Reducing My Calories to 1000



  • ravenrxx
    ravenrxx Posts: 455 Member
    Id say eat 1200 cals a day, i did it and omg wonderful results! along with working out 5-6x a week.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    In before a certain person uses copy and paste to spew her wall of nonsense.

    Hahahahaha...I know who you mean!! :laugh:
  • angiechimpanzee
    angiechimpanzee Posts: 536 Member
    Not a good idea.
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    In before a certain person uses copy and paste to spew her wall of nonsense.

    I love it!
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    In before a certain person uses copy and paste to spew her wall of nonsense.

    I love it!

    lol sounds like a fun game!!
  • Too few with that much excercise. Dont do it... add more protien and see what happens and more water
  • chillyv
    chillyv Posts: 2 Member
    Please do NOT eat 1,000 calories a day. If you starve yourself (1,000 is starving yourself) you will snap at some point and find yourself eating and eating and eating to make up for the days, weeks, months of under-eating. THIS WILL BACKFIRE. I speak from experience.

    Losing weight fast is not the goal. Health is the goal. Remember that it's possible to be heavier than all of those stupid charts (and magazines and TV and on and on) tell you and still be healthy. Please keep overall health in mind and take a wider view. Racing down to a goal weight may not be the best way to be healthy. Weight is just one of the parts of a health.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    Rapid fat loss equals rapid fat regain when you up calories back to maintenance. That sounds fantastic, doesn't it not?

    Besides glycogen and water weight gain, why would one gain additional weight if eating at true maintenance?
    Because one metabolism eventually slows down, when being a calorie deficit. Especially in a severe one. If she was were to stay at 1000 kcal for a long time, as soon as she starts to introduce a higher calorie intake she will put on fat. That is because her appetite will outpace her metabolism. You should be able to understand the rest.

    It's no different then a competitor coming out of contest mode and gaining 30 lbs in a week.
  • After doing some research on many different verified sources, 1200 seems to be the agreed bare minimum to diet safely. Other wise your body just goes into starvation mode. This means that your metabolism will slow and your body will keep hold of any fat and not risk burning it off, because as far as your body is concerned, food is scarce and you need to conserve your fat. Instead, your body will begin to break down muscle tissue and organs. Your energy levels will drop. Doesn't sound too good does it? 1200 - 1500 calories per day is healthy for a woman. Get the balance right and the weight will go.
  • ccadroz93
    ccadroz93 Posts: 136 Member
    Your body has no time to recover if you are exercising 7 days a week. Take one day off a week and keep your calories up. Cutting them when you are exercising that much will throw you into starvation mode if its not there already and actually "slow" your weight loss down!
  • I do roughly 1000 calories a day (not intentionally - I just have a really small appetite all the time) and I've lost like 4 pounds in about a fortnight. It might have been the scales though, but I like to think not. As long as you eat good calories (e.g. not snack a lot and if you do, have fruit and veg) and don't exercise too much, you should be fine.
  • P05T5CRIPT
    P05T5CRIPT Posts: 285 Member
    In before a certain person uses copy and paste to spew her wall of nonsense.

    Hahahahaha...I know who you mean!! :laugh:

    :laugh: Love it!
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    It's unhealthy, and it will give you the opposite of what you want in the long run! Keep exercising, and keep your metabolism up by eating a minimum of 1200/day NET (eat your exercise cals back) on average. If you don't lose with this then see a doctor.

    THIS - Plus you have so little to lose, it just takes longer.

    AND you need at least 1 day of rest for your body to recover from the exercise. Use the tools here, they really help!
  • AimersBee
    AimersBee Posts: 775 Member
  • reallifealien
    reallifealien Posts: 128 Member
    very unhealthy.. i lost more weight when i was eating 1500 calories daily
  • tiffanylacourse
    tiffanylacourse Posts: 2,986 Member
    I want to lose the weight a bit faster and I'm already exercising 7 days a week.
    Wondering if it would be unhealthy to cut my calories to 1000 daily

    If you're as active as you say you are, maybe you should try UPPING your calories instead of reducing them.

    Just sayin'.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member

    Or you could accept and appreciate that anything worth doing is worth doing right... that takes time. There's no shortcuts.


    Cutting corners always costs you in the end whether it's in weight loss, taxes, or home remodeling projects. Do it right the first time. . .takes more time, but in the end you'll have results you can LIVE with.
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    I suppose I understand your frustration with not losing weight quickly enough, but I would recommend you look at every aspect of your current plan before changing your calorie intake. Talk to a professional if you have access to one (dietitian for example,) and see if there are things you can change in what you are eating instead of how many calories you are eating. If you are working out quite a bit, you need to feed the machine in a healthy way. It baffles me when folks workout like a beast, get a huge calorie margin and then leave it uneaten. That's like... FREE FOOD why not eat at least half of that in a healthful way??

    My arch enemy is sodium, I can watch calories all I want to and if my sodium intake is too high the weight just will not come off.

    As far as healthy to be 1000 cals, I don't think it is healthy unless you speak with a nutrition specialist who can set you up with a specific diet that gets your body 100% of its nutrients within that limit.

    Bottom line, unless you are working with someone specifically like a doctor or a nutrition specialist, I wouldn't jack around with your calorie intake. To beat the old adage to death: You didn't gain weight overnight, you aren't going to lose it overnight.
  • After doing some research on many different verified sources, 1200 seems to be the agreed bare minimum to diet safely. Other wise your body just goes into starvation mode. This means that your metabolism will slow and your body will keep hold of any fat and not risk burning it off, because as far as your body is concerned, food is scarce and you need to conserve your fat. Instead, your body will begin to break down muscle tissue and organs. Your energy levels will drop. Doesn't sound too good does it? 1200 - 1500 calories per day is healthy for a woman. Get the balance right and the weight will go.

    It doesn't make sense to me why the body would break down muscle tissue and organs before using its excess fat supplies. Anyone care to shed some light on this? :flowerforyou:
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    The body fat you hold took years/months to put on. Why should it take just weeks to come off? Slow and steadily change your diet to make it a lifestyle, not a 'diet'.