How many calories do YOU burn during a 'good' workout?



  • 75in2013
    75in2013 Posts: 361 Member
    Normal workout is ~450kcal

    Cycling during summer easily ~1300kcal (2h+, hilly area)
  • mrandolph69
    mrandolph69 Posts: 197 Member
    I am a 6'10" male weighing in at 240. I just completed 40 minutes on an elliptical with an average heart rate (per my Polar FT7) of 141 and a maximum heart rate of 158. My HRM said I burned 673 calories. I then did my ab rotation for 32 minutes. My HRM said my average heart rate was 121 and my maximum was 147. It said I burned 405 calories for that so my total calories for this workout was 1078.
  • tyresank
    tyresank Posts: 174 Member
    I have a very low resting heart rate to begin with, typically under 50, normal for women is suppose to be 60-100. Given that I seem to burn less than most. I burn around 330-400 on the Elliptical for 45-60 mins if I keep my heart rate around 125-135. When I am doing strength training it's between 285-330 for 60 mins. Yoga for 30 mins I am luck to burn 48-68 just depending.. But for now this seems to be working, as I have lost an average of 1.5 lbs over the last 60 wks, just hitting the 90 pound mark. 20 more to go!!!
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member
    I set a goal to burn at least 300 calories during a workout. If doing a workout DVD and my burn is less, I'll do extra exercises afterwards to get to my goal.
    On days where I'm not strapped for time, I'll aim for 500+ burned
  • cNhobbes
    cNhobbes Posts: 235 Member
    i've got an HRM and have learned that when i'm workin hard i pretty much consistantly burn 100 cals every 10 min. a good workout for me is ~400 cals (not including some weight lifting). HOWEVER, i have noticed that if i burn too much or workout too hard, i'm dead for the rest of the day and end up taking a nap or get a migraine. so i mostly try to listen to my body.
  • freckledrats
    freckledrats Posts: 251 Member
    I'm 4'11" and 123 pounds, so if I PUSH, I can burn 300 in 45 minutes (that's an Insanity level workout for me). I usually only go 30 minutes. On an elliptical, that's about 250 calories. On a Jillian Michael's DVD, it's only a little above 200, even if I'm dripping sweat. Being small has drawbacks :(
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    Typically in the 450 range. That's for either a 5-6 mile run or 55 minutes with weights followed by 20 minute cardio.
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    If I have a night off (I work 3rd shift) I burn between 500-600 for a high intensity workout (pylometric or running on treadmill). If I work and sleep my 5 hrs that day its lower then
  • miracole
    miracole Posts: 492 Member
    good workout = 500-1000 calories (can usually burn that during a 7-10K run)

    GREAT workout = 1500 calories plus, which is what I burn during my long runs during marathon training season. Am on top of the world all day after one of those! Though of course it takes 2h+ of running to get there.
  • cdpark617
    cdpark617 Posts: 316 Member
    I go for 1000 calories in a workout
  • Erienneb
    Erienneb Posts: 592 Member
    I'm shooting for 500 calories a workout right now. Depending on what I'm doing, I can do that in 35-40 minutes. If I'm feeling spectacular and really push, I can do up to I think 720 was my highest in an hour so far. I can't always make an hour depending on my knees though.

    ETA: I use a HRM. Before I started doing that and was using MFP I rounded down considerably. I burn about 12 cals/min on a good workout and before the HRM I would say 9/min to be on the safe side.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    anything from 700 up and I am happy
  • afv417
    afv417 Posts: 466 Member
    For those who use MFP's numbers, you need a HRM. MFP numbers are ridiculously high.
  • SlimT05
    SlimT05 Posts: 19 Member
    Between 550 and 650. I've been averaging about 625-650 or so with my great Zumba workouts.
  • Amberh82
    Amberh82 Posts: 468 Member
    300-350 but I'm also 4'10 so even at a super intense pace, I will never burn 500 calories/hour....
  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    I have my light days...about 350-400 cal burned. Then my medium days...500-700. Then my days where I either stay at gym for over an hour or play tennis (singles or dbls) which can range from 800-2400 calories depending upon duration. But on average I'd say it's more like 700-800/session.
  • ggcat
    ggcat Posts: 313 Member
    500-600 calories on a usual workout.

    700-800 on a great day

    300-400 on a so-so day

    I always wear my HRM, always :)
  • s3nsfan
    your poor body needs some rest. That's when your muscles actually do some growing. 5 days with a complete rest day and a day of active rest ie: hike in the woods with family, ball hockey game with friends (that's what i do) will go a longer way then working out 7 days a week.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    300 for a "regular" workout during the week after a 12-13 hour day at work

    500-600 for a "good" workout on the weekends when I have more time and energy to push.

    This is me as well!
  • AlayshaJ
    AlayshaJ Posts: 703 Member
    400-600 Usually.