bad drivers- list your pet peeves!



  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
    I got one. How about the old lady who didnt use her mirrors and tapped my car a few days ago. then i went to her window to let her know what she did and she was dumbfounded. Or the person who almost backed into me (i was walking) while i was tyring to get to my car. I also hate ppl who try to jump in front of you when you hae to merge. one guy damn near took out my front bumper trying to hurry and get over.
  • jesse1379
    jesse1379 Posts: 239 Member
    The jack *kitten* who has no patience and wants to wind in and out of two lanes of traffic at high speeds with no signal, just to get one car ahead of you at a stop light.

    I love getting behind people like that and just waving at them in the mirror then they get all pissed off and try to get away from you to avoid further embarrassment.
  • nyxrun
    nyxrun Posts: 60
    Failure to merge. Step on it!

    Or the person who hits the brakes to allow these folks to merge. Going from 60 to 20 in a microsecond aint good for my blood pressure!
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    I have several, but one that always stands out is Priuses driving below the speed limit in the left (fast) lane - even as other cars go around them.. More times than not, they're from PA.

    I really don't like when people decide to go Sunday driving on the highway - if you cannot handle driving your car at speeds of at LEAST 65 mph, you should just turn your license in and commute using public/private transportation.

    I wish we had our own version of an Autobahn in the US, but only after everyone was tested much more rigorously, including defensive driving (many people are sorely lacking these skills).
  • NaturallyOlivia
    NaturallyOlivia Posts: 496 Member
    Vacationers that leave their common sense at home and people who don't use their turn signals!
  • TURN SIGNALS! They exist for a reason! It could be my area of Michigan that has a problem with it but no one uses their turns signals to let me know they're going to change lanes or turn.
    Also I hate it when people go way under the speed limit or don't bother slowing down when the speed limit was reduced ten miles per hour.
  • leesehm
    leesehm Posts: 117
    people who don't indicate at all. or early enough.
    people who pull out and dont speed up or pull left for me to pass (we drive on the left in nz)
    or people who drive more than 20k below the speed limit and dont pull over to let the 55 billion cars behind them to pass
    people without their lights on when visibility is crap
    people who pass from the back of a long line and cut in when a car comes the opposite way. to quote michael mcintyre - you've chosen your fate.
  • dr2k12
    dr2k12 Posts: 291 Member
    Texting while driving and girls putting makeup on while driving, and I can't believe how often I see both!
  • browneyedgirl7928
    browneyedgirl7928 Posts: 910 Member
    People that do NOT know how to get up to speed before they merge!!

    We have I-229 that goes through Sioux Falls and connects with I-90 and I-229. Through town they have merge lanes for on and off at every exit now. When people are getting ON I hate when they just pull out in front of you before they are up to 65 MPH. They have a mile to get up to speed!!! Sometimes I can get over, but sometimes you can't. Then you are slamming on the breaks. I have gone around people IN the merge lane because I can't get over in the passing lane and they are still dinking around 30-40 MPH!!

    I also hate people that weave in and out of traffic just to be that much ahead. I LOVE it when they get stopped at the same light you are at and one car a head of you. All that weaving and speeding really paid off for you, didn't it?

    I have a lot of pet peeves when it comes to driving!!
  • daniel7121
    daniel7121 Posts: 166 Member
    I hate when I am passing somebody traveling 10 miles under the speed limit and when I'm coming up on them, they decide to hit the gas. WTF!?!
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    people who have absolutely no concept of what the left turn lane is for. they just wanna sniff it, get the front of their car in there but the rest of their car is now blocking the other lane.

    people who get in front of you just to slow down to below the speed limit

    people who have ONE JOB TO DO at the red light. watch for it to turn green. but they can't. so now 2 cars get through if we're lucky

    people who ride the brake. if you are so afraid of moving forward that you tap your break constantly you really shouldn't be on a freeway

    people who won't let you into their lane when you need to get over or won't let you merge like they own the lane. especially when 10 seconds later they wanna get over to where I was.

    people who have to come to a complete stop and ponder the meaning of life before they can make a simple right turn. what are they doing? shaking a magic 8-ball? Asking should I make this turn? NOT AT THIS TIME.

    people on the freeway who wanna ride my bumper when I'm already speeding. or there is some places on the way to my fiance's house that always has a cop sitting in wait for speeders so I know to slow down and go the limit. and every time some douche is on me like they're trying to get a piggy-back ride. I could understand a tail-gater if I was going under the limit
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Women drivers.

    No survivors.
  • msafunk
    msafunk Posts: 163 Member
    -People who merge into my blind spot while I have my blinker on.
    -People who speed up to get past me when I have my blinker on.
    -People who don't let other people merge during rush hour traffic. HELLO! The reason the traffic sucks is because people are ****S and don't let other people merge.
    -People who get into the right lane at a stop light that doesn't have a designated turn lane and block the people who want to turn... Just because they don't want to be two car-lengths behind the light.
    -when that right lane has enough space for two cars, but one *kitten* who is going straight, gets in the middle of the lane, and blocks people who want to turn.

    And a little gripe about cyclists:
    1. People on bikes who don't understand that bike lanes follow the flow of traffic, and that it's NOT okay to ride against traffic. I turn out onto a one-way street every day when I come home from work, and I've almost hit cyclists several times because they were going the wrong way, and I can't see them behind the bushes that obstruct the view to my right. And even if I could see them through the bushes, it's frustrating to have to watch that way when I already have a tiny window of time to get onto the busy street.
    2. Bikers who wear all black at night
    3. Bikers who sit to the right of a right-turn lane, instead of getting in between the right-turn lane and the through-traffic lanes, and hold up the people trying to turn right while they struggle to get the bike going.
  • Owlie45
    Owlie45 Posts: 806 Member
    Tail gaters, I'll break check
    People who slow down to 40 to exit the free way
    people who pull half way out in to the lane to see if it clear to go, its not cause I'm about to crash into you- my truck is bigger so get out of my way
    People who go around you on the freeway so that they get to the exit before you. -seriously you're not getting a special prize for beating me there.
    People who drive with their dogs in their laps. - if they get into an accident the dog will be killed against them.
    People who only let their blinkers blink once, did you accidently hit it?
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    -people who cut corners! Dangerous stuff! Especially on these country roads where i live!
    -on roundabouts, your supposed to give way to your right? Not pull out infront of me as im coming around the roundabout!!
    - people who drive right up your *kitten* end! My brakes are good! Is your insurance?! :huh:
    - overtaking on corners! Always happpens! I always get cars over taking when i corner is coming up!
  • When that stupid **** going 55mph won't get outta the left lane...
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    When that stupid **** going 55mph won't get outta the left lane...

    which is nearly every driver out here.

    effing Prius drivers in the carpool lane.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    I have SO many driving pet peeves. It's all I think about when I'm in the car.

    1. When someone is weaving in and out of traffic every 8 seconds because it's absolutely unacceptable to NOT be the very first car.

    2. When someone gets in the other lane at a red light and then jumps the light to switch lanes and get in front of everyone else. Like their time is so much more goddam important than everyone else's.

    3. This morning I changed lanes to pass this gas truck and as soon as I did, it changed lanes too. Then, after I got back in the other lane, the car in front of me was going 30 in a 55 (yes, it's icy and we don't NEED to go 55 because we're smart and we left early so we could take it easy and not crash, but we don't need to go 30 either), so I switched lanes again to pass her and the car in front of her switched lanes immediately afterward and then went even slower! So yeah, people who get in front of you even though you are clearly trying to pass, or people who get in front of you and then go slow.

    4. No one seems to understand how a 4-Way-Stop works. I've seen people sit at the intersection waiting for another car to pull up from another direction before they'll go.

    5. There's a local radio station with a commercial about how confusing an uncontrolled intersection is. But it's not. How confusing is "yield to the right"? Not confusing.

    6. People who smoke in their cars with kids in the car.

    7. People who try to wave you through an intersection even though you have a stop sign and they don't.

    8. When people block the intersection. Just because you can't go doesn't mean I shouldn't be able to!

    9. People who don't stop for pedestrians when the pedestrian is on a corner (pedestrians in the middle of the street can **** themselves; walk down the street 10 feet and then the law says we have to stop for you).

    10. People who don't stop at the red light when they're turning right because if they did, they would be behind you, the person who has the green light.

    11. People who don't turn into the correct lane or don't establish a lane before changing.

    12. People who don't obey the rules of the 4-Way-Stop because they're turning right and somehow that makes them exempt and they can just go whenever the hell they want.

    13. When someone is going to pass you, but they do it so slowly that you end up right on the *kitten* of the person in front of you because it's taking so long for that dill-hole to pass you.

    14. When people nearly hit you and it's their fault, but they still give you the finger or yell obscenities at you.

    15. Not drivers, but when people on bikes don't follow traffic laws or ride three across instead of in a row so you can't pass them, even though they're going 10 MPH.

    That's not all (I really hate pretty much every other person driving on the road who isn't me), but I have to pee, so, I'm gonna call that good.
  • passmetheducksauce
    passmetheducksauce Posts: 211 Member
    I can not stand people who DWA(driving while asian). oh wait.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    People who speed in the shoulder!!! Have seen this twice this month!
    I saw this last spring. I'll admit, I was intentionally being a *****, but this guy came speeding up behind me and he was darting in and out of traffic, so I got up next to the car in the right lane and then just paced it so the guy couldn't pass. Obviously his *kitten* was on fire or something because he sped around the both of us on the shoulder, just to turn at the next intersection. Not sure what the emergency was; the hospital is in the opposite direction and the only thing out that way is a couple of businesses.
  • When that stupid **** going 55mph won't get outta the left lane...

    which is nearly every driver out here.

    effing Prius drivers in the carpool lane.

    I friggin swear...mothatfukka I don't give a shiet about your carpool sticker...=P
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    I am the bad driver everyone flips off... I'm just easily distracted oh wait is that the door, I like butterflies.
  • I can not stand people who DWA(driving while asian). oh wait.

    That's kinda the offense...0.0
  • girlwapp
    girlwapp Posts: 136 Member

    I hate it. Car manufacturers have done everything they can to put it in a convenient place. It takes almost no extra effort, and people still don't use them or, worse, use them incorrectly.
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    When that stupid **** going 55mph won't get outta the left lane...

    which is nearly every driver out here.

    effing Prius drivers in the carpool lane.

    I friggin swear...mothatfukka I don't give a shiet about your carpool sticker...=P

    If I had a truck...and I was certain there wasnt any CHP nearby...I would be more than willing to give them a little bump into the proper lane,

    I have rarely ever seen a Prius driver that wasn't an incredibly terrible driver.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    *people that park crooked (or take up 2 spots ) in parking lots
    Don't even get me started on parking!

    Okay, just one:

    My son has a disability and he has gotten speech therapy, occupational therapy (is still getting) and physical therapy. The place that he goes to works almost entirely with children with disabilities, so in addition to their handicapped spot, they also have two spots that are reserved for patrons with disabilities (I felt too guilty to park there for a long time because my legs work just fine, but after I told the speech language pathologist that, she laughed at me and said it was perfectly fine for me to park there because my son is a patron who has a disability). Last winter, this woman used to always park her big jacked up SUV (not even a nice, new SUV either; it was a POS) in the reserved spots even though there were other spots available, and when the owner went out and asked her if she had child in therapy there, she said no, her kids were just upstairs in piano lessons. And she was just sitting out there reading a magazine! Why, why, WHY does she have to park in a spot that is specifically reserved for other people just because it's closer (or closest on one side) to the door when she's not even getting out of the car? I had to park two lots over in the library lot and carry my son through the snow because she wanted to sit close to the door. She was told several times not to park there. And on the one time that I beat her and took the second reserved spot, she parked in the handicapped spot! WTH?
  • When that stupid **** going 55mph won't get outta the left lane...

    which is nearly every driver out here.

    effing Prius drivers in the carpool lane.

    I friggin swear...mothatfukka I don't give a shiet about your carpool sticker...=P

    If I had a truck...and I was certain there wasnt any CHP nearby...I would be more than willing to give them a little bump into the proper lane,

    I have rarely ever seen a Prius driver that wasn't an incredibly terrible driver.

    Hahahah....I hear ya! If I had a truck, and was able to look over the steering wheel...I'd more than bump em probably...;(
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    I hate when I am passing somebody traveling 10 miles under the speed limit and when I'm coming up on them, they decide to hit the gas. WTF!?!

    You are freaking them out.

    Look out for what's happening more than 3 seconds ahead of you, so you can make the change with 1-2 car lengths between you and them. There you go, everyone comfortable.

    Another peeve: frigging headlights are too bright. I don't think they used to be this bright. That or they're higher than they used to be, now that everyone apparently needs to drive an SUV or freaking sports utility vehicle. I'm blinded half the time I drive at night.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    ive found that anyone who claims they are always running into "bad drivers" are in fact themselves a bad driver.
  • hunterjumper642
    hunterjumper642 Posts: 115 Member
    I really hate those people who sit at stoplights forever, with a green light, then eventually go. Also, those people on the highway who will drive incredibly slow, then you pass them, then they zoom up on your butt and tailgate you until you get over.

    and not to forget the ones who change lanes without using brake lights, leaving you four car lengths behind a completely stopped car!