Are all these food allergies real?



  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I blame Monsanto.

    Ha! That's probably the answer right there.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Too many processed foods, too many pesticides, too many hormones in meats. Not scientific at all. No study to back up anything I said. Just a thought. Hope someone can answer this I am curious too. Seems like every poster on the forum has an allergy to something. *shrugs*

    My husband is always saying things like this, that food doesn't taste the same as when he was younger (he's 38) because of the reasons stated above.

    I think intolerances have increased, but also people are more aware of what they eat now.

    There also seems to be a rise in things like autism and ADHD. I'm a teacher and we have a massive percentage of students on the SEN register. I'd never even heard of ADHD when I was at school myself. Are people more aware? Are conditions like that a result of diet?

    From what I see on this site, people aren't more aware of what they eat..................if they did they wouldn't sing the praises of all the junk, processed, frankenfood they fill their diary with.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I blame Monsanto.

    Ha! That's probably the answer right there.

    Which goes back to the GMO issue.
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    Too many processed foods, too many pesticides, too many hormones in meats. Not scientific at all. No study to back up anything I said. Just a thought. Hope someone can answer this I am curious too. Seems like every poster on the forum has an allergy to something. *shrugs*

    Agreed. My Friends are such smart cookies!! :flowerforyou:
  • kaybeau
    kaybeau Posts: 198 Member
    lactose intolerance is very easy to test for as long as your son can follow the instructions. Its a breath test into some capped test tubes that are then sent to a lab...
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Totally personal opinion, but I think we've trashed our immune systems until they react to everything under the sun because they're not exposed to anything to build them in early childhood.

    When I was a kid (back when dinosaurs roamed the earth) we played outside, dropped our cookies in the dirt and ate 'em, crawled around floors that were not disinfected to within an inch of their lives. I teethed on my Dad's tobacco pouch. Our immune systems got exposure and became robust. I have friends now who make us use hand-sanitizer before we can hold their baby.
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Of course I can't speak to anyone else's experience, but I sometimes wonder about some of the claims. I have a very real allergy (complete with histamine reaction and confirmed by an allergist) to bananas, avocados, and kiwi, along with a pretty pronounced intolerance to eggs. These weren't things I eliminated from my diet in the vague hopes of feeling better, rather the symptoms were significant enough that I wasn't left in any doubt as to the cause.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Are you sure GMO labeling was shot down by voters and not congress? There are powerful lobbies making sure the food industry isn't regulated to the extent that probably the voters would favor. For example - a company (I'm sorry; I can't remember which one) wanted to test all its beef and guarantee to consumers that there was zero mad cow disease. The government wouldn't let them.

    Anyway, sometimes I think food intolerances are a coincidence. As in somebody quits eating wheat and for some other reason begins to feel better. They will forever blame wheat when that wasn't it at all.

    But you never know. I had eaten bananas all my life until about 6 years ago when I was eating an organically grown banana, and my lips and mouth started to burn and swell, then I coughed for about the next hour. No more bananas for me! (but maybe it was a coincidence)
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Well. GMOs. Isn't that clever? The farmers are able to make more money on crops that are bigger and disease resistant and it could be causing all this grief? What's the point? Pretty soon every one will be allergic to something. I think I'll stick to growing my own veggies in my garden in the yard. It's so much cheaper too. I only hope the seed we use are just seeds. But who really knows??
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Of course I can't speak to anyone else's experience, but I sometimes wonder about some of the claims. I have a very real allergy (complete with histamine reaction and confirmed by an allergist) to bananas, avocados, and kiwi, along with a pretty pronounced intolerance to eggs. These weren't things I eliminated from my diet in the vague hopes of feeling better, rather the symptoms were significant enough that I wasn't left in any doubt as to the cause.

    Yeah, and I think that's different. That is a direct correlation. For instance, whenever I drink alcohol, I wake up with a hangover. So, I had to stop drinking. it's really not good for me at all. :)
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Well. GMOs. Isn't that clever? The farmers are able to make more money on crops that are bigger and disease resistant and it could be causing all this grief? What's the point? Pretty soon every one will be allergic to something. I think I'll stick to growing my own veggies in my garden in the yard. It's so much cheaper too. I only hope the seed we use are just seeds. But who really knows??

    Search out heirloom seeds.
  • risenonlytofall
    I blame Monsanto.
    When in doubt always blame Monsanto. /bitter Californian
  • Mell00546
    Mell00546 Posts: 158 Member
    Hi there,

    I just wanted to share my personal experience and maybe shed a little light on the subject. I have had issues with dairy for as long as I can remember. Nothing major or life changing, however, it did cause inflammation and I would have trouble breathing and clearing my throat when I ran cross country (high school). It never was enough to cause me to stop drinking milk or eating ice cream.

    Fast forward to college. My drink of choice was beer, preference was shock top. For some reason every time I drank (beer) my bottom lip would go numb. I use to joke that it was my body telling me I was getting drunk... Wrong... lol It was my body telling me it could not break down what I was ingesting.

    After college my symptoms got worse. To the point of getting violently ill at a bar (for my lil sisters 21st birthday) from having half a shock top. I went to an allergist a week later and was tested for beef, wheat, tomatoes, ingredients in beer (I told the allergist about my symptoms after I would ingest these foods).

    It came back that I am allergic to wheat, rice, malt, barley, tomatoes, milk, and ginger.

    I cannot speak for anyone else, but for me, my symptoms got worse because of overexposure (eating the foods that my body can not break down). I decided to receive allergy shots for awhile (in hopes of drinking beer again). After a year of allergy shots I was still unable to ingest those foods. I decided to cut my losses and except my body for the crazy machine that it is.

    I don’t know why people develop allergies. But I do know that for me, it is not BS and I have been tested.
  • littlemsmetal
    We get this a lot at my work where people are magically allergic to red wine or sulfites, etc. No you're not, those headaches are from drinking too much. Lol.

    It really does seem like having an allergy is a recent fad.
  • kaybeau
    kaybeau Posts: 198 Member
    Try this website for info on Coeliac disease this is run by the charity that helped my husband, who wishes he could put on a pound or two... A problem I obviously don't have. Gluten causes an autoimmune diease to kick in and destroy the important gut villi which absorbs nutrients and this disease ruined my honeymoon, my wedding cake (he couldn't eat it),we go out for meals about 3 times a year and can visit 1 chip shop or mcdonalds for a big mac without the bun... Coeliac disease SUCKS
  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    Food allergies have existed for a long time. However, this whole new Gluten Free craze is something else entirely.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I suspect that soon we will learn that a lot of the gluten problems are from people abusing their bodies with too much food in general and way too many overly processed grains. They blame the food for making them fat because it's easier to blame someone other than ourselves. But I must wonder if they'd ever had developed problems if they'd eaten normal portions in combination with a diet high in fiber and nutrition and gotten regular exercise.

    Certainly this is not true of everyone, but I imagine it's true for most.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Totally personal opinion, but I think we've trashed our immune systems until they react to everything under the sun because they're not exposed to anything to build them in early childhood.

    When I was a kid (back when dinosaurs roamed the earth) we played outside, dropped our cookies in the dirt and ate 'em, crawled around floors that were not disinfected to within an inch of their lives. I teethed on my Dad's tobacco pouch. Our immune systems got exposure and became robust. I have friends now who make us use hand-sanitizer before we can hold their baby.

    This must be why my kids are mostly allergy free :-)
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Well. GMOs. Isn't that clever? The farmers are able to make more money on crops that are bigger and disease resistant and it could be causing all this grief? What's the point? Pretty soon every one will be allergic to something. I think I'll stick to growing my own veggies in my garden in the yard. It's so much cheaper too. I only hope the seed we use are just seeds. But who really knows??

    Search out heirloom seeds.

    Thanks. I'll do that next spring. Just put the garden to bed today.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    The hygiene hypothesis states that the explosions in both allergies and autoimmune diseases (and maybe even autism) stems from children growing up in overly clean environments without the dirt, microorganisms, parasites, etc. that we were designed to live with. Interestingly enough, sanitation WAS actually the cause of the polio epidemic - all the sewage contamination of water used to basically inoculate kids with small amounts of polio.