Do you guys track EVERYTHING?



  • AggieFan2011
    AggieFan2011 Posts: 551 Member
    Yes, I track everything that I eat or drink during the day (with the exception of like supplements and spices that I might use in cooking). Even on a day when I "cheat" or know that I've gone over I still enter it all. For me it's really helpful to actually see what is going into my body each day whether it's healthy or not.
  • babylemonade
    babylemonade Posts: 250 Member
    Okay, I don't think you are getting why I asked. I'm not trying to cheat my diary. No one sees it so I'm not trying to fool anyone or myself. I just didn't think I would be thrown off track that much if I have some calories left over and I eat an apple but don't bother to put it in.

    If I ever do go over I think it'd be better if I was eating fruit rather than chips or something. But apparently it's the same thing by what you people are saying.
  • Chewster001
    Chewster001 Posts: 201 Member
    I track everything with double-digit calories. Diet Coke, tea and coffee (both had black no sugar), herbs and spices I don't bother with. There's about 80 calories in a medium apple, 100 in a banana. If you have a few pieces of fruit a day you don't track you're going to find yourself getting very big very quickly. You should be making allowances within your targets to be able to eat enough fresh produce and still stay within target.

    My garlic powder has double digit calories (30ish), and so does my Greek coffee (60ish)...
  • Nah, I only track some things. I never log in my binges lol.
  • I track everything!
  • I try to track it all, no matter how small or how large. And it seems to be fairly easy with all the choices available.
  • fitnotfluffy
    fitnotfluffy Posts: 213 Member
    I track every. single. thing. Literally. Down to my breath mints, black coffee, tea, EVERYTHING. Including fruits!
  • I do track everything! Even if it's 5 calories from a drink. I'm so into the program that it's not hard to do it's just normal. If I eat out and can't track exactly I will find a similar product and use that. I will insert something with more calories just to be safe. You will get used to tracking everything believe me.
  • I haven't tracked calories for years. To me real lifestyle change means being able to eat normal and make intelligent decisions about what I choose to eat to either lose or maintain. This is how I do it and I am in no way saying it is the only way.
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    I track everything except gum, mustard, coffee (black, artificially sweetened) and any other zero-calorie beverage.