anyone tying to lose over 50 pounds



  • Your doing well, I just joined today, and found this thread.. Just learning how to use this!! Keep up the great work!!
  • Im trying to lose 100lbs + so anyone feel free to add me! I love to help motivate people and be motivated and inspired by others also :D my diary is viewable so we can help eachother out with tweaking what we eat :)
  • 70 pounds to go!
    feel free to add me!
    anybody is welcome too!
    good luck and ill be there for you
    when you need it!
  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    Feel free to add me looking to lose another 60lbs
  • ciobair
    ciobair Posts: 69
    Just joined and looking forward (?) to finally getting rid of 60 or 70 pounds.

    I've lost some before but have always gained it back, so I know I need prodding and motivation to keep at it.
  • lacia79
    lacia79 Posts: 4
    Hi, my name is Alicia. I'm 32 years old and married. My husband asked me for a divorce about a month ago. His reasons had absolutely nothing to do with my weight (I actually weighed more when we first met and got married than I do now), and we have since begun counseling in an effort to make our marriage work. However, when he asked me for a divorce, it really got me to thinking about what on earth I was going to do. I took a good hard look at myself, and I realized that I wasn't living up to my potential. I have always battled my weight, and I have always wanted to be fit and healthy, but never stuck with any regimine long enough to see lasting results. I originally came to the decision to start this journey because I though I was going to have to start over with the whole dating scene, etc. I now want to continue this journey because my husband and I are trying to make our marriage work, and while my weight has never been an issue for him, I want to do everything in my power to be the best wife that I can be. That includes being healthier. At this time, I am looking to lose around 100 pounds. It's a lofty goal, and if I reach it, it will be the thinnest I have been in my adult life, even thinner than when I graduated high school. I am not one of these women who looks in the mirror and says "Oh, God, I'm so fat" when I wear a size 6. I have been diagnosed as pre-diabetic and on the verge of becomin morbidly obese. The only thing preventing me from being morbidly obese already is the fact that I am 6'1". I guess what I am looking for is someone to go through this journey with me. Someone I can depend on for encouragement and support, and I will offer the same to them in return. I just created my account here a few minutes ago, so I have no idea how any of this community bit works, so if someone could please explain it to me, I'd be grateful. Thanks, and good luck to all!
  • lacia79
    lacia79 Posts: 4
    How do I get to the group for people losing 50 to 100 pounds? I'm a new user and don't yet know how to navigate... Thanks in advance!
  • Feefsee
    Feefsee Posts: 2
    Hello all .... Would love to find a group of ladies that I could enjoy this journey with. I want to lose 27kg(I think that's about 60 pounds)
  • Go to it is the best and has helped many lose weight and inches with no jitters gotta try it
  • Stephanie_skinny
    Stephanie_skinny Posts: 106 Member
    I am looking to lose 53 more lbs add me :wink:
  • shraniken
    shraniken Posts: 37 Member
    Going for 100, hoping beyond hope I don't fail this time -_-, Started several weeks ago. Feel free to add meh
  • I'm trying to lose over 50 pounds! You can add me! I don't really have a large support system so that would be awesome! :)
  • 1ocean1girl
    1ocean1girl Posts: 197 Member
    :smile: I am trying to lose 80lbs! I thought it sounded a bit impossible but its comforting to know Im not alone. Feel free to add me
  • butterflylady86
    butterflylady86 Posts: 369 Member
    Hello Jen I'm in your boat. I have lost 44.5 so far. So if you need a friend Please add me. Good luck on your journey. Peace to you
  • 0161tracy
    0161tracy Posts: 9 Member
    hi just started yesterday, i too am trying to lose around 50 but any amount will do lol !!! a good feeling about this though!..hopefully haha
  • I am shooting for 50 pounds. Feel free to add me, anyone!
  • adstar20
    adstar20 Posts: 29 Member
    Feel free to add me (anyone feel free to ad me). I would love to have some friends on here. This seems like such a motivational place.

    I like to be positive. I am not looking to lose any amount of weight. I have decided on a new way of life and the result will be that I will be back to a healthy weight. As a result of this lifestyle change, I will end up below 200lbs. I am on that road now. Ony 63 more pounds to go! It isn't if, it's when!
  • sokkerchika
    sokkerchika Posts: 5 Member
    i am looking to lose almost 100 pounds. add me!
  • Trying to lose about 80 pounds. I have not made many changes to what I am eating, but definitely exercises more! Ran a marathon in September and plan to do more. So far, I lost about 40'ish pounds prior to Good luck to all of you!
  • Trying to loose about 40 pounds