Gym Advice!!



  • janicearyan
    janicearyan Posts: 5 Member
    HI.. I can relate..
    I finally had my ahaa moment and signed up for Planet fitness. I was 5'3" and 242lbs.
    While it was unnerving for me to walk in that initial time I am glad I did! No one was looking at me.. They are all in their own worlds, headphones on, doing their own workouts. But you will find friendly staff and people the more you go.. you cna be as friendly or not as you want
    I started on 5-25-12 and faithfully go 6 times a week. Started on treadmill on a 1.2 pace because thats all I could take. Now I go over 3.0 with incline at 3.0. I have added the 30 min circuit at PF for the last two months as well.
    I have lost a total of 57 lbs and dropped 4 clothes sizes so far..
  • johloz
    johloz Posts: 176 Member
    To be completely honest, I am a hateful, judgemental person, and I am constantly catching myself judging other people for being overweight. I know it's wrong, and I'm working on it, but that's the truth.

    That being said, I NEVER judge an overweight person when they are at the gym. In fact, when I see an overweight person working out, I find it motivational. I use people who are at the beginning of their fitness journey as inspiration. If someone who is just starting out can find the time and energy to push themselves, I, who am already fit, should have no excuses.

    You go girl!
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    If I see someone at the gym who is obviously very overweight and out of shape I'm proud of them for being there.

    This! There is a woman at my gym who I've been watching lose and it's fantastic! She smiles more, is trying more things and it's just been really cool to watch. People may look at you but don't assume they are looking at you for a negative reason. It could be that they are proud of you or simply that their eyes wandered that way. But in the end, it only matters what you think. In a few months, these first weeks will be behind you and you will be on your way to a new healthier you!
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    Most of the time I just try to adopt the attitude of "I may be fat, but I'm losing weight, and you'll always be an *kitten*!" Most of the time it works. The fact is, people are judgemental. Some more so, some less. But sometimes I think we project what people are thinking becasue we're so self-conscious when actually theyr'e not even thinking about us.

    Do your thing. And try not to worry about what other people are thinking.

    And good fro you for taking a major step!
  • mirthfuldragon
    mirthfuldragon Posts: 124 Member
    Two and half years ago, I was at 296lbs. I'm now at 189lbs and starting training for a triathlon. I spend about 6 or 8 hours a week at the gym. When I see someone on the street or in a restaurant, obese and probably not making an effort to change, I do judge them; I'm a bit of a judgmental jerk, generally.

    However, when I see someone new at the gym, sweating buckets at 3mph on the treadmill, all I want to do is hug them, fist-bump them, and cheer them on.

    I've been there, my wife's been there, and many, many people have been there. The single hardest part is that moment of clarity that is hitting you like a freight train right now - and making the decision to change. Everyone workout you do is infinitely better than the workout you don't do. Change is hard, but until you take that first step, there can be no change. Every day, everyone gets up and makes a choice - and for most, it's automatic - and that choice is whether to eat poorly, stay in bad health, and over-eat. It is a struggle - and I struggle with it now, and I will struggle with it for the rest of my life - but it does get easier, and it is a struggle you can overcome. That struggle is between the easy way - poor food, overeating, no physical activity - and the healthy lifestyle of eating right and exercise.

    Making the choice to change is the hardest part. Congratulations on it - do what you can, and good luck.
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    The fact is, people are judgemental. Some more so, some less.

    And there's nothing wrong with that

    If an elderly lady drops her shopping, I'll be judging. If a guy bends down to help, then I think, 'what a nice guy', if he doesn't then I make a judgement the other way. We all do that

    If I see an overweight person waddling on the treadmill then I think 'good for you' has my respect straight away
    If I see an overweight person waddling out of McDonalds then I think they're not too concerned about their health and well being
  • floopysandi
    floopysandi Posts: 138 Member
    I am a member of PF too, just started a couple of weeks ago. I go in with my headphones on and do my thing... And watch the eye candy of course... But have not had any issues with jerks yet. Only had one guy hitting on me by "showing me how to use the machine". And the hydro massage table is awesome!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Nobody is judging you....

    Nobody cares.
  • simpleejenn
    So, I totally went and joined!! Only anticipated signing up, but love the place so much...I am going back.
    No detriment, in fact...I got hit on when I left!! YAY! Ok, now I am so stoked!
  • taco_tap
    taco_tap Posts: 152 Member
    One way to look at it is... If you're feeling that way, chances are 90 percent of the people there are feeling that way too. and honestly, the first day is the hardest. Once you realize no one really cares what you're doing, you'll become comfortable. Keep at it, yo!
  • LMick1986
    So, I totally went and joined!! Only anticipated signing up, but love the place so much...I am going back.
    No detriment, in fact...I got hit on when I left!! YAY! Ok, now I am so stoked!

    Sweet!! Just imagine the compliments rolling in when you start to feel not so fed up with your weight.....when you're actually excited that you reached your personal goals and milestones. It will show and people will respond to that. Way cool! Keep it up!
  • BetterCrazyThanLazy

    That's all I have to say. Congratulations on making the most important step - you FIRST step!
  • elprincipito
    elprincipito Posts: 1,200 Member
    When I first started hitting the gym I was 133lbs and i couldn't bench 95lbs properly. I am now 157lbs and still gaining weight and can bench 225lbs (properly and controlled motion). If i had worried about others looking at me and thinking of me as a stick i probably wouldn't have gone far. You have to do you and don't give a flying fudge about what others think.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Good for you! *high five*

    The awesome thing is that you joined a gym and you're committed to living a healthy lifestyle. If anyone gives you s*it about it tell them to go suck an egg!
  • hiker359
    hiker359 Posts: 577 Member
    Just going to say that 99% of the people there are too busy thinking about themselves to worry much about you, and the other 1% aren't worth worrying about since most of the time they'll keep whatever they're thinking to themselves. Just go and do what you know you need to do. Thinking you need to be skinny to use the gym is like thinking you need to be dead to use the hospital.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    I have never seen anyone make fun of someone in the gym for being overweight. in fact its the opposite. if anything is said its words of encouragement.

    after some initial soreness you will be amazed at how good you feel after hitting the get your butt into a gym and have a great time!
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    So, I totally went and joined!! Only anticipated signing up, but love the place so much...I am going back.
    No detriment, in fact...I got hit on when I left!! YAY! Ok, now I am so stoked!

    It's brilliant that you joined, good for you, keep it up

    But I do wonder why you think its so good that you got hit on?? Does your new husband feel the same about it?
  • phoenixsmommy
    phoenixsmommy Posts: 6 Member
    to worry about what they think is to consider yourself worth less than they are. if they think that way they are worth less than everyone. your physical shape doesn't devalue who you are. you have just as much right to be there as them. more if you need it more. that's what i think everytime i walk in the doors. every time is a personal struggle but you have to remember that you are worthy of any one of them. we are all the same humans under the skin.
  • eatinghappy
    eatinghappy Posts: 11 Member

    Experiment with all of the options at the gym: classes, strength training, personal training (do you get a free personal training session?) be sure to take advantage of this option - the trainers can be super helpful; try pilates, yoga, spin. Find your "fit" and persevere! You are an awesome woman on a journey to a healthier, brand new "you".


    Here's a mantra for you:
    "I am in the right place, at the right time, and God is showing me my next adventure!"
  • Brandywithrow
    I Did Not have time to read the other posts BUT I was the same way about 10 Month ago I am 5"6 ish and I weighed 260 I was so worried about what everyone else was thinking of me. I was dripping sweat just from my warm up BUt I kept going and each day got a little bit easier. Today only 10 month or so Later I weight 189 and im still always worried when I lift weights about the Body building men and what they are thinking about me BUT when all is said and done its your life and only you can change is! Slow and steady really does win the race :) I wish you success on your journey!!