


  • illuminatedms
    I find that hot tea helps me in those moments. It works as an appetite suppressant, and it's pretty low-calorie even with some milk and sugar. It also helps you get in your eight glasses of water.

    Alternatively, you could think about upping your calorie allowance per day, and just losing the weight more slowly. I started out on the strictest regime (2lb a week), and soon realized I was hungry and miserable. Rather than staying that way, I changed to a less strict regime (1 lb a week), and am much happier now. I find I can eat pretty well on the 1800 calories I get per day. . . and I do use all of them most days.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    He wasn't being sarcastic. It's hard to help you when we can't see what you eat.

    Jeesh, the one time I'm not being sarcastic

    FR, I hope you learned a valuable lesson here.

    ha ha, right
  • sweetpeas4l
    I go through the same thing, and when the morning munchies hit, I'll try and have an extra piece of fruit in the morning, and in the afternoon, I keep my favorite fresh salsa and carrots on hand. The carrots that are sliced like chips are great, because you can dip them in the salsa and the crunch seems gratifying.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    ....good suggestions here. Opening the diary would be the first step.
  • miadhail
    miadhail Posts: 383 Member
    I think the timing when your hunger pangs start is very normal. When I first started lowering my calorie intake, I'd get hungry every 3-4 hours because my body was used to such high calorie intake. So I made sure to eat every 3-4 hours. :) It helps.

    Edit: Wanted to add that i'd be ravenous after intense workouts, so I eat accordingly and reasonably of course :) Types of food also affect satiety, but it all depends on the person. :)
  • Boocakes08
    I keep my dairy open because I want people to be my support in case they see something that could help me if I am doing something wrong. This is one of the reasons why people don't want to help others because when they do they get lashed at.
  • Zangpakto
    Zangpakto Posts: 336 Member
    Ok, seem as your original posting was rude and too the point... Mine is simple...

    Deal with it, chances are if your not hungry, your likely eating too much, in time you get used to hunger, it drives you, makes you happy...

    Hell I realised I am thirsty and not ACTUALLY hungry..

    I can eat 10-15 pieces of chicken though without trouble.. then not eat for 12-16hrs or so because not hungry....

    I mean, I got 251g of protein today... Ohhhh yea...... :D

    Sure I didn't HAVE to eat that chicken, but man, sometimes chickens are like virgins and pringles... once you pop you can't stop...
  • marialleras
    He wasn't being sarcastic. It's hard to help you when we can't see what you eat.

    Jeesh, the one time I'm not being sarcastic


  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member

    Healthy fats won't make you fat, so don't worry about that.


    That is on of the most horrifying gifs I have ever seen!
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member

    That looks like FUN!
  • AteATomata
    AteATomata Posts: 6 Member
    I struggled with hunger as well until it was confirmed by a nutritionist that I seriously needed to increase my protein intake. Fiber will do this too, but I find protein is more filling. For your snacks, my favorites are string cheese, nuts, yogurt or a protein shake.

    Also if you think you may be too hungry all the time, make sure you are drinking enough water. Many of us mistake thirst for hunger.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    That looks like FUN!

    No thanks. I'm nearly hyperventilating just thinking about being trapped in one of those suffocating bubbles.
  • LadyQueefsalot
    LadyQueefsalot Posts: 150 Member
    It's because you're 17. Once you're 18 you'll never be hungry again.


    ^^This. I was sooooo hungry from birth to 18. Now I just want beer.
  • CarolinaGirlinVA
    CarolinaGirlinVA Posts: 1,512 Member

    That looks like FUN!

    No thanks. I'm nearly hyperventilating just thinking about being trapped in one of those suffocating bubbles.

    I'm with you... ***gasp!**
  • Hannahmac8
    He wasn't being sarcastic. It's hard to help you when we can't see what you eat.

    Jeesh, the one time I'm not being sarcastic

    I think everyone got the complete wrong impression of me, I was by no means being rude to him, I thought he was being sarcastic because I don't really understand myfitnesspal yet as i've just registered today, I thought he meant it literally as in "go and open your diary at home and cry about it there" I didn't realise you could actually show your diary on here for others to see- however I don't think I'd feel comfortable with that as I recovered from an eating disorder a year or so ago and even though I'm eating healthier I still feel a bit vulnerable for people to look at every little thing i've eaten, that's just because I'm selfconcious and worried that someone may criticize it and call me fat or something, I still have the mindset from having the disorder. I think the main issue with me is I begin to eat more as the day progresses, I don't eat enough for breakfast to set me up for the day and then I want to snack more because my meals aren't filling enough.
  • Zangpakto
    Zangpakto Posts: 336 Member
    He wasn't being sarcastic. It's hard to help you when we can't see what you eat.

    Jeesh, the one time I'm not being sarcastic

    I think everyone got the complete wrong impression of me, I was by no means being rude to him, I thought he was being sarcastic because I don't really understand myfitnesspal yet as i've just registered today, I thought he meant it literally as in "go and open your diary at home and cry about it there" I didn't realise you could actually show your diary on here for others to see- however I don't think I'd feel comfortable with that as I recovered from an eating disorder a year or so ago and even though I'm eating healthier I still feel a bit vulnerable for people to look at every little thing i've eaten, that's just because I'm selfconcious and worried that someone may criticize it and call me fat or something, I still have the mindset from having the disorder. I think the main issue with me is I begin to eat more as the day progresses, I don't eat enough for breakfast to set me up for the day and then I want to snack more because my meals aren't filling enough.

    True, that was my problem also... That is why now I follow eating windows rather than traditional patterns... works much better for me... You should try it..

    Say an 8-10hr window where you can eat your days calories in, after and before that window, you can't consume calories. Say I eat from 2pm till usually 10pm each day, then I don't eat from 10pm till 2pm again. However I change that to 4pm when drinking so can drink till 12am etc...

    Takes care of the cravings for sure! I'm never really hungry anymore, more thirsty I find... I can eat a lot if I want, and if I don't then I don't, but I can still have snacks etc and it just works.. Best thing I ever did really...

    And yea, if you have had an ED, then do what ever feels more comfortable regarding the site :)

    Also, if you did go into a treatment centre, you can be rest assured that what they tell you how the "normal" way to eat is, is actually something they preach and says everyone does but in reality no one does it lol! Quite funny :)

    Anyway, give my way a try for a few days and see what happens, if you don't like, then it's a few days you've wasted, but if it works, then you might have found something worth the few days of risk :)
  • Hannahmac8
    Thankyou Mr Wolf! That has really helped, it's interesting seeing different ways to try eating and anything that could help me to get away from ever relapsing back to an ED is worth trying so thankyou muchly lovely man! :) Also i've changed my diary so only friends on here could see it, but I don't have any so that's a bit awkward....
  • victorious27
    victorious27 Posts: 250 Member
    arent you precious?

    ^ this... :drinker:

    ETA: My apologies... I didn't see that you didn't understand. But I still think you could've handled it better. And I still like the comment that Crank made, lol
  • sarahisme18
    sarahisme18 Posts: 574 Member
    I keep getting hunger pangs at frustrating times throughout the day.. I have breakfast at about 7.15 and then I am hungry again by 10am, I then have lunch between 12 & 1 but get hungry again about 3-4 but don't have tea till 7 sometimes even later if I have gone to an exercise class or to the gym, how do I avoid these irritating hunger pangs? Any ideas?

    I am the same way.... so, breakfast 8am, snack 10:30, lunch 12, snack 3:30, snack again 5:30, workout, snack again after, dinner 7:30, sometimes a snack before bed 9.

    When I workout in the mornings, same thing.... pre-workout snack 6:30, workout, breakfast 8, snack 10:30, lunch 12, snack 3:30, dinner 5:30 snack 7:30.

    Check out my diary if you want. There's nothing wrong with eating all throughout the day if you're hungry.