No time to work out



  • collingmommy
    collingmommy Posts: 456 Member
    If you want to lose weight, the journey isn't a cake walk.. Lol .. If u really want to attempt try jillian Michaels dvds.. There like 30 minutes, tops. I work 8 hours a day, and have a 10 month old son, and my hubby to "take care of" :) and a house to help run.. Believe me, its literally not easy, but i force myself to do 30, minutes of workouts EVRY NIGHT! Regardless of what is going on. I recall a few nights where i didn't get to do My workouts till 11 pm, and had to be up for work at 530 am. It can be done. I'm walking proof.
  • tracypk
    tracypk Posts: 233 Member
    Whether you think that you can, or you think that you can't, you're probably right.

    --- Make time. If you don't "have time" now, you'll find a reason not to do WiiFit if/when you do get it.

    This is coming from a guy who works 50+ hrs a week, my wife works 3rd shift, I have a 10 month old (and no babysitter/daycare) and I still get to workout 9x a week.
    I like how you said you GET to workout. I totally agree with this! Very good advice.
  • KnittedZombie
    KnittedZombie Posts: 3 Member
    I did expect such a response or I would have put more time into my orignal post.

    My day looks like this: 3am I wake up and get ready. I get to work at 4am. I either do a lot o walking scanning the store for empty holes or a lot of heavy lifting stocking shelves. (It's a big box home improvement store and I can work the order picked. Meaning I lift lawnmowers, grills, ceiling fans, ect). I do that until 6:30 - 7. The. I get to my second job which is teaching special needs children. If you have never been in a lifeskills clasaroom, it's a lot of physical work. We have music and movement in the morning which is when we do Just Dance. The a couple of hours later we have 30 minutes of gross motor in the gym. And then there's recess and Richard Simons at the end of the day. Also, it's an elementary school, so these kids are busy busy. I leave from there at three and go to my third job at five. I run a register at that job or work the floor. If I run the register and it's a slow night, I do some desk exercises that I found online. I get home around 10 and I am in bed by midnight. I think because I already do a lot of walking in my day, the fifteen minutes extra run/walk I try to add doesn't seem to make a difference. During breaks from school, I can get back on track witb exercise quickly. I like to run but I also like to eat donuts and that's the problem. I do also have a family and friends.

    I was looking for suggests of things I could do at home that actually work when I have some time off. The home improvement store and school are Monday through Friday. My schedule for the hobby store changes though it's usually three days during the week and the I work the weekends. I wasn't trying to make excuses. I mean, clearly there is room for improvement or I wouldn't be like this.

    And I make less than $20,000 with all of my jobs. I only work that many jobs because I can't find one job that makes me enough money. It happens.

    I sent this from my phone so sorry for any misspelled words or anything else.
    Sam :-)
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    You can lose weight with diet alone. Make sure you're eating the right amount. Do a google search for a "TDEE calculator" plug in your numbers and find the calorie allotment that's right for you.

    Let's be honest here, you have alot to lose, MOST of that (if not all) can be done with a dietary change. Exercise is good for you, but if you don't have time (or don't want in my case lol) then modify your eating habits and see how that goes.

    I think my ticker says "8pounds lost" or something. I've only been at this for a month, I only want to lose 20 pounds total, and I don't exercise. My diary is set at 1700/day. And most days I eat over that hahaha.

    So, yes, exercise will speed things along, but it can be done with diet alone. If/when you plateau, then re-evaluate your goals and move on.
  • running_shoe
    running_shoe Posts: 180 Member
    There is always time. It is about priorities.
  • cgarand
    cgarand Posts: 541 Member
    You are right, eating well is not enough to be really healthy and lose weight. I work out at home. I had a treadmill and a friend gave me an elliptical machine. I also found a strength training program online for FREE (Jamie Easons LiveFit 12 week plan) and I use some free weights I've had forever. You just have to DO it.

    You will never regret the workout you did, you will always regret sitting around doing nothing.
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    Dear Sam,

    I know where you are coming from--I've been in that boat, working so much that my eyes feel like bleeding and then some. Here's the best advice I can give to you:

    Make the best nutritional choices you can. With the kind of weight you are looking to lose (and the active lifestyle you lead), investing your energy into eating well will give you some good results and create excellent habits.

    Start actively looking for a way to get rid of the early morning/late night shifts. It might mean moving to another district/state so that your profession (for which you are educated) can pay the bills and leave you with enough time to start pursuing the lifestyle you want.

  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    I did expect such a response or I would have put more time into my orignal post.

    My day looks like this: 3am I wake up and get ready. I get to work at 4am. I either do a lot o walking scanning the store for empty holes or a lot of heavy lifting stocking shelves. (It's a big box home improvement store and I can work the order picked. Meaning I lift lawnmowers, grills, ceiling fans, ect). I do that until 6:30 - 7. The. I get to my second job which is teaching special needs children. If you have never been in a lifeskills clasaroom, it's a lot of physical work. We have music and movement in the morning which is when we do Just Dance. The a couple of hours later we have 30 minutes of gross motor in the gym. And then there's recess and Richard Simons at the end of the day. Also, it's an elementary school, so these kids are busy busy. I leave from there at three and go to my third job at five. I run a register at that job or work the floor. If I run the register and it's a slow night, I do some desk exercises that I found online. I get home around 10 and I am in bed by midnight. I think because I already do a lot of walking in my day, the fifteen minutes extra run/walk I try to add doesn't seem to make a difference. During breaks from school, I can get back on track witb exercise quickly. I like to run but I also like to eat donuts and that's the problem. I do also have a family and friends.

    I was looking for suggests of things I could do at home that actually work when I have some time off. The home improvement store and school are Monday through Friday. My schedule for the hobby store changes though it's usually three days during the week and the I work the weekends. I wasn't trying to make excuses. I mean, clearly there is room for improvement or I wouldn't be like this.

    And I make less than $20,000 with all of my jobs. I only work that many jobs because I can't find one job that makes me enough money. It happens.

    I sent this from my phone so sorry for any misspelled words or anything else.
    Sam :-)

    I actually think you sound like you are doing loads already and well done for all the effort you are putting into your work life. One thing I would suggest is to look at whether you can put any more umphth into your work activities on a daily basis, e.g. taking the long route round the store carrying something heavy (but not too heavy) introducing more appropriate sporty stuff at school etc. Maybe, if you have a lunch break going for a short run or fast work either on your own or with other staff. Can you cycle between any of the jobs or walk/run etc...? if not then what about some basic weights for at home (get second hand) or there are loads of kettle bell workouts that combine strength and cardio together and can be done in 20-30 mins a day at home. I would also consider a running programme such as c25k and do running when at home (rather than a gym) as it takes so little prep time. You could add tabata style training onto the end of a workout as that is four min very high interval training with good results for so little time.
  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    My teenage daughter lost 25 pounds this summer from playing Just Dance on Kinect everyday this past summer (keep in mind she didn't have weight to lose in the first place), but it does burn calories. Another idea, I do 100 jumping jacks every morning in 2 minutes.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I'm with you Sam.. I sub as a teachers aid in Special Education, and then go to school two nights a week. So while i am busy and moving, it's not the same as purposeful exercise.

    My suggestion, make the most of Saturday and Sunday. Go for long runs or strength train if you can. I always make sure to do a workout on Saturday/Sunday, so that if I slack during the week, I don't feel as bad.

    Also, use little breaks as efficiently as you can. Like I'll have an hour or two between my work and class, so I'll go on a quick hour run or a do a quick workout app. If I'm on lunch and there is time left over, I'll walk around the building for that extra half an hour or w/e. Before you know it, all that stuff adds up and the weight starts coming off.
  • NocturnalGirl
    There is no such thing as no time, it is all in your hands. The key is time management, you can make time.

    A gym is not necessary to lose weight, and diet is the most important factor. If you can, invest in weights for home use and if you want to do cardio, you can go for runs, swim, cycle, etc.
  • vickij2
    Seems like you are getting in more exercise than you realize. When I taught, I never stopped moving and would usually end up with over 10,000 steps a day.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member

    I use to go to the gym all the time. However, last year I started working three jobs, and I don't have time to go to the gym. Then on the days that I do have time, I honestly am just too tired. I was thinking about buying a Wii because of the WiiFit and Just Dance. Has anyone used these and what do you think? Or is there something that you would recommend for me to try at home? I'm afraid that eating better won't be enough to lose the weight that I would like too.

    Wait, if you have time to do WiiFit and Just Dance, you DO have time to work out. I think what you're trying to say is that you don't have time to go to the gym. There's a difference between the two. If you have 30 mins, you have time for a run near your house. You have time to do bodyweight strength training in your living room. You can do some sort of DVD program (until you figure out how to do something better). You are saying you have the time. I am saying you can use that time more effectively.

    Note: Eating better WILL be enough to lose the weight you would like. The exercise is going to help you get to body that you will like.