people are so ignorant and rediuclous!



  • dmags
    dmags Posts: 303

    If that is the case... then shame on them for not making a stand for their students. That does not make them any less discriminatory. I am a teacher and this would never occur in my high school. Location is not an excuse for discrimination.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Dear Oompa_Loompa, just make sure when/if you write to that principal, you use a word editor and spell check.


    Errrrm. I think by "principal" you must mean "principle." Good old-fashioned irony.
  • SugarHi
    SugarHi Posts: 452
    Just imagine all the mental turmoil this has created for the two ladies and their families. It's difficult to think about and rationalize the wrong teachings in this outcome. I do hope both families press charges.
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    Dear Oompa_Loompa, just make sure when/if you write to that principal, you use a word editor and spell check.


    Errrrm. I think by "principal" you must mean "principle." Good old-fashioned irony.
    :laugh: :laugh:
  • That is stupid.. If Gay and Lesbians have the right to get married now which I believe they should who is anybody to tell another person who they can love .. or who they can take to the prom.. we have worse things happening in this world right now then a teenager who wants to take her girlfriend to prom..
  • tntrav44
    tntrav44 Posts: 100 Member
    Wow. RIDICULOUS. I teach at a pretty conservative high school, and I can't even see that happening there. It seems like there either has to be more to it than just what the article states, or that school just doesn't want to fight about it and just canceled to avoid everything. Either way, that's insanely stupid.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Wow! Two of my best friends went to prom together (girls) 10 (TEN) years ago and it totally wasn't a big North Dakota of all places.
  • tntrav44
    tntrav44 Posts: 100 Member
    Dear Oompa_Loompa, just make sure when/if you write to that principal, you use a word editor and spell check.


    Errrrm. I think by "principal" you must mean "principle." Good old-fashioned irony.

    It's "principal," if everyone's going to get picky about it.
  • SugarHi
    SugarHi Posts: 452
    That is stupid.. If Gay and Lesbians have the right to get married now which I believe they should who is anybody to tell another person who they can love .. or who they can take to the prom.. we have worse things happening in this world right now then a teenager who wants to take her girlfriend to prom..

    Only a few states allow Gay marriage. BUT in ALL states gay couples by law are allowed to adopt children. Go figure!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Dear Oompa_Loompa, just make sure when/if you write to that principal, you use a word editor and spell check.


    Errrrm. I think by "principal" you must mean "principle." Good old-fashioned irony.

    LOL, actually I misunderstood the meaning!
    It is principal.

    I was thinking the person meant something meaning "if you're going to write to that point." Not physically writing to the principal of the school. Nevermind.

    Good old fashioned lack of reading comprehension.
  • seriously stupid, close-minded and insignificant. what does the principal hope to teach from this??? intolerance?? maybe things are SO good at his school (not) that this is all he has to focus on.
  • dmags
    dmags Posts: 303
    Just imagine all the mental turmoil this has created for the two ladies and their families. It's difficult to think about and rationalize the wrong teachings in this outcome. I do hope both families press charges.

    Off the subject Sugar, just looked at your ticker and then your profile pic... You look Mahhhvelous!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Dear Oompa_Loompa, just make sure when/if you write to that principal, you use a word editor and spell check.


    Errrrm. I think by "principal" you must mean "principle." Good old-fashioned irony.

    It's "principal," if everyone's going to get picky about it.

    Actually, "when/if you write to that principle" would be a sentence that made sense here and is what I thought the poster meant on first read. Double meanings and what not.
  • Ashia1317
    Ashia1317 Posts: 415
    Have you read the other news article in relation to that? A school has excluded a photo of a girl in a tux? C'mon people? What happen to freedoms of America? Are they REALLY HURTING ANYONE?
  • SugarHi
    SugarHi Posts: 452
    Just imagine all the mental turmoil this has created for the two ladies and their families. It's difficult to think about and rationalize the wrong teachings in this outcome. I do hope both families press charges.

    Off the subject Sugar, just looked at your ticker and then your profile pic... You look Mahhhvelous!

    Thanks Dmags! :laugh:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I think that it's amazing that with all the violence in our country, and in the midst of two wars and a tanked economy, we have so many "deeply concerned" adults stressing out over homosexuality.

    Here's the question I always ask "So you believe that if you were exposed to the homosexual lifestyle through personal experience, literature or pornography, you would be so enthralled you would then chose to become a homosexual yourself? Seriously? Because if that's all it takes to change your sexual orientation you are already, at a minimum, bi-sexual"
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    What year is it??? Seriously??? This makes me sick!!! So many other things for kids and people to worry about in life then same sex couples at prom, wearing tuxes or whatever!!! Let kids be who they are!
  • WendiL
    WendiL Posts: 4 Member
    Yes.....just ridiculous .
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Change can't occur without some controversy, so hopefully the end result will be a positive one. Good for Constance for being who she is and having the courage to challenge the policy.
  • Ashia1317
    Ashia1317 Posts: 415
    I think that it's amazing that with all the violence in our country, and in the midst of two wars and a tanked economy, we have so many "deeply concerned" adults stressing out over homosexuality.

    Not just violence in our country, but in our schools. How often do we hear that school shootings and violence was an act of a lonely kid? An outcast? And we do THIS? This girl is happy. She wants to share with her friends and girl friend. Why do we have to take that away from her? Or any kids for that matter?
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