The Biggest Loser

I really enjoy watching the Biggest Loser. They work their butts off! But just watching the weigh ins. One girl has lost 81 pounds in 8 weeks. How is this healthy?? Plus, for someone to lose that much weight so fast can't possibly maintain it. I just don't get it. Any thoughts?


  • StarryEyedGirl
    just think of her diet before the show. it's falling off her because she is finally healthy... besides she probably needs to lose 130 + pounds- she will slow down with loss and plateau like the rest of us... it's all relative!
  • jennylynn84
    jennylynn84 Posts: 659
    It's not healthy at all. There was a great article on here the other day - I pulled it from my computer history. For you. Talks about what the show/trainers promote that is seriously bad for you - and a lot of the contestants yo yo after the show.
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    These contestants work out all day - that is their job. If you worked out for 6-8 hours a day, you'd probably drop weight that quick too. And, unfortunately, a lot of them don't maintain. It's all about a full lifestyle change and a lot of people can't cope with changing their life and eating habits that drastically.
  • cherieb1
    cherieb1 Posts: 5
    When you first start loosing weight it comes off fast,,,then it will slow down because with the exercise you start to build muscle and muscle weighs more than fat, but the bonus is muscle continues to burn calories when your not exercising wheras fat doesn't. These people on biggest loser are eating, sleeping and exercising that's it....when they get back to real life they don't lose as much so fast.........just like all of us!!!! And no trainer yelling at you to motivate and keep going,,,so even though they are losing alot fast they will be like us one day again...struggling to keep life on the go and lose weight at the same time....
  • sonia2003
    sonia2003 Posts: 195 Member
    I just watched it last night for the first time this season and they had the contestants working 8 hours by volunteering at the local food bank and teaching the contestants how it is going to be once they get back to working and then having to fit in a workout before or after work. I think they are trying to make it as close to real life as possible for them.

    Losing weight that fast probably isnt the best but it probably doesnt harm them as they were very obese with a lot of health conditions before starting the show.
  • pixietwilight
    pixietwilight Posts: 62 Member
    I have heard the same thing that most of them gain some of the weight back after the show. It is TV and if you had someone losing 2 lbs a week not many people would watch that. I also think they are on like an 800 cal diet which is really really really really ... did I really bad for your body especial since they work out like animals!! I still like the show it keeps me on my elliptical.
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    I enjoy where the doctor shows their health improvement numbers, they have so much to lose that every pound is giving them better health advantages. No, they can't keep it up at that rate forever but it is a good jump start for most. I follow Shay from last season on Twitter, that girl is doing great at home, she was given the incentive at the end of last season by Subway to lose more weight by the finalle in May and they will pay her $1000.00 for each pound she loses. From what I read she is doing great and has become a huge inspiration., can't wait to see her. Not all contestants stick with their new lifestyle, it is hard, but it is so good to see those that do succeed.
  • SugarHi
    SugarHi Posts: 452
    Well, I've lost 227 pounds since this last July, I've done it healthy and I plan to keep losing and to keep it off! A big part of it has to do with how much you have to lose, how far are you willing to push yourself? I've checked in with my doc along they way who is very impressed with my numbers and health. I am a little worried about the maintenance phase once I get there, but I have no doubt that I will keep this weight off and continue on in a healthy fashion as I have all along. I guess really it will be people's perceptions on the topic.
  • HawkeyeGuy
    HawkeyeGuy Posts: 183
    That article that was referenced is amusing. It clearly points to an often unstated fact - all too often we look for excuses to not get in shape and put in the extra work. I'm not saying anyone in this thread is guilty of it (only close self-examination can answer that!). But I know I was guilty of it for a long time, and it was sad when I realized what I was doing.

    It was SO much easier to say, "geez, I wouldn't want to work out any harder, might 'overtrain'". Ha! I'm doing 90+ minutes of intense workout a day now, 6 days a week (Saturdays are typically 3 hours - as I train for an adventure race), and I have yet to overtrain - though I eat right, and get the sleep necessary. Back to the article - Yes, the summer heat is hot, and yes they work out after vomiting - well so what! We all need to get off our butts, and hit it hard. I'd rather see people experience dehydration and excessively rapid weight loss rather than becoming overweight burdens on the health care system and dealing with every disease associated with obesity out there. I look back, and agree that what I'm doing today is more challenging than laying on the couch and looking for excuses, but the rewards and return on my investment are simply immeasurable.

    This is coming from a guy who went through 6 months of chemo and high dose prednisone treatments for a kidney disease. If I can do it, so can you - if you avoid the excuses and truly want it. Now go workout.
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    This is coming from a guy who went through 6 months of chemo and high dose prednisone treatments for a kidney disease. If I can do it, so can you - if you avoid the excuses and truly want it. Now go workout.

    Preach it brother!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • HawkeyeGuy
    HawkeyeGuy Posts: 183
    Well, I've lost 227 pounds since this last July, I've done it healthy and I plan to keep losing and to keep it off! A big part of it has to do with how much you have to lose, how far are you willing to push yourself? I've checked in with my doc along they way who is very impressed with my numbers and health.

    227 pounds? That's just flat out rocks. And I agree with your post - you've got to want it. Am I way off base, or do too many people literally look for excuses (don't get me wrong, I don't think people do it consciously, at least I didn't)?
  • aprilwilliamsba
    aprilwilliamsba Posts: 9 Member
    I love The Biggest Loser but the extreme weight loss of the contestants is definitely not what the average person should strive for. The workouts they do on the show are extreme and generally used for athletes. Behind the scenes these people are monitored by a group of doctors 24/7. I believe they even have a disclaimer about it.

    There have been a handful of contestants that have gained back weight because they fell back into their old habits after filming. You have to take into account that these people are not only trying to lose weight but also win a lot of money. (Also, if there was minimal weight loss and no drama it would be boring haha.) I think the most important things the show promotes is that being severely overweight leads to a number of health problems, the importance of eating healthy balanced meals and that some form of daily exercise is important.
  • SugarHi
    SugarHi Posts: 452
    Well, I've lost 227 pounds since this last July, I've done it healthy and I plan to keep losing and to keep it off! A big part of it has to do with how much you have to lose, how far are you willing to push yourself? I've checked in with my doc along they way who is very impressed with my numbers and health.

    227 pounds? That's just flat out rocks. And I agree with your post - you've got to want it. Am I way off base, or do too many people literally look for excuses (don't get me wrong, I don't think people do it consciously, at least I didn't)?

    Yes, I do believe people get caught up in the he said she said, I read this article, well I read that article... did you hear what Susy did last week sort of thing. That really lays a cover over what we really want, or think we need. Our bodies are capable of so much more than we give them credit for. It's do-able. If you want it - go get it!
  • BombolinaM
    BombolinaM Posts: 561 Member
    The intense workouts and drop in calories is what makes them lose calories. But to lose that much weight in such a short time can in no way be healthy. I am losing 2-3 lbs a week. She's basically lost 10lbs a week. She was over 300 lbs. It's fantastic. But I'd worry about the after effects. Although she's lost..How healthy is she really? Kudos to all of them!!
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    SugarHi, you are, as always, a fabulous inspiration. Hawkeye, I haven't read your posts before and you are too. The reason I'm here is to read messages like yours and stop whining like a baby and get up and move my butt. (can I say butt here?) I know I let how I feel dictate waaaayy too many of my choices, so thanks for the blunt truth.
  • BombolinaM
    BombolinaM Posts: 561 Member
    Well, I've lost 227 pounds since this last July, I've done it healthy and I plan to keep losing and to keep it off! A big part of it has to do with how much you have to lose, how far are you willing to push yourself? I've checked in with my doc along they way who is very impressed with my numbers and health.

    227 pounds? That's just flat out rocks. And I agree with your post - you've got to want it. Am I way off base, or do too many people literally look for excuses (don't get me wrong, I don't think people do it consciously, at least I didn't)?

    Yes, I do believe people get caught up in the he said she said, I read this article, well I read that article... did you hear what Susy did last week sort of thing. That really lays a cover over what we really want, or think we need. Our bodies are capable of so much more than we give them credit for. It's do-able. If you want it - go get it!

    Congratulations!! That's a big loss. I was just curious because it just seems so crazy.
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Our bodies are capable of so much more than we give them credit for. It's do-able. If you want it - go get it!

    I think this is so true.

    Sugar Hi :Your weight loss is fantastic! congratulations!
  • BamaRose0107
    I used to really love watching the show but unfortunately now some of the contestants have come forward and told some of the ridiculous and very dangerous methods that are used to get some of those big numbers, expecially for the final weigh in. Two that I have seen interviews from say that before the weigh in they basically starved themselves and dehydrated themselves to the point where one contestant was actually urinating blood. He went on to say that by doing this he lost 31 extra pounds for the weigh in but gained in back within a week or two.

    Julie one of the previous contestants later admitted that the weight she had gotten to by the end of the show would only be maintainable with a diet of I think it was less than 1200 calories and 7 days a week of 4-6 hour workouts. She ended up regaining a little weight on purpose so that she could maintain it.

    I just feel that some of the contestants are there for the money first and the health second and to me that is setting some of them up for failure.
  • HawkeyeGuy
    HawkeyeGuy Posts: 183
    SugarHi, you are, as always, a fabulous inspiration. Hawkeye, I haven't read your posts before and you are too. The reason I'm here is to read messages like yours and stop whining like a baby and get up and move my butt. (can I say butt here?) I know I let how I feel dictate waaaayy too many of my choices, so thanks for the blunt truth.

    When I was 40 pounds overweight, I was where you were. If it felt better to lay around, I found a way to justify it. Sounds like you "get it" which is the toughest thing - next thing is you'll get addicted to the high of working out. Best of luck, and if I can help one person get off their butts each day, it makes me feel great!
  • jennylynn84
    jennylynn84 Posts: 659
    I do tend to agree that people have plenty of excuses for not getting in shape and not eating right. I know plenty of people that do it, even in the sight of me and my husband having lost about 60 pounds all together in the past few months.

    If most people would get up and buckle down they'd be surprised what they can do.

    I'm not even really against the telling the contestants they've let down their team (or I wouldn't be, if letting down the team didn't mean eating an extra apple and going over 800 cals). I mean, jeez, if they don't care about letting themselves down, then maybe they should care about the team, if that works for motivation.

    HOWEVER - if they have the contestants on a diet of less than 1000 calories a day and working out to the extent that they are being required to - there is no way it's healthy. You just can't take in a net of 400 calories a day.

    I know that real athletes train in the heat and throw up then knock back some water and keep going. But the encouraged dehydration and starvation of the contestants is just not a good thing.