In Need of Major Encouragement...



  • gerripho
    gerripho Posts: 479 Member
    Just a suggestion, but perhaps you need to read your own profile page. I'm sure when you wrote that you really meant it. It has a ring of truth to it. You have many inspirational things in your profile. Go there for all the encouragement you should need. :flowerforyou:
  • butterflylady86
    butterflylady86 Posts: 369 Member
    Hello You can add me if you'd like. One pound at a time. You can do this. Peace to you
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member

    Take this, and put it somewhere you can look at it every time you feel down. Just get back on the horse and move on. Don't let a slip up doubt your success!
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    I don't think anybody has failed as many times as I have. It doesn't matter. That's a road already traveled, and a new one lies before us. Keep moving; that is the difference between success and failure.

    My husband and I went to a Chinese buffet just last night, and I've learned to negotiate that place pretty well. First I go around and put all the vegetables I like on my plate. I LOVE the green beans; they are to die for - they fill half of my plate. Then I go back around and add one or two little pieces of other things I like the best to the same plate. There isn't a lot of room left, so I'm very choosey and only get the very best.

    We can succeed!
  • yokurio
    yokurio Posts: 116 Member
    It's okay to fall off the plan here and there. Reset yourself, regain your commitment. Don't be so hard on yourself. BUT GET BACK ON TRACK WHEN ITS ALL SAID AND DONE! I feel like i'm talking to myself, cause I just went through the same thing this past month. I'm back on track now. I enjoyed the month long binge after my marathon, but now i need to get back on track. Just like you need to, go get it!
  • joeysox
    joeysox Posts: 195 Member
    i have bad knees, i have a slight twist in my spine my bones are a bit out of line so i get a lot of pain, i swim helps loads! you need to draw a line under it and get on with it! if you want to be healthy and happy forget the past days and just do it :) its easy to fall into a rut, we all have them your not alone with it. *kick up the bum*
    If things are going on with food involved, plan in advance or have something of your own ready to snack on xxx
  • vickij2
    Don't be so hard on yourself. Just say, "OK, so I messed up." Start again. It is so difficult to deprive yourself of food. I have what I call "Faturday." One day a week (Sat.) I eat what I want. I have found that when I know I CAN, I are still careful. It is just nice to know that one day a week I can have pizza and hot wings if I want too....and trust me, I WAnT to!!!
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    You HAVE to jump back on the bandwagon. Not every day will be perfect, and you may even have a few bad weeks, but you have to make the process of being healthy a lifestyle choice. This is not a one month or one year commitment, this is a lifetime. So go to the Chinese buffet and enjoy yourself (in moderation) but know that you will need to burn those calories off in order to meet your health goals. Remember, in order to lose fat, your input must be smaller than your output and once you maintain, they must be equal. You can do this - get back to it!
  • TinaBean007
    TinaBean007 Posts: 273 Member
    You can't change yesterday (or Saturday for that matter) and you don't know what tomorrow has in store... you're left with the choices you make today. Today you can choose to be healthier. Today you can choose to be happier. You didn't get this far to turn tail and run. Don't give up on yourself!!

    ** I would love to be on your support team! Add me if you like.
  • lbesaw
    lbesaw Posts: 267 Member
    Been there, done that----that's why I'm still here........with so much to lose now. Change you mindset. Log "everything" and be honest about what you are taking in. Little setbacks don't make you overweight it's "giving in" to making bad choices the norm instead of the occasional treat. Your food plan should include the things you love--within reason, calories, and fat. Every meal is a chance to start over. Don't cave in. Embrace your temporary injury and adjust your food, and exercise to work within your boundries. Just don't let your mind take you back where you don't want to be. Good Luck! :)
  • Fatz1983
    Fatz1983 Posts: 12 Member
    We ALL feel like this at some point...I suggest 2 things dnt restrict foods it only makes u crave them more (having done every fad diet known to mankind made me seriously aware that restricting foods does not work longterm).

    Secondly set yourself SMART goals...Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Timebound...

    We all need clear objectives...what is yours, think about it. When it comes to weight loss what is your internal dialogue?

    Weight loss =??
  • JennKie1
    JennKie1 Posts: 200 Member
    Forgive yourself and move on. You can do it if you really want to. There are exercises you can do that won't hurt your knees (stationary bike for example). Or, you yourself mentioned upper body. Just get yourself moving. It's hard to get out of a "slump". Just think of how hard you worked for that 20#. Do you really want all that effort to be for nothing? Stop making excuses.

    We all (myself included) make bad choices. We either choose to learn from them and change course, or we continue down the path of self-destruction. It's time for you to decide which path you want to take.
  • cecyvaquero
    cecyvaquero Posts: 154 Member
    Thanks for being honest. Now here it goes.

    Quitting is not an option. You have fallen. Now its time to get back up. I had chinese food teh other day to and I had what you had the fried chicken and rice and yea it made me feel horrible for eating so bad but still you get back up. So you can't work out the way you want to work out. So you start of slow and work out the parts of your body that are not in paid. Eventually you will be working out every day like you used to. I have 4 children and they are all c sections and everytime I was not able to work out made me feel horrible becuase I know that working out makes you feel better.

    So eventually i was able to work out again. I didn't do crazy workouts I started small. Workout what you can.

    Rome was not built in one day and therefore if it takes you a couple days to get back up then its ok. Atleast you are doing something instead of nothing.

    About eating. If you know you are going to eat bad food then try to atleast limit it. We have pizza at our house all the time and I can never say no but instead of eating the usual 2 slices I limit myself to only 1 slice. Start small. Limit yourself.

    Eventually you will be losing weight again instead of gaining. Don't drive yourself crazy

    If you need motivation I have lots of motivation to give. Ill be your friend. I am here.

    Don't be so hard on yourself and never give up!!!
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    I agree with everyone who is telling you to pick yourself back up and get back in the game.

    I'd also like to add some advice: you should not be afraid to say to anyone you are making plans with that you'd rather not go to any particular place they might suggest in favor of a place where you can not only eat well, but eat something you'll enjoy -- and they'll enjoy it, too. Back when I did low carb, I occasionally had to stick up for myself and steer friends away from places I knew had lackluster low-carb options and tempting high-carb ones, and into the places I knew had great food we could all enjoy. Occasionally, I still have to do this, even though I am not on a specific diet, if I know I won't be happy ordering what passes for healthy at a particular place. And you don't have to give a long explanation, either, if you're not comfortable doing that. You can be as subtle about it as you want. You don't even have to say why. Maybe there's a new place you'd like to try, or maybe you'd like to introduce them to it, or maybe they have a new dish on the menu you love, or actually you've got a craving for xyz so let's go there instead... I find that when possible, it helps to limit your exposure to places where you are likely to slip up, at least in the beginning.

    TL;DR? Bottom line = Don't be afraid to be your own champion. Say what you need, and go after it. You're worth it.

    Good luck!!
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Thank you, thank you, thank you. Everyone has had such great advice... and yes, I've read EVERY bit of it. You have all given me that good kick in the rear end that I needed. :happy:

    Bottom line... I just need to quit making excuses. I'm in this to feel healthy... and I know what doesn't work. I need to do what does work.
  • ruby99999
    No Amber, I will not beat you up, I have been where you are, many times. No need to feel guilty. Just take a deep breath, gather your healthy thoughts and continue on your path to healthy living. You can do it, just let your friends know your goals and ask them to keep encouraging you. Finally, don't consider this a diet, just a weight loss journey lol
  • babymamahowell
    I think this is part of the journey, we all have cheat days and days we over indulge, and that is part of the real world in my book, but perhaps the greatest part of the journey is that we might begin to feel less guilty about thes bad days because we know our good days out weigh the bad and that tomorrow you get up and exercise and make some more healthy choices and by doing that you don't back slide all the way.

    You can do it!
  • Cupcakehippiemommy
    Cupcakehippiemommy Posts: 457 Member
    You are the only person standing in your way doll One bad meal should not ruin all the work for 20lbs thus far :) Use diff machines like elliptical or do free weights any kind of exercise is better than none. I don't like exercise and NEVER will,but this is more important to me than anything else I've ever had to fight for and the only person I am fighting with is myself.

    Make the decision to eat better since you can not exercise,no excuses.Execute a plan and STICK WITH IT! Good luck on your success story soon to come doll ^u^
  • blairhanson
    It's not about yesterday, that is behind you. It's about today, and you are here. Good for you!