Quit smoking yesterday - Keep me motivated



  • bluemagic33
    bluemagic33 Posts: 284 Member
    Congrats on doing this for you.. And you are stronger than the cravings ever will be.. I have had great sucess with chantix.

    I quit using chantix Aug 3 2012, after 35 years of a pack or more a day, It has been 14 weeks now for me, somedays are easier that others, I quit just before going on a two week allinclusive vacation to Jamaica What was I thinking?? But I did it, and I was fine..And you will be too..

    Good Luck and I wish you great sucess
  • rooster70460
    rooster70460 Posts: 206 Member
    OMG how awesome are YOU!!! Quitting smoking is one of the best things you will ever do for yourself. I quit 10 years ago cold turkey. Yes it was hard especially in certain situations like playing cards, morning coffee and going out with my friends drinking but it was so worth it.

    Today I am healthy, richer and I do NOT smell like an ashtray!! All of which will happen to you if you stick with it. Good luck!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!
  • jamers1949
    Much luck to you and all that are trying to give up smoking. I had a bi-lateral lung transplant in 2006 due to Emphysema which was caused by smoking .I was blessed to be able to receive this gift of life .I NEVER ever imagined that I might lose my life to smoking .
    I quit the day I had to fly across the U.S. to bury my mom who died from lung disease and Emphysema A few years later I was the guy now on O 2 WHO WAS PRACTICALLY who also had emphysema SUFFOCATING every day.
    Not every one is blessed with this second chance and some that are do not do as well as I so I ask you to try and I will keep you all in my thoughts. Be well.
  • SeahawkFan1
    congrats on quiting smoking :) The headaches and chills are probably just your body reacting to the sudden change but you can pull through it and fight back. All the best on the journey to be smoke free :)
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    First I would like to say I AM PROUD OF YOU for making the decision to stop!

    Now, you need some motivation? Well, here:

    Im 35 years old. I have 2 teenage daughters, age 13 & 15. I have had 2 strokes from blood clots that went to the brain at age 24 and i was bed-ridden for over a year from them. I have COPD and im terminal. I will die, from fluid in my lungs, (if i dont have another stroke first) and will be very unlikely if i ever see a grand child born, or my daughters graduate. My lungs fill with fluid and eventually, sooner than later, i will drown in my own lung gunk. slowly, and what im certain will be very scary.

    Can you imagine drowning? Like, if you fell into a lake, or a river and got tangled, and the 45 seconds or at most, 1 minute during the panic you kick and struggle, then all of a sudden, your body reacts, and you gasp, filling your lungs with water, and in an instant, you are gone? The ultimate fear knowing in a split second, you are going to die? I live that fear every day. Every moment.. and that 45 seconds of drowning you would feel... I will feel that for a solid month.. they will drain a little off my lungs, giving me a slight breath, but never a full one, until eventually, i cant get anymore oxygen into my lungs., then, I will be gone, way too early. ALL because of smoking.

    Motivation to stop? I sure hope so... I wish someone told me this story before I ever started when I was 12. I wish someone told me this is what my life would be like. Would i have believed them? Maybe... maybe not.. but i would have deffo thought about it.

    I will keep you in my prayers!! Please dont end up like me!!!!! :drinker:
  • Katbody10
    Katbody10 Posts: 369 Member
    Keep going! I quit Aug 17 2012!! COLD TURKEY .. after 30 years of smoking! You can do it .. it gets easier every day! WTG!! and congrats ..
  • kobiemom
    kobiemom Posts: 218 Member
    Awesome!! Plan to reward yourself with the money you save on cigarettes. Some people give themselves a weekly gift. Some save up for a fantastic gift they wouldn't normally splurge on. My friend and her husband quit smoking on Jan. 1 and used their smoke money to pay for a beach vacation the following Summer. Be good to yourself!!
  • thebuz
    thebuz Posts: 221 Member
    Very impressive! Helps me to know I can do this regardless of triggers
  • thebuz
    thebuz Posts: 221 Member
    Sense of smell is returning. We really do stink as smokers. Lol. Grats on your Impressive quit.
  • thebuz
    thebuz Posts: 221 Member
    I have a calculator started and will be opening a savings account this week. Can't wait to see it add up.
  • thebuz
    thebuz Posts: 221 Member
    First I would like to say I AM PROUD OF YOU for making the decision to stop!

    Now, you need some motivation? Well, here:

    Im 35 years old. I have 2 teenage daughters, age 13 & 15. I have had 2 strokes from blood clots that went to the brain at age 24 and i was bed-ridden for over a year from them. I have COPD and im terminal. I will die, from fluid in my lungs, (if i dont have another stroke first) and will be very unlikely if i ever see a grand child born, or my daughters graduate. My lungs fill with fluid and eventually, sooner than later, i will drown in my own lung gunk. slowly, and what im certain will be very scary.

    Can you imagine drowning? Like, if you fell into a lake, or a river and got tangled, and the 45 seconds or at most, 1 minute during the panic you kick and struggle, then all of a sudden, your body reacts, and you gasp, filling your lungs with water, and in an instant, you are gone? The ultimate fear knowing in a split second, you are going to die? I live that fear every day. Every moment.. and that 45 seconds of drowning you would feel... I will feel that for a solid month.. they will drain a little off my lungs, giving me a slight breath, but never a full one, until eventually, i cant get anymore oxygen into my lungs., then, I will be gone, way too early. ALL because of smoking.

    Motivation to stop? I sure hope so... I wish someone told me this story before I ever started when I was 12. I wish someone told me this is what my life would be like. Would i have believed them? Maybe... maybe not.. but i would have deffo thought about it.

    I will keep you in my prayers!! Please dont end up like me!!!!! :drinker:

    I am at a loss for words after reading your post. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you sharing your situation and I know this post will be carried close to my heart for the rest of my life. I have you in my prayers and I admire your strength in sharing this with a complete stranger.
  • jamers1949
    I am supporting you in this battle for sure . You will be successful and you will healthy and you will stay happy!
  • thebuz
    thebuz Posts: 221 Member
    On day 10.... woot woot. Almost hitting the 2 week mark. It's definitely getting easier for sure. Thanks everyone for being so supportive. Really excited to start 2013 smoke free and healthier.