I don't watch or own a TV...am I the only one????



  • Kebby83
    Kebby83 Posts: 232 Member
    Just curious. I obviously have a computer, but besides coming here (usually on slow night shifts) checking email or doing research, rarely have it turned on. There is so much to do that I couldn't imagine finding an hour a day, much less several to sit in front of a screen watching movies/tv shows etc...

    It's all I can do to fit in an hour workout a day! I have a job, kids, a house that always needs tidying/renovating, and a lot of hobbies! I have owned a TV in the past, and watched it more when I was a kid..but since I became an adult with college, work and then a mom and wife..then a single mom...I just don't have time! I can't remember the last time i watched a movie (tried to watch one with the boyfriend a few mo. back, but fell asleep half way through). To be fair, it was late and my sleep schedule was mixed up from nights shifts...but you get the idea. It was NOT engaging enough to keep me awake. Getting ZZZ's was a much more urgent priority.

    Please know that I am NOT judging people who watch or enjoy TV, just can't wrap my brain around how people have time to do so. Do they have servants that cook/clean/child watch for them? Do they just let their house get messy? Do they not have jobs/responsibilities? Maybee they're just better at managing their time? (doubt that, since I'm a nurse and am VERY efficient at multi tasking I feel..but who knows?). I read somewhere that the average american watches 7 hours a day!! HOW?

    I hope I am not alone in this. Sometiems I feel like I am in the VAST minority here.

    Do you watch Netflicks or play computer games?

    No netflix, no computer games. I go to the gym daily? I read when I can, rock climb and salsa dance...lol. So I guess I could be watching TV instead of doing those things.

    What do your kids do while you rock climb, salsa dance and are at the gym? Does your house get messy while you are doing those things? When do you get time to sit and relax with your kids? I sit and watch a movie with my kid and we snuggle and talk about it and it's fun :)

    Also - you would laugh at me because last night we got home and my husband wanted to watch the election stuff with his buddy. Our ancient TV was broke. So... Right then I went and got a flat screen TV (never had one before) so that he could watch his stuff on that instead of the tiny screen in our bedroom. Yup, I felt it was a life necessity!
  • DebraYvonne
    DebraYvonne Posts: 632 Member
    i am seriously thinking of ditching my cable. I only keep my tv on for background noise most of the time. I do like to watch movies and news programs.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I do have a TV, but I don't have cable, which seems to shock everyone haha. But honestly, there's not that much stuff to watch on TV anyways!

    This. I can not justify to myself paying for it. I have dvds and stuff, but I usually just surf the web, clean or go out and do something. Most tv is boring to me because it's a lot of sit coms or reality tv. Its just not my thing.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Do you watch Netflicks or play computer games?

    No netflix, no computer games. I go to the gym daily? I read when I can, rock climb and salsa dance...lol. So I guess I could be watching TV instead of doing those things.

    Wow. What a crock. I'm pretty active. I don't watch instead of doing things, I watch during downtime. I hate this *kitten*, it's so stupid. OK, you win, you're better than everyone else because you read and don't watch tv. Watch those nose bleeds at those higher elevations.

    Maybe we should compare income? Is that an indicator of education, success, and intelligence? Just sayin'. Sheesh. Give me a break.

    I didn't get this vibe at all from the OP. I get where her hyperbole is a bit far fetched, but I don't think she was judging anyone who does watch tv.
  • emwaitexo
    I'm in high school and I don't watch tv, I have like 5 in my house (including in my room) and never really watch it. I'll watch maybe 1 show with my mom occasionally but I don't stick glued to the screen like most kids my age haha.
  • cherbapp
    cherbapp Posts: 322
    Well we have a somewhat unique household...I am a stay at home mom to teenagers and I spend my 8-10 hours a day doing all the housework, cooking, budgeting, bill paying, landscaping, organizing, running errands and working out. My husband has basically nothing to do when he gets done working.

    I am lucky enough to have a supportive husband who does all the money-making...working for...DirecTV. Lol

    So yeah we have TVs and time for watching.
  • Br4ndi
    Br4ndi Posts: 177
    We have a TV in each bedroom and one in the family room and the 60" in the basement theater. We watch movies here and there, I do my P90x and I never miss Sons of Anarchy. I am also a football junkie...speaking of that I need to check my fantasy team. I don't watch any reality shows but I have the TV on the news in the morning and it is put on one of DirecTV's music channels while I am cooking dinner, cleaning etc.
  • HayleyHat
    We have an old computer monitor hooked up to the Playstation, and watch films on that - my partner and I are both big fans of cinema and used to go most evenings, so watching films at home has become our thing since our daughter was born. We have Netflix and Lovefilm, which my partner sometimes uses to watch entire series and I tend to use for films.

    I'm either working or spending time outside with the toddler, to be honest. When I do have free time I write, read, or make jewellery.
  • mschickiepoo
    mschickiepoo Posts: 91 Member
    Just curious. I obviously have a computer, but besides coming here (usually on slow night shifts) checking email or doing research, rarely have it turned on. There is so much to do that I couldn't imagine finding an hour a day, much less several to sit in front of a screen watching movies/tv shows etc...

    It's all I can do to fit in an hour workout a day! I have a job, kids, a house that always needs tidying/renovating, and a lot of hobbies! I have owned a TV in the past, and watched it more when I was a kid..but since I became an adult with college, work and then a mom and wife..then a single mom...I just don't have time! I can't remember the last time i watched a movie (tried to watch one with the boyfriend a few mo. back, but fell asleep half way through). To be fair, it was late and my sleep schedule was mixed up from nights shifts...but you get the idea. It was NOT engaging enough to keep me awake. Getting ZZZ's was a much more urgent priority.

    Please know that I am NOT judging people who watch or enjoy TV, just can't wrap my brain around how people have time to do so. Do they have servants that cook/clean/child watch for them? Do they just let their house get messy? Do they not have jobs/responsibilities? Maybee they're just better at managing their time? (doubt that, since I'm a nurse and am VERY efficient at multi tasking I feel..but who knows?). I read somewhere that the average american watches 7 hours a day!! HOW?

    I hope I am not alone in this. Sometiems I feel like I am in the VAST minority here.

    Do you watch Netflicks or play computer games?

    No netflix, no computer games. I go to the gym daily? I read when I can, rock climb and salsa dance...lol. So I guess I could be watching TV instead of doing those things.

    Wow. What a crock. I'm pretty active. I don't watch instead of doing things, I watch during downtime. I hate this *kitten*, it's so stupid. OK, you win, you're better than everyone else because you read and don't watch tv. Watch those nose bleeds at those higher elevations.

    Maybe we should compare income? Is that an indicator of education, success, and intelligence? Just sayin'. Sheesh. Give me a break.

    Really??? I never EVER said that it was bad to watch tv. I simply asked if I was the only one tht didn't. the average american watches many hours a day. I was wondering how people can DO that and still do tons of other things. I"m sure you make much more money than I do. I am a nurse, a single mom and live VERY frugally (one of the many reasons I don't have cable or buy tv's to begin with!). I'm sure you're better at many things than I am. I NEVER said that tv watching was an indication of ANYTHING besides TV watching. YOU are the one who made a bunch of conclusions and assumptions about my statements.

    Not everyone took what you said and thought you were running people who watch TV down. I certainly did NOT. You know how it is, you can't make a statement without someone putting a negative sling onto it. Unfortunately, such is life. Surround yourself with positive thoughts, positive people and don't post a blog on any site unless you are prepared for someone to throw some negative twist into it. Keep enjoying your life - cause after all, it is YOURS to enjoy! :flowerforyou:
  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    Personally, I wish I had never brought a TV in the house and still remind my husband what a "SPECTACULAR" job he did in bringing in the gaming system behind my back... (that did NOT go over well)

    I do watch, not as much as I used to but there are shows I DVR. I like to have the music channels playing in the background while doing things around the house but I know if there weren't a TV in the house it would have made a huge difference in arguing about completing homework and the sort. My son is Bi-polar and was very hard to handle at times. Having TV made it worse in my opnion but the battle to get rid of it was never won. Now the only reason I even want cable is for the internet so my daughter can do ehr homework at home, not have to rely on going somewhere else to do ti, but I still can't win the battle to rid the house of TVs
  • quixoteQ
    quixoteQ Posts: 484
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    We HAVE a tv. But until football season it is off. Then, it's only on bc my bf wants to watch football. I don't mind, or miss it.
  • amberlykay1014
    amberlykay1014 Posts: 608 Member
    Usually the only time my fiance and I will turn it on is when we come home from work at 10pm and are too exhausted to do anything else. We'll usually turn on Jon Steward with The Daily Show and have a few laughs before falling asleep.

    We occasionally will rent a movie from Redbox on Sunday evenings.
  • chulie
    chulie Posts: 282
    To the OP...wow...I don't know man, your life sounds like a lot of running around! hahaha...I was tired reading it. Maybe because I only have 1 child, but my life is so chill...We all get up, go to work, come home, have dinner together (me, my husband and daughter), then it's play time, bathtime and bedtime...and she's in bed by 7...so my night is just starting. I work out, hubby goes and plays sports a few nights a week. After I work out, I do some laundry and tidy up...I dunno my house isn't always that messy so it doesnt really take me days to tidy up. My husband helsp me clean and even my daughter gets in on the cleaning...so it's a team effort...so by 8...8:30....everything is done for the day....Hubby and I sit with a coffee, talk about our day and watch our HBO shows....We love T.V time...we only watch shows together so, we talk about whatever's going on...(especially right now watching The Walking Dead....O.M.G) and then it's off to bed and repeat! My only t.v rule is no t.v in the bedroom! hahaha....Weekends are pretty busy and no, there isn't much tv watching...mostly family and friends time. Personally I feel like I have a great balance of it all.....
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    Sheesh, I don't really understand why everyone is getting so defensive. Not everyone likes or wants to do things that other people do. Doesn't mean ANYTHING other than people are different.

    As for me, We have an ancient 19 year old TV that is still going strong, but I kind of just stopped watching TV maybe 3 years ago. I really don't know why. I just stopped turning it on. About a year ago, I noticed that my kids weren't watching it either, but were instead opting to watch Japanese anime series on Netflix through the XBox or on the computer. I cancelled the cable, save $70 a month, and none of us miss it. The kids watch much more than I do, on Netflix or streaming on the computer, but I'll sit and watch a movie with them occasionally, or sometimes watch an episode of Family Guy or Futurama on the computer before going to bed. And I do like Game of Thrones. Other than that it's generally just noise to me, and, FOR ME, I prefer to have my noise come from music rather than the TV.

    I have no idea what new shows are on, and don't care. Doesn't mean I am better than anyone. I don't care what anyone else does with their time, either. Do what you like. I simply am not interested. *shrug*
  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    We do own a t.v., but I personally might watch two one hour long shows a week. The hubby watches way more than I do.
  • bunsen_honeydew
    bunsen_honeydew Posts: 230 Member
    I watch TV at the gym!!

    But seriously. I don't own a TV as I can watch shows and movies on the laptop. (And no space for one, really, in our living room).

    Most evenings I sit down with my housemates at dinner and we watch a news show or an episode of whatever show we are going through (currently old seasons of West Wing and Sherlock) - we just stick one of the laptops on the dinner table.