I Remember.... Do You?

Do you remember back then? Back when you were, you know.... heavier?
I remember.

I've lose 30lbs so far (about 20 on MFP). But I remember that weight.
Yea I remember.

I remember my chubby cheeks taking over every photo I was in.
I remember.

I remember the day I tried on every.single.pair.of.jeans.I.owned. (about 15 pairs) And none of them fit. None of them buttoned. None
I remember.

I remember buying two sizes up and convincing myself the store started making the sizes smaller.
I remember.

I remember eating, and not thinking. Just eating the delicious food, as if I wouldn't get such a great meal ever again.
I remember.

I remember my arms feeling tight in a long sleeved shirt.
I remember.

I remember refusing to see my weight was a problem.

Yea. I remember a lot.
What do you remember?


  • divacat80
    divacat80 Posts: 299 Member
    I remember covering every mirror in my house just to not to have to look at myself reflected. I still try to keep myself from them but I don't hate what I see anymore.

    I remember having to photoshop every single picture that was taken with me in it, just to make the fatty rolls a tiny bit more concealed and less noticeable.

    I remember the skin sores and rashes underneath every fatty roll, and the friction rashes in between my legs.

    I remember buying jeans and having to buy new ones after just two months because they were worn out in the tigh area.

    I remember when people could only see the fat around my body and they couldn't see me.

    I remember when I felt my wardrobe consisted only in tents and larger tents instead of clothes.

    I remember when I was always pat down at airport security checks to make sure I wasn't hiding any weapons and not believing the security officers when they were just choosing random people to pat down.

    I remember when my feet and knees hurt like hell on earth from the moment i got up from the bed or a chair until i went back to sit down or lie down on them.

    And i remember so many other situations!
  • _Tay_
    _Tay_ Posts: 95
    great post!
    Enjoyed reading your memories...
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    I remember avoiding the mirror because seeing myself, and the way i looked, made me anxious.

    I remember stepping on the scale for the first time in over a year at a doctors visit and litterally being SICKENED by the sight of my own weight.

    I remember wearing layers and layers of cloths and never going to the beach even though i live in ****ing Hawaii.

    I remember feeling terribly insecure in every relationship i've ever been in.
  • _Tay_
    _Tay_ Posts: 95
    mirrors made me anxious too.
    YES- the god damn scale at the doctors. Because you KNEW it was accurate.

    Great Post. Thanks for participating.
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    I remember the kids who would constantly tease me for being "the fat awkward kid".
    I remember dreading gym classes and blaming my asthma for why I wasn't active.
    I remember have to move from juniors clothing to ladies at age 10 so the pants wold fit properly.
    I remember sneaking food from the closet because i was ALWAYS hiding my emotions in food.
    I remember crying when I was 15 because I officially hit 200 pounds.
    Never again.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    Yup I remember all that as well as being athletic and not understanding why when I worked my butt off at the gym lifting, and running marathon after marathon and still gaining weight thinking this is NOT FAIR! I know I'm athletic but I do not look like it. The last straw was someone calling me a fat *kitten* over and over and even though it was not a nice thing to say to me it was true and I knew it. That day made me so mad that I faced the truth, embarked on the journey, and became successful against many odds especially at my age.

    It is a hard journey, no easy way through, no magic pill, good days and bad days, but it is SO WORTH IT. :)
  • todd6977
    todd6977 Posts: 400 Member
    I remember being called the fat kid in school
    I remember eating fast food all the time
    I remember not knowing what a vegatable was
    I remember drinking alot of Mt, Dew
    I remember I CAN DO THIS!!
  • _Tay_
    _Tay_ Posts: 95
    Gym. Yes. who couldn't remember that. Awful.
    Yep, forget juniors, i too subsided to womens, at age 12 for me.

    thanks for the post. Great points!
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Unlike you, I remember when I weighed 90 pounds and ate normally.
  • _Tay_
    _Tay_ Posts: 95
    californiagirl, you are such an inspiration. I LOVE people like you. Keep up the fantastic work
  • _Tay_
    _Tay_ Posts: 95
    fastfood. HA. I remember .. oh yes, I remember you.
  • _Tay_
    _Tay_ Posts: 95
    oh no, you are wrong my friend. I remember weighing MUCH less, and eating normal too. I had those days, although they are far behind me now. But I do remember
  • clijun
    clijun Posts: 23 Member
    i remeber trying not to remember my childhood.
  • thescrumisfun
    I remember being called fat; I remember eating food off the ground in fourth grade; I remember being lectured about my weight and eating habits, but the people never changed their own; I remember family member's "she has such a pretty face but..."; I remember that basically every school clothes shopping resulted in fights and crying; I remember that my mom told me my butt looked like an atomic bomb went off while wearing a plaid dress; I remember thinking no one would want me because of my size; I remember never being asked to dances; I remember being too afraid to play the sports I love because of my size.

    I also remember my freshman year, when I joined my university's rugby team, and met some of the most supportive and accepting people I have ever come across :heart: . If not for them and rugby, I wouldn't be where I am today. I am not the person I was thirty pounds ago, and I plan to never be that person again.
  • HealthyGinny
    HealthyGinny Posts: 821 Member
    I remember using my arms to hide my belly, my hair to hide my round cheeks, my clothes to hide my body, my smile to hide my discomfort.

    I remember dreading going to the mall with my girlfriends because they would go, try on clothes and buy a bunch of cute outfits and I would only come back with make-up and earrings because the clothes didn't fit me.

    I remember never going to the beach with my family, never wearing shorts/skirts/tight shirts, never wanting to be on pictures because I (still) don't like my body.

    I remember hating the scale more than anything ever although it's just an object.

    I remember all the teasing and bullying and thinking "well, they're mean but they do have a point after all".

    I remember seeing cute guys but never even trying to talk to them or look them in the eye because what's the point anyway?

    I remember tons of other things but most of all, I remember I'm not done with my journey so I'm not giving up. Ever.
  • lcloyd7121
    lcloyd7121 Posts: 9 Member
    I remember being thin and being able to eat what I wanted.
    I remember struggling to understand why people needed to diet as I never gained weight.


    I remember when I started gaining weight as the doctors started trying to adjust medicine so I could live a "normal" life
    I remembered saying, things will go back to how they have always been


    I remember staying away from the camera when it came to picture time. I would take the pictures instead of being in them - there are very few that my kids can look back on (it saddens me to think about this).
    I now have regrets but the worst one is keeping photograph memories from my kids.
  • Chigger56
    I remember breathing hard just doing normal things. I remember waking myself up from snoring. I remember having to try on clothes at home to find something that didnt make me look *too fat*. I remember having to almost be a catortionist (sp?) When I needed to wipe my butt. (Sorry but its true) I remember walking by the coolers at work and seeing my reflection in the glass and noticing how my butt stuck out and made me look like I wasnt standing up straight. I remember. And I am NEVER going back!!
  • risenonlytofall
    I remember being "cute" but never beautiful.

    I remember hating how squishy my stomach, hips and thighs were. I remember avoiding cameras, buying clothes two or three sizes too big, and obsessing over what other people were thinking about me every time I went out in public.

    I remember hating myself because puberty had ruined me instead of making me attractive like all of my friends.

    I remember buying into the idea that I wasn't athletic because I hated team sports, that I would always be weak because I was female, and that I was born average and would die average.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    I remember asking my fiance what his favorite physical feature of mine was... he answered your hands, and everything from your neck up. I remember my heart breaking. I remember making excuses at footy practice, saying I was injured, when really I was just out of shape, and not strong enough to snap and make a change yet. I remember my captain saying to the other girls, while I was in earshot, "well, Andi's not exactly the kind of ambassador we want for this team". I remember cringeing, then feeling butthurt, but not getting angry. I remember a woman arguing with me on the T that I should take the seat because clearly I am pregnant.

    I remember getting the call that I made the reserves for the national team, on the condition that I get in shape. I remember getting serious and never looking back.

    Thanks for sharing your memories. You're all my heroes.
  • Gennybunny96
    Gennybunny96 Posts: 69 Member
    I remember: wasting my 20's while my friends were all shopping for club wear and I was the frumpy mom
    I remember: walking for 30 mins and being out of breath and my hips hurting so bad I had to lie on the couch for the rest of the day.
    I remember: going to bed so sick because I overstuffed myself all day and felt like I was going to throw up.
    I remember: how tired I felt everyday.

    I also remember: being a size 5 and never having my feet hurt from walking in the mall
    I remember: the way my husband would look at me with such passion when I was healthy

    I know this will not happen over night and it will be a struggle and I will do this!