my husband) was mouthy and rude so I slapped him and almost knocked him over, he says this is when he knew he would marry me lol. September 2, 2000 we started dating. We dated through out high school and split up for 10 months after we graduated. Got back together in May 2004 and married November 15th, 2004. Our relationship has been difficult but I guess I read into the whole idea of happily ever after and was very devastated when my night and shinning armor crushed my feelings for the first time after marriage, I was only 19 when we got married. But fighting together through the difficult times is a great way to grow together as one unit not two units living under the same roof. I do have to add that if it weren't for our Lord we would have been divorced 9 months into marriage. I am excited for a Weekend To Remember conference we will be attending this weekend!!!
  • luv2run4fun
    Married to my high school sweetheart--started dating when I was in 10th grade and he was a senior. Married 17 years now and I can HONESTLY say...he is my best friend! There is something about growing up together. We've been through ALOT together and every trial has just made us closer and stronger! Oh, and I should mention...we have 3 beautiful daughters--ages 13, 11, and 8.
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I am just loving the stories girls....ya'll are amazing and it gives me hope.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    great stories ladies....sigh...... :heart:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I worked with a sweet country girl at Pizza Hut. I considered myself a savy city chick. She kept telling me her friend Ernie was coming down from TN and he and I were PERfect for each other. I didn't hold out much hope for a country bumpkin and I to have anything in common.

    The day comes when he and his bud are here and coming in to have pizza. I had joked with her that if he comes in with a hayseed in his mouth and overalls, her azz was grazz!!

    She is all excited and jumping up and down................tells me to come up front. I come around the corner and there is this dude with a mullet, overalls and a piece of grass hanging from his mouth:indifferent: I was not amused.

    She says " That aint ERNIE...............THAT is Ernie!!" Behind him was a tall, dark, handsome man:love::love:

    I won't say it was love at first sight, but we are celebrating 25 yrs this May.

    :drinker: Jeannie

    Congrats Scully on your new relationship. I pray you find true happiness!:heart:
  • LandBsdotingchauffeur
    I married my high school boyfriend's college roommate.

    I dated this guy Jim through a good portion of high school. We went to college together. He and I had a rocky relationship that ended our sophmore year of college. I had become good friends with his roommate and after Jim and I broke up, the rest is history...Married for 7 years and have 2 kiddos. :)
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    I met my husband my freshman year in college. He lived down the hall in the co-ed dorm. He was a friend of my best friend. I was engaged at the time to a guy stationed in Germany in the Air Force. My fiance' at the time came home from leave, we were planning the wedding and stuff and I realized that we did not have anything in common. So I left him. My husband and I became friends. We hung out together with our friends. I went away on a family vacation and apparently he didn't know what to do without me. My closest friends told me I was never to leave him alone again. That was 15 years ago we started living together and we still have never been seperated for more than 24 hrs.