Uncomfortable with the topic of my weight loss



  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Yes totally agree. It's weird because I have no problem displaying my progress for the MFP world to see but as soon as friends and family bring it up I'm like a turtle going back in to my shell. I am really shy and embarrassed about it. I think it's natural. It's a really personal thing and if you're anything like me, weight was never something I wanted to talk about when I was overweight. So now that people are bringing it up, even though it's positive, it's just weird and uncomfortable. It's all good. :)
  • yaomihaha
    yaomihaha Posts: 21 Member
    I am also, but my reason mainly is that I am afraid that I will fail on my weight loss so I rather nobody notice that I am trying.
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    I used to be like that, but I finally got to the point where I started to enjoy it. I found that I never had the success I wanted until I learned to embrace the praise.

    I think the biggest deal for me before was that I felt like a fraud. I felt like I didn't deserve the positivity.

    Sample negative self-talk "Don't those idiots understand that the only reason I lost weight is that I was Fatty McFatterton before?!"

    I felt like my weight loss was not an accomplishment, but instead it was atonement for past misdeeds and not deserving of recognition.

    I'm much better now. :smile:
  • I'm trying to keep my weight loss a secret too-- not sure how this is going to work 15-20 lbs from now but so far it's going well.. Personally I don't want people watching me lose weight wondering how far I'll go or if I'll fail and gain back double. I just want it to be over and then live my life.. I get it!

    Exactly! I wish they could just notice when I'm finally done.

    And yes, part of if is that I negatively interpret comments of "you look so thin!" as meaning, "you used to look much fatter!", which I know is my own issue.
  • ElleBee66
    ElleBee66 Posts: 128 Member
    So, this is going to sound weird and I am just wondering if anyone else has this problem. I am very uncomfortable discussing my weight loss, even with those close to me. I am all for discussing the topic of weight loss and getting healthier in general. The problem for me begins as soon as someone mentions my personal weight loss. I don't even like discussing it with my family. My close family has realized this, and they will comment occasionally that I look good or that my jeans are nice, or something like this, but they will never push any further. I just thank them and that's the end of it. My extended family, most of my friends, and anyone I run into who I haven't seen in a while are a completely different story. It seems to be all they want to talk about when they see me. It makes me uncomfortable to talk about it, and I have no idea why. I am lucky that my boyfriend as amazing as he is and will very quickly change the subject when he notices this start happening, as I can never seem to find a polite way to tell them that I would rather not talk about it. Has anyone else had this problem?

    You are not alone - I feel exactly the same way. I am delighted to get a few compliments - "you are looking well" etc, but anything beyond that I find deeply embarrassing. I was out for dinner recently with some friends and and one of their mothers was there. She would NOT let the subject go and kept bring it back up again and again. To the extent that at one point she even bent down and looked at my legs under the table and commented on them. I was so embarrassed - in the end I made my excuses and left early. :blushing:
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I'm the opposite, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE people mentioning my weight loss, and often tell strangers about it :D

    I sympathise, though. Perhaps, you're insecure in yourself?