Do you guys track EVERYTHING?

Such as fruits? Sometimes I get hungry at the end of the day and I'll eat an apple or something and not track it. Does anyone else do this? I've read that so called "negative calorie foods" are a myth but I just wanted to know what everyone else does.


  • _stephanie0
    _stephanie0 Posts: 708 Member
    if you're dedicated to tracking, then track fruit.

    i don't but i also just don't care as much, im trying to build muscle.
  • I track fruit. I don't track gum or coffee.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I track everything. I'm down to not much of a deficit since I'm close to my goal so it's important to be as accurate as possible. When my deficit was larger I would estimate on things like coffee creamer, but I've had to get more rigorous as I've gotten closer to my goal.
  • mjrkearney
    mjrkearney Posts: 408 Member
    Everything but the curry powder.
  • alaskaang
    alaskaang Posts: 493 Member
    Yes, everything.. at least since I started tracking everything. Depends on what you use MFP for. If you really want the data available to know exactly what you are consuming and how it affects you, it has to be logged.
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    As far as I've been able to ascertain, there's no such thing as a "negative calorie food". Fruits, especially, are full of sugar and calories. There are probably folks out there who would say that something like celery, which is so very fiber-rich, burns more calories to digest than it leaves behind (which I think is malarky), but fruit would definitely not fit into that category.

    All that being said, I do not always log things that I eat after I've closed my diary for the day, as long as I know I have breathing room before hitting my upper calorie goal. Like if I'm 250 under and I have a cup of tea with milk, I don't log those 45 calories -- they won't hurt my overall progress and logging is more trouble than it's worth. However, if I closed my diary with only 35 calories remaining and I eat an apple (which has around 80 calories), I usually go back in and log it, just to keep myself accountable.

    In the end, it doesn't matter if you log or don't log what you eat. It's not what you log, IT'S WHAT YOU EAT. If you put it in your mouth, it will have some effect on your body. Your diary might say you eat at your recommended calorie level every day. If your mouth eats more than that in reality, your body will show the truth ...
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Fruits can have a lot of calories. I track them.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    i track everything, especially fruits. They really add up.
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    I don't track gum, the 3 or 4 Sport Beans I eat during a workout, or my gummy vitamins. I usually don't log lettuce and I sometimes don't log veggies-like if I have carrots with dinner and don't put anything on them. Fruit I track because I track sugar.
  • soonerman4life
    soonerman4life Posts: 8 Member
    Whether I'm taking in surplus calories while building muscle or consuming at a defict to lose fat, I weigh, measure, and track everything. It really depends on your level of commitment and current goals.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    i dont track:

    black coffee (artificial sweetner)
    cooking oil (i dont use a lot and its healthy oils)
    mustard and ketchup (don't use a lot and im not going to measure it)

    track everything else carefully.
  • RockstarPunch
    RockstarPunch Posts: 203 Member
    track it all
  • elm2008
    elm2008 Posts: 95 Member
    everything except gum, some vitamins/supplements, some hot sauces/spices/condiments unless very high in sodium, and diet drinks.
  • EatClenTrenHard
    EatClenTrenHard Posts: 339 Member
    lol, apple has at least 150 calories in it. eat 10 apples, and thats 1500 calorie, with tons of sugar, a good way to get insulin resistance.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    the good, the bad, and the truly ugly (like a dinner that took me 1/2 hr to log and came close to 1800 calories or something close a few months back.. ) :embarassed:
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    I track everything but coffee, low cal condiments, and single bites of whatever (note: single bites, not 5 or 6 single bites in a day). Fruit is not low calorie, so it does make a difference. I sometimes eat a little late snack and add it to the next day because I like my numbers for the day, but that's just me being silly.
  • erikaaaaaaaa
    erikaaaaaaaa Posts: 155 Member
    I try to track everything except spices.
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    I do for the most part. It has become a habit. LOL
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Such as fruits? Sometimes I get hungry at the end of the day and I'll eat an apple or something and not track it. Does anyone else do this? I've read that so called "negative calorie foods" are a myth but I just wanted to know what everyone else does.

  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    the good, the bad, and the truly ugly (like a dinner that took me 1/2 hr to log and came close to 1800 calories or something close a few months back.. ) :embarassed:

    Lol. I had to log "8 tbs of whipped frosting" today. Not a proud moment.