"Your not going to loose any more weight are you?"



  • STrooper
    STrooper Posts: 659 Member
    Yes, I get some version of this. Or, "you are going towaste away to nothing.."

    Granted, I am just about at my target weight so the weight loss is just about over for me. However, I also realize that I still have awhile before all the body readjustment is completed.
  • vickijay
    vickijay Posts: 49 Member
    i too get this all the time, even though i could loose another 2 stone and still be a normal weight. ive thought a lot about this and how to deal with comments. i have tried every tactic to stop people commenting but it doesnt work.
    i think that people can be jealous but i also think that they cant cope with change and they dont know how to relate to this new slim person that is in front of them. just smile sweetly and know that you will achieve the weight you want to be not what others think.
    i am a lot older than you and i get people say i will look gaunt and old if i loose too much weight. I just think to myself I dont care, I would rather be healthy
    good luck you have done so well and you know there are all these other people on MFP in the same boat supporting you

    MFP rules :)
  • vickijay
    vickijay Posts: 49 Member
    I get this a lot. I'm a UK size 6 but only cause I'm 5ft 1 and very small framed. My wrists are only 5" around! People are constantly telling me how tiny I am and grabbing my waist and balk when they see me eating chicken salad and refusing cake. I get sick of having to justify my food choices to everyone! Yes, I have lost weight but guess what? Gluten upsets my stomach and makes me stink up the office, refined sugar gives me heart palpatations and exercise keeps my depression and anger issues away. DEAL WITH IT!

    Also, I went out for a meal recently with my friends and they all pretty much yelled at me when I didn't have pudding even though they know that gluten makes me sick and everything was baked. I ended up having a coffee just to shut them up but it totally ruined the lovely evening we were having

    Poor you :(

    Toddles off to measure my wrists.......
  • vickijay
    vickijay Posts: 49 Member
    Yes, I get some version of this. Or, "you are going towaste away to nothing.."

    Granted, I am just about at my target weight so the weight loss is just about over for me. However, I also realize that I still have awhile before all the body readjustment is completed.

    1lb to go is amazing!!!!!!
  • NdBuk
    NdBuk Posts: 25
    But you're all so skinny. There'll be nothing left of you...
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    Yep, my sister said it to me. But the way I see it, is when you know you can achieve a certain weight/body fat level that you have been striving for why should you quit until you achieve it. It's you that has to be happy in your skin, not them. Besides one persons idea of perfect body shape is different to the next persons. My sister doesn't get what i'm going to achieve as it's not her ideal so I just carry on doing what i'm doing until I'm where I want to be lol ;-)
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    Yeah I get this but I try to take it as a compliment, I kind of "get it" since I look better now than I have done in years and people think that I should be proud and happy and not carry on worrying since they don't consider me "fat" (I'm 137 at the mo and 5'5"), but I'm just trying to lose a bit more belly fat (my problem area) I'm aiming for 126 pounds which is a BMI of 21 which is by no means underweight and I've been this weight before when I was 20 and want to be it again (because in my mind that's when I looked my slimmest and best).

    Usually my response to this is "don't worry my fiance Alex will tell me if I'm going too far (we've been together for 10 years so he's seen me at my slimmest), I haven't deveolped body dismorphia". Luckily if Alex is there he'll stick up for me and say, yeah leave her alone she's doing really well, don't worry I won't let her turn into a stick. :)

    I'm very tempted to just tell people I'm not trying to lose anymore I'm just trying to tone up my wobbly bits so they don't worry unnecassarily as it's getting harder to explain that I don't believe I'm fat I just want to be a bit trimmer for my wedding. x
  • trobbin88
    trobbin88 Posts: 38 Member
    Gotta be comfortable in your own skin. I only have about 15lbs to lose, but I WANT to lose them. I certainly don't want to keep going and buy all new pants (which I was dangerously close to). To each his own I say, can't make everyone happy. I get comments about being crazy logging every bite I take...lol. Hey, it works! It's. A reality check.
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    I once admitted to a co-worker that I was trying to lose weight and got "from where?" and he later told someone that I think I'm fat, like I'm crazy. Not really his fault though since he's only ever seen me at a mid-high healthy weight and not where I started, which was nearing morbidly obese.

    My boyfriend's mom told him that I was starting to get bony after I'd only lost about 20 ~ 30 lbs. :laugh:
  • What I hate the most is when we have family dinners and everyone pushes their food to me saying.."go on, you can finish this for me". I have finally made up my mind and decided to loose my weight and working really hard to achieve my goal.. Next time I'll pass my plate to them asking if they would like to finish it for me.
  • gogoyubarino
    gogoyubarino Posts: 104 Member
    I have experienced the same. I find it strange that asking what someone else earns is considered to be bordering on rude (in my social circles anyway)- and yet asking someone whether they have kids or if they will continue to lose weight is completely ok.

    I put it down to control- especially when it comes from other women. The fact that one starts losing weight and becomes happier can be a source of subconcious irritation to the wrong kinds of friends/ acquaintances. It indicates that you are taking control of your life and becoming confident-that inherently changes the balance of any relationship you may have with this person and possibly the dynamics of your relationship with them.

    In my experience, being the fatter, more self-concious, more depressed, less educated half of a relationship can automatically confer a certain degree of power to the other person in the relationship.

    As I said- in my experience. :)
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    Yep do get asked this a lot. I think people are either blind...or still comparing me to what I once was...I get told this yet I would still like to lose up to another 20 kilos (44 pounds) I must admit sometimes it makes me wonder if I am not seeing me for what I really am...but I know deep down I still have weight to lose :)
  • 5onia
    5onia Posts: 2
    yep, I get the same too, and it really does annoy! Like you, I look in the mirror and still see plenty to shift, and no I am not anorexic, and neither do I want to be stick thin. But I, like you, know when there is still fat to shift and so my response now is just to pass no real comment at all, and ignore those that for some bizarre reason seem to think that I should be happy with being a 'bit fat' as opposed to 'very fat' ;)
  • cruzcrzyMarie
    cruzcrzyMarie Posts: 251 Member
    I am in maintenance now, but, while losing I got it and my response was always "my doctor is very happy with my weight", lol. That pretty much shut them up. But, yes, I got tired of defending my weight and feeling like I needed to give them my weight to prove I was not underweight, lol.
  • tammihart
    tammihart Posts: 953 Member
    Some people make that comment and also ask me if I am sick. :laugh:

    I have a guy at church who thinks I am sick. I hadn't lost any weight for months just inches.
  • runlikeananna
    runlikeananna Posts: 42 Member
    I am getting "You are fading away to nothing!" I am still 5 pounds over healthy BMI. My biggest problem has been with one of my daughters. She thinks I am pulling faces at her all the time but it's because she isn't used to my new much thinner face. My smile looks so much wider as I don't have 2 chins and a moon face anymore.
  • PinkHurricane88
    PinkHurricane88 Posts: 156 Member
    Don't worry about what those people say because I get the same thing and I just look at them like 0_o Haha, you probably carry your weight super well too so I understand why people make those comments. Keep it up because you are almost there and congrats on your success thus far!
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I still get it - and started getting it a while ago.

    I am by no means skinny, and skinny is not my goal.... healthy and fit is my goal...... it takes a while for other people to realize, and accept the new you.
  • I am getting "You are fading away to nothing!" I am still 5 pounds over healthy BMI. My biggest problem has been with one of my daughters. She thinks I am pulling faces at her all the time but it's because she isn't used to my new much thinner face. My smile looks so much wider as I don't have 2 chins and a moon face anymore.

    I found this hysterical!
  • STrooper
    STrooper Posts: 659 Member
    Yes, I get some version of this. Or, "you are going towaste away to nothing.."

    Granted, I am just about at my target weight so the weight loss is just about over for me. However, I also realize that I still have awhile before all the body readjustment is completed.

    1lb to go is amazing!!!!!!

    Thanks. It has been a gradual 5 year process.