fear of 213.8 lbs and all muscle



  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    Thank you all for all the good information. It is hard to know what to do and what to go by, information overload! I get the gist of it, eat less, work out less. I am wondering if my body bugg is actually hindering my efforts at this point? should I get rid of it? also I get so hungry all the time, because of the amount I work out. It is hard for me to go under 2000 calories. like today, I ate 2100 and I still feel hungry... wtf? my goals for next week is to ditch the body bugg, and only work out 2 hours a day. running and strength. again thank you all.
    Youre hungry all the time due to all the exercise... your body needs to repair so your metabolic rate increases. The best thing to do is cut exercise to an hour a day and eat at a moderate deficit. In fact taking a week off and eating your maintenance calorie will help with your weight loss to help regulate your hormones like geekyjock stated. Dont get rid of your bodybugg... just because it didnt work for one or two people doesnt mean it wont work for you. Just like the equations.. it's effective for 70-80% of the people. Unfortunately, the outliers want everyone to believe its ineffective. Its why people jump all over the post about those who got bmr testing and its lower then the calculations.

    ^^^^^excellent advice. In a nutshell !
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    Muscle doesn't weigh more than fat, you didn't build significant muscle in a couple weeks, drop about 2 hours a day of exercise and lower your food intake. Quit eating exercise calories back.

    You're kidding right? Muscle doesn't weigh more than fat? That's possibly the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

    Do drop your exercise, take two rest days in a week, adjust your food intake appropriately, and DO eat back your exercise calories.
    Stick to the plan, the rest will happen with time.

    Muscle indeed DOES NOT weigh more than fat. 5 lbs is 5 lbs. no matter what it is. Muscle is indeed DENSER than fat and takes up less space. It's heavier by volume. Is why we can burn fat, lose inches, be smaller in size but still weigh the same due to body recomposition.
  • Snikkee
    Snikkee Posts: 295 Member
    There really is lots of good advice on this post, from everyone. I appreciate all of it! I am going to not use my body bugg. I think I rely on it too much, very OCD about it. I think this will also help me eat a little bit less. I really dont want to change the amount I am eating yet, just because I have just started, but part of me thinks I am eating too much since I have been maintaining. I am not sure what to drop my calories down to... just 100 less a day, or 200 less a day? I dont weight/strength train on weekends, but I still walk and sometimes run.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    There really is lots of good advice on this post, from everyone. I appreciate all of it! I am going to not use my body bugg. I think I rely on it too much, very OCD about it. I think this will also help me eat a little bit less. I really dont want to change the amount I am eating yet, just because I have just started, but part of me thinks I am eating too much since I have been maintaining. I am not sure what to drop my calories down to... just 100 less a day, or 200 less a day? I dont weight/strength train on weekends, but I still walk and sometimes run.

    Stick to what you are doing for a couple more weeks - it will give you a base line that takes water weight fluctuations out of the equation. If the loss is still not as predicted, drop your calories by 100 - 200 (depending on your energy and hunger) and then stick to that for another 4 weeks and see how that goes. It is far too early to tell whether your calorie intake is at the right level at the moment.
  • notenoughspeed
    notenoughspeed Posts: 290 Member
    I'd just double check your numbers. Are you overestimating your calorie burn? For cardio stuff you can use a monitor like a fitbit or iphone based GPS to give you a more measured readout of your burn. Also, your intake is still quite high and I'd double check that you are not actually eating more than you think. Your kitchen scales are more important than your bathroom scales. Weigh everything as much as possible and try to log as accurately as you can. If you don't it'll amaze you where the extra calories creep in.

    +1 on the kitchen scales. It just as important as your scale in your bathroom. If you're not using one, you just don't know for sure how many calories you are taking in with certain meals. I workout 2-3 times a week for 30-60 minutes, eat approx 1960-2160 calories a day, and I still lose weight. If I have a slightly high day because of eating out, I simply eat less the following days by a small amount till my average calorie intake per day even out. My weight fluctuated by 9 lbs during a weeks time, but I still lost weight last week. Good luck with finding your balance.
  • eve7166
    eve7166 Posts: 218 Member
    I am 5'4, 213.8 lbs. ( used to be 135 lbs 6 years ago ) I work out 3 hours a day, one hour running, one hour walking, one hour strength training. It has been 12 days since I started, and I eat clean, rarely have junk. I burn about 3000 calories a day, and eat about 2100. My BMR is 1700. I have not lost any weight yet. I am a bit nervous since it has been almost 2 weeks.. I know muscle weighs more then fat, and so on and so forth, but I have like 90 lbs to lose! mathematically I should be losing weight.. but I am not! How is this possible? I also drink a **** ton of water everyday, no less then 15 cups. I am doing everything right... so what am I doing wrong?

    I was going through the SAME thing at the SAME weight (im 5'6'' not much of a difference). After 2 weeks I started to lose .5 pounds. FInally this week I lost 4 lbs! Ive been doing this for about 4 weeks. Take your measurements and just keep going. It will start to come off! (trust me after week 2 i was crying and I got the same advice stuck it out and it worked!)
  • eve7166
    eve7166 Posts: 218 Member
    I just saw your diary. My only advice is lower the calories, up the protein. THe reason you are always hungry is because you are getting too many calories from carbs (cereal, bread, rice, etc) and not enough protein. Try it out and see how you feel. I eat roughly 1200-1400 a day and feel full all the time. Not hungry.
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    ur cal intake is to high.
    Not sure if trolling, or just bad advice.
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member

    I'll tell you how it' posible you're not losing weight, you're estimations of how much you burn, your BMR, and how much you eat are off. I can't imagine a 5'4" women eating 2,000 calories to lose weight.

    Plenty of 5'4" women can lose weight while eating 2100 calories - as long as it's a deficit from your TDEE, weight loss is possible.

    OP: my opinion, based on what you've written, is that you're overtraining and not letting your body rest enough to recover from the stress you're putting it under. Sore muscles hold on to water. Also, there's no need for so much exercise. The walking every day isn't a problem - that should be just part of daily life for all of us - but an hour of cardio on top of an hour of strength? Overkill. If it were me, neither the cardio or the strength training would get my full effort, because I'd be so wiped out. You can get the benefits of strength training from a full body workout 3x a week for 30-45 minutes. Do cardio on the other days, and one full day of rest, maybe two, and you will give your body more time to recover.

    Last -
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    You are double counting your exercise calories if you add your BodyBug and your walking. Also, you eat a ton of sugar. I'd cut back on the sugar/carbs and add more protein.
  • bsmcdonald0513
    bsmcdonald0513 Posts: 15 Member
    Muscle doesn't weigh more than fat, you didn't build significant muscle in a couple weeks, drop about 2 hours a day of exercise and lower your food intake. Quit eating exercise calories back.

    You're kidding right? Muscle doesn't weigh more than fat? That's possibly the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

    Do drop your exercise, take two rest days in a week, adjust your food intake appropriately, and DO eat back your exercise calories.
    Stick to the plan, the rest will happen with time.

    Muscle indeed DOES NOT weigh more than fat. 5 lbs is 5 lbs. no matter what it is. Muscle is indeed DENSER than fat and takes up less space. It's heavier by volume. Is why we can burn fat, lose inches, be smaller in size but still weigh the same due to body recomposition.

    Of course 5 pounds is 5 pounds, you're really trying hard to split hairs here. You yourself have agreed that muscle is heavier by vloume, which is the point of the saying "muscle weighs more than fat."
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    FYI I use a body bugg to calculate all of my calories I burned. ONE OF THE MOST ACCURATE calorie counters out there. IT is the amount of calories I burn in an entire day... not just the 3 hours I work out.

    If you're entering the entire amount you burned in an entire day into MFP as exercise (instead of entering just the exercise), and then you're eating back the cals MFP tells you to eat, you're double counting a whole bunch of calories burned and will end up eating too many calories. Just enter your exercise cals and that's it.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    There really is lots of good advice on this post, from everyone. I appreciate all of it! I am going to not use my body bugg. I think I rely on it too much, very OCD about it. I think this will also help me eat a little bit less. I really dont want to change the amount I am eating yet, just because I have just started, but part of me thinks I am eating too much since I have been maintaining. I am not sure what to drop my calories down to... just 100 less a day, or 200 less a day? I dont weight/strength train on weekends, but I still walk and sometimes run.

    You dont need to drop your body bugg or your calories.. just your activity. But if you dont want to stop exercising that much, you need to eat a lot more. What does your body bugg say your average calories burned per day is? From that number cut 20% if you want to maintain your current lifestyle..
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    There really is lots of good advice on this post, from everyone. I appreciate all of it! I am going to not use my body bugg. I think I rely on it too much, very OCD about it. I think this will also help me eat a little bit less. I really dont want to change the amount I am eating yet, just because I have just started, but part of me thinks I am eating too much since I have been maintaining. I am not sure what to drop my calories down to... just 100 less a day, or 200 less a day? I dont weight/strength train on weekends, but I still walk and sometimes run.

    Stick to what you are doing for a couple more weeks - it will give you a base line that takes water weight fluctuations out of the equation. If the loss is still not as predicted, drop your calories by 100 - 200 (depending on your energy and hunger) and then stick to that for another 4 weeks and see how that goes. It is far too early to tell whether your calorie intake is at the right level at the moment.

    Quoting my own post as I cannot edit it:

    As many others have said, you should cut back on your exercise as it will end up being counter-productive. Bear in mind, if you cut back exercise, you will need to cut back calories to maintain the deficit.
  • lauriem1966
    lauriem1966 Posts: 134 Member
    You work out a lot....have you been doing this just the past 12 days (longer now I'm sure, didn't notice the posting date). You are possibly retaing water in your muscles, be patient, it will come off. I would also take a rest day every four days....workout 3, reset 1, you need more recovery, IMO, with that intesity. I workout 6-8 hours per week and my weight loss is non existent most weeks but then I drop 3.... Weight loss is not linear, lots of ups and downs on the scale so you just have to stay the course. Good luck!
  • maricash
    maricash Posts: 280 Member
    Muscle doesn't weigh more than fat, you didn't build significant muscle in a couple weeks, drop about 2 hours a day of exercise and lower your food intake. Quit eating exercise calories back.

    You're kidding right? Muscle doesn't weigh more than fat? That's possibly the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

    Do drop your exercise, take two rest days in a week, adjust your food intake appropriately, and DO eat back your exercise calories.
    Stick to the plan, the rest will happen with time.

    Muscle indeed DOES NOT weigh more than fat. 5 lbs is 5 lbs. no matter what it is. Muscle is indeed DENSER than fat and takes up less space. It's heavier by volume. Is why we can burn fat, lose inches, be smaller in size but still weigh the same due to body recomposition.

    Of course 5 pounds is 5 pounds, you're really trying hard to split hairs here. You yourself have agreed that muscle is heavier by vloume, which is the point of the saying "muscle weighs more than fat."

    The point? The same as saying "lead weighs more than feathers". When we talk about weight, the volume thing is understood. If someone tells you that lead weighs more than feathers do you argue with them? Probably not. I don't know why it drives people on this site so crazy when someone says muscle weighs more than fat. If they say "a pound of fat weighs more than a pound of muscle", sure, that's wrong, but just "muscle weighs more than fat"? Clearly, the "by volume" is understood just like it is with other weight comparisons.

    Sorry for going off topic OP. I wouldn't worry about becoming 213.8 pounds of muscle in any case!
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    Just keep at it. If you've only been at it 12 days, muscle gain wouldn't show on the scale yet.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    your calories burned are over estimated.

    I would say you are probably burning around 1100 a day with that type of activity. That calorie count is around maintance level for your weight. I would probably stop eating any of my calories burned back and keep it between 1800 and 2000 calories.

    If exercising that much is fun and maintainable then I would continue but imagine the calorie restriction you will have when you can no longer workout that much.

    Edited to add: See if you can borrow a HRM with chest strap (Polar makes good ones) and see where that calorie burn count goes too. I'm thinking the BB is way over.
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    I am going to agree with many of the posters here. You are stressing your body out with exercising for far too long a day. My personal trainer who has a very successful weight loss group swears by one hour a day. Next your calorie intake is too high. I would drop it down to 1500. I try not to eat back MFPs calorie burn because they are way high!!!!! Also up protein and veggies and cut white refined carbs. No sodas and LOTS of water!!!!!

  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    PS a pound of feathers or a pound of brick....a pound is a pound. Muscle is more dense and takes up less space than fluffy fat. But a pound is a pound.