who's your reason for losing weight ?



  • Love_flowers
    Love_flowers Posts: 365 Member
    I am only doing it for me. :wink:
  • Myself, kids, hubby and chance to play with future grandchildren.
  • Cyndi1
    Cyndi1 Posts: 484 Member
    Me...cause I matter. It's about my health but also good for my kids to see me putting the effort in and they win too cause I keep them moving too. : )
  • EllieMo
    EllieMo Posts: 131 Member
  • RunningOnPurple
    RunningOnPurple Posts: 119 Member
    For me. And for my late boyfriend who didn't get another chance to start again like I have.
  • littlemegzz
    littlemegzz Posts: 292 Member
    My feet. They hate carrying my body around!

    LMAO - im sure those feet are not alone in this world
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
  • axialmeow
    axialmeow Posts: 382 Member
    I do want to be healthy and I would like to say that is the main reason. I have been obese my entire life. I have no idea what it is like to be fit. But honestly? My main reason is realllllly odd. I am just SO SICK of being "the big girl". The girl who is not allowed to be scared of anything. I am sick to death of hearing "you have nothing to worry about, you could kick his butt". An ex was physically abusive but no one took it seriously because I was bigger. NO. I was fatter, not stronger. Even the police did not seem to take it seriously. I was over 300lbs at that point. Another boyfriend said I was " twice his size". This came after I told him he had scared me during a fight. This was relatively recent. And I am nowhere near twice his size. But I am tall and big and people seem to think I am bulletproof. Im not. And I am sick of people assuming it. I guess I just want to be normal.
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    Myself and my family. I want to be around.
  • susehocking
    susehocking Posts: 30 Member
    For myself and my family...also, I want to be able to, you know, with the lights on LOL
  • MissySho
    MissySho Posts: 126 Member
    Ultimately myself. But also for hubs, the kids, and my grand babies (the ones i have now and the future ones).
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    Myself. I got tried of being over weight. Of being looked at...as being the fat girl. Of getting the wrong kind of attention. A little selfish I know.

    I also wanted to ride horses and my weight made it impossible to do so.

    Everything hurt! Right down to my feet!

    Than I had a scare lass summer on the oconee river whilte white water rafting. I got swept into the river and stuck in the rapids. About the time I made it back to the boat the guide had a hard time pulling me in....

    It was a real wake up call. u.u.
  • Kendrazombie
    Kendrazombie Posts: 157 Member
    My daughter, my husband and myself. I want to be able to play with my daughter without running out of breath and I want to be able to go on vacation without feeling awful about myself. Mostly I would like to be healthy and live many MANY more years happily.
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    My younger brother passed away after bariatric surgery. I am doing it for both of us.
  • pahouacarns
    pahouacarns Posts: 4 Member
    Myself and my children. My mother, my grandfather and my uncle (my mom's brother) had type 2 diabetes. When I was pregnant with each of my 3 kids, I had gestational diabetes which puts me a greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes. My mother passed away from a stroke a year and a half ago. She probably would have made it, but she was also fighting a foot infection from the diabetes and her kidneys were shot from years of not taking care of her diabetes.

    I want to be heathly, so that I can teach my children how to be healthy. I want to live til I'm really old and know my grandchildren and my great-grandchildren.
  • bluefrog_2001
    bluefrog_2001 Posts: 138 Member
    It's me me me ....all about me!

    My top 3 reasons are as follows:

    3) I am sick of buying bigger clothes to cover my ever-expanding backside and front

    2) I am tired of being winded when I try to walk a small flight of stairs

    and #1 is....

    1) I can't fit into an airline seat with the arm rest down without it digging into my fat and the last time I flew I could barely buckle the belt around me. I cried for 2 days off and on about that because I was so depressed about gaining so much weight.

    PS. I also want to look REALLY GOOD naked!
  • Rhia55
    Rhia55 Posts: 247
    Me. There is no one else in my life. Just me.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I'm doing it for me, and for my kids. I want to still be there for them as they grow up. I need to set a better example for them, and teach them good eating habits now, so I can give them a good start in life.

    Hubby reaps the side benefits. ;)
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    For the FIRST time in my life.. im doing something for myself.
  • Katbody10
    Katbody10 Posts: 369 Member
    Strictly for me .. so I can really "wow" the next lucky fella that finds me!