I never realized it was THAT bad! :(



  • bogle34
    bogle34 Posts: 107 Member
    Same here, tomorrow is a new day and don't be so hard on yourself. Now you know what to do and go from there, don't give up :sad:
  • fishiewishes
    fishiewishes Posts: 91 Member
    Like others have said, go have a nice walk and a salad for dinner. Don't starve yourself just because of a slip this morning - you know now for future reference and we all have small slips sometimes :)

    Tomorrow is a new day!
  • hiker359
    hiker359 Posts: 577 Member
    Yup...it's a learning experience. Now you know and you can just keep moving forward. Just get right back on track and today will be nothing more than a minor bump in the road. Nothing debilitating at all.
  • amysaenz24
    amysaenz24 Posts: 42 Member
    Why not go out for a nice walk and then have a salad instead of starving =)

    i agree, i have totally been there.. have a nice walk , get your body moving alittle. and have a heatlhy light dinner. lessoned learned. :)
  • Bess_74
    Thanks for all the support & excellent advice, because I was so busy beating myself up I realized that I forgot to log my gym time this morning (490 calories burned)! Yay for dinner, & yay for kind words & great people.
  • toottoots
    toottoots Posts: 67 Member
    I did exactly the same thing with onion rings - i had about 20 on a total binge - clocked them up on mfp and theyre 56000000 calories :)

    but if you starve tonight you'll want a huge breakfast sooo bad in the morning.

    my favourite meal so far is salad and chicken fillet - and i make sure to eat vegetables first - so anything i leave will be the highest calorie food.

    It happens, you live and learn - dont beat yourself up about it x
  • NoMoreFlubbering
    NoMoreFlubbering Posts: 95 Member
    You know what totally shocked me? Tim Hortons Timbits. I thought having 3-4 was not so bad an idea! Turns out it destroys like 1/4 of my daily total, depending on what type I pick. No more commercially baked stuff for this girl!
  • JennKie1
    JennKie1 Posts: 200 Member
    I can totally sympathize / empathize. I will be enjoying lettuce for dinner this evening thanks to my impulsive stop at McDonalds at lunch followed by a Snickers bar. :sad:

    I'm not really having lettuce, but I'm definitely going to have to work a little harder and choose very carefully for my big 200 calories I have left. I'm thinking grilled Tilapia, a nice big salad, and maybe half of a whole-grain dinner roll.

    It's definitely an eye-opener. I'm just hoping that one day I'll learn from it. (probably not) Don't worry though. It's just one day. Tomorrow will be better. :smile:
  • Pnknlvr96
    Pnknlvr96 Posts: 104 Member
    I did exactly the same thing with onion rings - i had about 20 on a total binge - clocked them up on mfp and theyre 56000000 calories :)

    LOL!!! That's a lot of treadmill time.:noway:

    My biggest realization was Wendy's Frostys...I got a large thinking, "Oh it's just chocolate fluffy stuff..." and then I logged it and it was 640 calories. HOLY CRAP!! So, no more large Frostys for me. :cry:
  • kel665
    kel665 Posts: 401 Member
    Yes I got a rude awakening when I began logging my calories and realised how much calorie wise I was eating, it didn't seem like a lot of food but was all the wrong food. Now when I go out for coffee and cake with a friend I make it my breakfast or lunch, I don't have it between breakfast and lunch (like I used to) because it has the calories of them both put together! And I do a bit of exercise too to keep within my calories for the day.
  • Bess_74
    What on earth did you eat for breakfast that was 2000 calories and you can only eat something made of water with no nutritional value for dinner? And the diet Pepsi makes this whole "correct the situation" solution worse.. idgi

    1/2 a sausage croissanwich, 1/2 a bacon crissanwich (bf & I split two different ones) small hash browns & a carton of orange juice. My calorie goal for the day is 1390 (MFP setting for losing 2 lbs a week)....and you are so right about the Diet Pepsi making things worse. It added to my already enormous sodium count and since I haven't had soda in over a month, contributed to the icky tummy feel.
  • JennKie1
    JennKie1 Posts: 200 Member
    I did exactly the same thing with onion rings - i had about 20 on a total binge - clocked them up on mfp and theyre 56000000 calories :)

    LOL!!! That's a lot of treadmill time.:noway:

    My biggest realization was Wendy's Frostys...I got a large thinking, "Oh it's just chocolate fluffy stuff..." and then I logged it and it was 640 calories. HOLY CRAP!! So, no more large Frostys for me. :cry:

    ^^ A couple of weeks ago I had a salad at Outback that was 890 calories!! I knew getting the "crispy" chicken wasn't the best choice, but figured the rest was (relatively) good for me.......wrong. :sad:
  • DMW914
    DMW914 Posts: 368 Member
    What amazes me the most is that the food is supposed to be government regulated, and considerd nutritious, that's what's sick. I'm so thankful that I found MFP I would've continued to doom myself daily for lack of knowledge on how much calories/sodium/sugar really is in most foods :sick:
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    LMAO, i wient to chipotles and ordered the veggie burrito on whole wheat with brown rice. 825 calories!!!!!
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,266 Member
    Honestly, when I slip up (and it happens. We are humans and not machines), I simply eat the rest of the day as normal. One day won't suddenly stop all of my progress and I KNOW I will feel worse later on when I am hungry and cranky.
  • MSam1205
    MSam1205 Posts: 439 Member
    Went down the same path today myself! Had a chipotle carnitas burrito bowl for lunch figuring it was better tha BK, McDs, etc. almost 700 calories cuz I said yes to cheese and sour cream!! We learn from these experiences and go forward. Dinner tonite is tofu and veggies!
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Yes, get some exercise and don't starve for dinner. My WW leader always told us "don't make up for eating too much by starving. Get right back on track the very next meal." Otherwise you set yourself up for a binge then starve cycle - not good, and no fun either.
  • JennKie1
    JennKie1 Posts: 200 Member
    LMAO, i wient to chipotles and ordered the veggie burrito on whole wheat with brown rice. 825 calories!!!!!

    ^^ Holy crap! I totally would have made that same mistake. Ugh.
  • MSam1205
    MSam1205 Posts: 439 Member
    LMAO, i wient to chipotles and ordered the veggie burrito on whole wheat with brown rice. 825 calories!!!!!

    ^^ Holy crap! I totally would have made that same mistake. Ugh.

    My chipotle lunch came in just under the veggie burrito ONLY cuz i chose a bowl and not the tortilla!! It's so very deceiving! On a positive note, my fiber count was way up due to the black beans LOL !
  • emilymaya16
    emilymaya16 Posts: 104 Member
    This is so easy to do! My tip to stop it happening again, (with any foods) is to log in advance! I've started deciding what I'm having the next day the night before and logging it all in mfp, this means I can make sure I match my goals, I ban myself from having anything not already logged and if I do I have to go through the sad time of adding it on and watching all my numbers go red! Doing this also means that I'm getting better at preparing my lunch (egg/ham/chicken salads on protein veg days, and meat with low fat diary/eggs on protein only days) which is brilliant becuase if I didn't have a packed lunch i would cave at uni and go to the cafe and buy a baguette because I can't last long without eating! I'm banned from carbs, avoiding sodium and avoiding fat so if I don't bring food with me it is incredibly hard to get something out that fits in my dukan guidelines!
    Em xx