Why have I only lost 0.5lb this week?

Why have I only lost 0.5lb this week? I was about 2600 calories under my weekly goal, based on 1390 cals per day, so nearly a 7000 cal deficit and still only lost 0.5.. Any reason why?? Gutted isn't the word!


  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Weight loss isn't linear. Shake it off...keep going.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    Don't worry about it. I sometimes don't lose weight for weeks and then a whoosh comes where I lose 3-4 pounds in a short period of time. Stick to the program.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Just because. You will even have weeks when your weight bumps up a little bit for no reason that you can put a finger on.

    Keep doing the work. Your body will make the adjustments that it has to make, and weight loss will follow. It's a pretty bumpy road for most of us.

    (that's why I plan to weigh myself only once per month)
  • I will keep at it without a doubt, it's just sickening! Doesn't help it's my birthday this weeked so it's going to be calorific and that's just the alcohol! I'll have to stick to vodka & diet coke!

    But thanks... Hopefully it will be 3-4 the week after :) x
  • jnp96
    jnp96 Posts: 163
    All of our bodies fluctuate and today's weigh in might just be a reflection of this. I am sure you'll see a loss next week.
  • Maybe you aren't eating enough! Your metabolism will slow right down if you go into starvation mode. Also make sure you are drinking plenty of water (or caffeine & sugar free non-carbonated drinks) as it is nearly impossible to lose weight if you dehydrate - don't know why exactly but it's true!!
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    1390 caloric goal per day.
    7000 caloric under per week = 1000 less per day

    That's 390 calories per day you are eating? Or is m math any off, which is often is.
  • No, my daily goal is 1390, so that's a deficit of 610 per day on women's RDA/intake, so straight away that's 4270 under weekly. Then I will eat 1390, however as I'm exercising 5-6 times per week, daily net intakes tend to be anywhere between 700-1000. So not in starvation mode as I'm still physically eating 1390 per day
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Ah, thanks for the explanation! I am frequently about 250 under my goal of 1450. I figure (hope) it is not a 'starvation' thing. I hope that We're fine as long as we stay at least 1200.

    I hate that wieghtloss isn't linear.i have gone up a little from last week, too. I figure it's normal fluctuation, but I will try to get some more workouts done this week.

    Good luck with your eating and moving and numbers!
  • marie_25m
    marie_25m Posts: 64 Member
    your daily net intakes are too low, that may be the reason to why you are not losing more. I would get it up to 1200 and switch up your exercise
  • BossReyes
    BossReyes Posts: 117 Member
    Take weekly measurements. Forget the scale. Only use it 2x per month to see if you're not gaining.
  • courtneylee31
    courtneylee31 Posts: 178 Member
    Near that time of month? Drinking your water? .. 0.5 pounds is still good, it also depends on what you have to lose overall to start with.
    Also I eat nearly 2000 cals a day, and am on a lower carbohydrate diet and still have good weight loss. Some people just need to eat more.
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    there are more ways than just weighing yourself to measure success. clothes fit better, measurements are smaller, you have more energy..

    I havent lost weight in months..but my weight is shifting, my clothes fit better, and I have loads of energy
  • Might be worth seeing a doctor, and getting some blood work done.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    As has already been said - weight loss is not linear. It can be masked by water weight fluctuations which can be caused by, among other things, sodium, exercise, monthly cycles, different macro mix.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    You are probably not eating enough.
  • You might just be gaining muscle, since you're exercising, and muscle weighs more than fat. Try measuring your inches and see if you're losing there. :smile:
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    You might just have to poop. Or ate too much sodium.
  • lrob100
    lrob100 Posts: 122 Member
    I have the same thing happen to me ALL the time. Weight loss is definitely not linear as people have said. I will go for a week or two and only lose a lb or two, then lose 5-6 lbs the next week. I think TOTM has a lot to do with it for me. Just stay the course and do what you're supposed to do faithfully with diet and exercise, and it WILL come off!
  • your daily net intakes are too low, that may be the reason to why you are not losing more. I would get it up to 1200 and switch up your exercise

    This could definitely be worth a try! I've got 12 outdoor bootcamp sessions coming up soon too, so I'll try having a higher net as I take these on!