How do you fight depression?

Finances are hard right now and every payday is a struggle. I refuse to live like this forever and that is why i'm getting my bachelor's degree. It just feels mentally that this is neverending struggle.

Boots--our cat of 10 years. Was sick for 1 1/2 days. Next day he was gone--as in missing. His is a home boy and never leaves more than a few hours. He definitely does not miss mulitple feeding times. We have searched and searched our house and neighbors with no luck. As soon as I realized the next morning he was gone, I felt in my heart that he went off to die. I have no idea what in the hell would take a cat so very fast like that but this is what we think.
He was a good cat. He was the calmest cat I have ever seen, even as a kitten. He was living on the streets and starving. Shrugs, I cant look into a baby's face and know that he's starving--he was so skinny when he first came here. He was a cutie too with dark grey fur and four white boots. RIP Boots.

Years ago, I had a bad reaction to a product I used for 2 1/2 years. Every since then, I get hit with depression every once in a while.

I know what works for me. These include: hard physical labor, sunshine, if it is a light case-music.
Do you guys have things that you do if you get depressed? I would love more ideas.



  • RosscoBoscko
    RosscoBoscko Posts: 632 Member
    Am struggling to beat depression and have no idea how, have lived with it gradually increasing for about 17 years, but really feel like am losing to it now, so would really love to know how to beat it.
  • matchbox_girl
    matchbox_girl Posts: 535 Member
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    I usually clean something that I've been putting off for a long-long time. If my family seems me down on my hands and knees in the closet, they know to leave me the F alone.

    It really helps when I'm done and can appreciate what I've done.

    Of course grief is different from depression. When my doberman died 2 years ago, I barely had the energy or motivation to get my usual day-to-day responsibilities done, and I'm sure you feel similar about your cat right now. Take care of you; losing a loved one is so hard!
  • mg720
    mg720 Posts: 212 Member
    music, cleaning, organizing, telling myself that bad times dont last forever. It is not easy to fight off depression. I struggle more with anxiety but I have had some problems with slight depression as well.
    I am sending well wishes your way and I hope brighter days are coming to you.
  • Kellyscupcake
    Kellyscupcake Posts: 30 Member
    Meds...discuss with your doc
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    cuddling with my puppy, listening to awesome music, cooking, watching something funny on tv or the internet, reading harry potter.

    hopefully you can do well when you get your b.s.
    i have had mine since 2010 and i still barely get by (although i work in human services for non profits). just don't become discouraged, keep on pushing through!
    sorry to hear about boots :[
  • persephone87
    persephone87 Posts: 220 Member
    Hefty dose of Prozac, Citalopram, Mirtazepine and anything else that will do
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Cymbalta and sleeping too much.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I know what works for me. These include: hard physical labor, sunshine, if it is a light case-music.
    Do you guys have things that you do if you get depressed? I would love more ideas.

    These are the same for me. Also planning helps me. I make lists and predict the future (... sort of :laugh: ) and remind myself there are ALWAYS things to look forward to.

    Also there are some days I just curl up in bed and let the world float by. Allow those days, but don't allow many of them. Maybe once every couple months.
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    Over this past summer I was diagnosed with depression. I started medication and things started getting a lot better. The one day I didn't take my medicine (I thought I did but totally forgot), I had horrible mood swings and was going crazy again. When I feel depressed, I tell my boyfriend and he tells me we need to go out and do something. I try to stay active adn do somethign that makes me happy.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    Pills and a sewing machine.
    Finances are hard right now and every payday is a struggle. I refuse to live like this forever and that is why i'm getting my bachelor's degree. It just feels mentally that this is neverending struggle.

    Boots--our cat of 10 years. Was sick for 1 1/2 days. Next day he was gone--as in missing. His is a home boy and never leaves more than a few hours. He definitely does not miss mulitple feeding times. We have searched and searched our house and neighbors with no luck. As soon as I realized the next morning he was gone, I felt in my heart that he went off to die. I have no idea what in the hell would take a cat so very fast like that but this is what we think.
    He was a good cat. He was the calmest cat I have ever seen, even as a kitten. He was living on the streets and starving. Shrugs, I cant look into a baby's face and know that he's starving--he was so skinny when he first came here. He was a cutie too with dark grey fur and four white boots. RIP Boots.

    Years ago, I had a bad reaction to a product I used for 2 1/2 years. Every since then, I get hit with depression every once in a while.

    I know what works for me. These include: hard physical labor, sunshine, if it is a light case-music.
    Do you guys have things that you do if you get depressed? I would love more ideas.

  • Rhia55
    Rhia55 Posts: 247
    Try to find non-medication answers to depression before you go running for the doc and the meds. The meds are expensive and the side effects of some of them are not worth it. I would go for meds only as a last resort.

    For me, music, walking, and getting lost in a book usually help.. they take me away from reality for a little while.
  • debdelilah
    90% of the time the bad cases are when I am sleep deprived. Getting a good night's sleep does wonders. I can be crying frantically, go to sleep, and wake up pretty much ok.
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 897 Member
    Making plans. Lists. Organising stuff.

    but I know a few people who have gone to doctors for medication and it really helped.. but took a while to find the right drug.

    I guess you need to distinguish between "having hard times" depression and medical depression. the two are very much NOT the same. the hard times depression is significantly easier to beat or battle.
  • Graceious1
    Graceious1 Posts: 716 Member
    I go for a power walk or run. It really lifts me in ways you can't imagine. Doing fitness every day really helps my to beat any blues. Something about endorphins.:wink:
  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    Professional help. Seriously. That having been said, I use vodka.
  • ChildrenCryinNCoffee
    I write a blog on tumblr. I used to journal---but my oldest found my diaries and read some not-so-nice/inappropriate for her age entries...
  • dr2k12
    dr2k12 Posts: 291 Member
    10mg of Celaxa a day baby and lead a very lucky and laid back life...
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    Pills made me feel like a robot, I won't ever do that to myself again.
    Currently I'm doing exercise, eating right, being busy as much as possible. I love getting lost in a book while listening to music and I also like my herb.
    There are also natural stress and mood relievers like St Johns Wort(do not use if you are on birth control) and Holy Basil. they are a short term relief. I take Holy Basil at lunch during the week and then "detox" on weekends, so far so good.
    Also there are days that you need to stay away from the world,I let myself hide out maybe once a month. Turn the phone off and stay in my room, keeps me balanced
    Hope this helps xoxo
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    I am so sorry to hear about Boots. I had to watch 4 of my cats pass away and it is so hard and heart breaking. My finances are really tight as well due to being on disability. There is nothing I can do to make money that I have found that I am able to do. Those are big stressors. I have suffered from major depression for most of my life and have been hospitalized 6 times for it. I am currently taking abilify and effexor xr for it and have had a lot of counseling. I am still in group therapy. I learned that journaling all your thoughts can really be helpful in working out how you feel. Also, if you get upset you can throw ice cubes into your bathtub which helps you burn off that frustration. I have a loving husband that is here for me and I learned that I really need to talk to him and let him know how I feel and what I am thinking. I don't hold anything inside anymore. I explode into a major depression episode when I try to hold things in. Going to college is also very stressful. Make sure to take time for yourself. Listen to calming music, read a book, watch a funny movie, do a craft, etc. You can get through this, but sometimes you might need professional help to do it. You can't always do it alone. There is no stigma associated to being depressed. Please feel free to add me for encouragement and support. My name is Kimberlee, 49.