Mommies supporting Mommies



  • BlazinEmerald
    BlazinEmerald Posts: 842
    Hi, My name is Tracy and I am a SAHM. My son Skylier just turned 7 yesterday :sad: ( Im such a baby) and I also have 3 step children : Damian 14 lives with us, Nicole 13 with her mom , Chelsie 10 with her mom. Although they are here pretty much daily since the live in the same complex lol. I also care for 2 daycare children in my home.

    I , personally can't say that any of my weight is from pregnancy , I've always been big and in fact weigh more now than the day I gave birth. But, I'm sick of being fat, I want 1 more child eventually and I wanna be healthy when I do it, and I wanna be around when my kids start havin grandbabies for me :smile:

    I had my first weigh in on April 16 @ 310 lbs , and now weigh in at 296, I have a LONG way to go , but Im goin. Good luck to everyone and welcome to MFP Mandy
  • abetterme
    abetterme Posts: 393
    Good morning MOMMIES,

    I have been abscent for about a month, I started MFP on Jan 2nd and was doing really well and then some how I lost track of my goal and got off track now I am wanted to get going again before I gain much more back. I am down 20 lbs and have 79 to go. I have 6 kids 7 if you count hubby:laugh: . Jacob 14, Austin 9, Kurtis 7, Mathew 5, Anthony 3 and Elizabeth 2. The first 3 boys are from my first marriage and he left when I was pregnant with Kurtis and that is when I met Jim (my husband now). My ex has signed over all rights about 4 years ago and Jim adopted the 3 boys. We have been married 7 years at the end of this comming July. We are done having kids and I am wanted to get all of this extra weight off. I was a 13/14 when I graduated high school in 1991 and then after all the babies I was 18/20 I am now 16/18 since the 20 lbs lost. I also am a SAHM but if the 6 kids and hubby aren't enough of a stress we also dairy farm so I have that also. I am a BIG emotional eater and am trying to figure out how to fix it. I am looking forward to the extra support from other mommies out there and am looking forward to lending my support also.

    Heres to a great day:drinker:
  • mrflibbleisvryx
    mrflibbleisvryx Posts: 47 Member
    I am a BIG emotional eater and am trying to figure out how to fix it. I am looking forward to the extra support from other mommies out there and am looking forward to lending my support also.

    Oh, I hear ya there! I eat when I'm tired, bored, mad, happy, etc, etc, etc. The hardest thing for me to get past is the comfort feeling I get with food. My family has always been really big on family gatherings. And since my extended family is huge (and everyone lived within 5 miles of each other), a get together was inevitably a feast!

    I know that I associate the food with the good times I had at those family feasts, and that's why I eat. But knowing it doesn't make it any easier to STOP it.
  • mrflibbleisvryx
    mrflibbleisvryx Posts: 47 Member
    Hi, My name is Tracy and I am a SAHM. My son Skylier just turned 7 yesterday :sad: ( Im such a baby) and I also have 3 step children : Damian 14 lives with us, Nicole 13 with her mom , Chelsie 10 with her mom. Although they are here pretty much daily since the live in the same complex lol. I also care for 2 daycare children in my home.

    I , personally can't say that any of my weight is from pregnancy , I've always been big and in fact weigh more now than the day I gave birth. But, I'm sick of being fat, I want 1 more child eventually and I wanna be healthy when I do it, and I wanna be around when my kids start havin grandbabies for me :smile:

    I had my first weigh in on April 16 @ 310 lbs , and now weigh in at 296, I have a LONG way to go , but Im goin. Good luck to everyone and welcome to MFP Mandy

    Stick with it, Tracy/ You'll get there. We believe in you!!!! :bigsmile:
  • kalnfitz
    kalnfitz Posts: 8
    I am a BIG emotional eater and am trying to figure out how to fix it. I am looking forward to the extra support from other mommies out there and am looking forward to lending my support also.

    Oh, I hear ya there! I eat when I'm tired, bored, mad, happy, etc, etc, etc. The hardest thing for me to get past is the comfort feeling I get with food. My family has always been really big on family gatherings. And since my extended family is huge (and everyone lived within 5 miles of each other), a get together was inevitably a feast!

    I know that I associate the food with the good times I had at those family feasts, and that's why I eat. But knowing it doesn't make it any easier to STOP it.

    Oh my gosh this is TOTALLY me as well!!!! BIG emotional eater, and basically equate happiness with food! And sadness to food, and .... LOL! BAD!! I really need to get a handle on it and find a way to eat better and LESS!!

    I am Mom to 2 boys, 3 & 5 yrs. I have always had problems with my weight, and had actually just gotten down to my goal using weight watchers right before getting pregnant with my 1st. I then experienced a complicated pregnancy, had pre-eclampsia, a more complicated delivery, the sudden death of my mother, my oldest diagnosed with autism, financial difficulties, job changes/stress, etc etc. all of which did not help with my emotional battle with food. I basically wound up gaining back all the weight I had once lost. :cry: I am most worried about my health, I just want to make sure I will be around for my kiddos, especially my oldest since his future is so unknown.

    So I must find a way to get past me and my wacky eating patterns and get and STAY on a healthier track! :)
  • mrflibbleisvryx
    mrflibbleisvryx Posts: 47 Member
    Well, I wanted to give an update. I got my Leslie Sansone set today and just finished the one mile walk. Wow. I mean, it's just walking with a few side steps and kicks thrown in, but I'm pouring sweat! It's not really physically challenging, but you definitely get a work out!!!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Hi Mamas!

    I'm a SAHM who works 6 days a month from home (although it never feels like I am a "working mom" - my hat's off to you ladies who work outside of the home full time!).

    My babes are Nate 3 and Vanessa 1yr. They are the sweetest little people, although we have our moments (e.g. 3yr old teary melt down on the way home from the park just this morning), but l have truly never been happier. The odd day I will think, "I gave up my career to be an ECE worker / housekeeper!!!", but 99% of the time I love it.

    I think we have unique weight loss issues as SAHMs because we feed the kids so frequently! At my house we do 3 meals and 2 snacks, so we're always near the kitchen! We are also whole food eaters, so much of our day is spent cooking and preparing food. And, when they're having sliced apples, I happen to know there are delicious dark chococlate chips in the baking cupboard, who frequently call my name! :tongue: :blushing:

    Good luck to all of us! We CAN DO IT!!!!
  • romywill
    romywill Posts: 42
    :laugh: Hi - I would love to join your group. I am an older Mommy to younger kids. I am 52 years young with a bio 12 yr old boy (oh the hormones!!!!) - and 3 adopted kiddos - Alina (adopted from Ukraine in 2007) - age 11, Ian, adopted from Ukraine in 2004 - age 7, and Anya - adopted from Kazakstan in 2001 - now age 9. I homeschool 2 (one gifted - one special needs) and I have been hovering around 190 - lost 10 lbs over the last 4 mo - so it has been a slow progress. Joined this site about 1 mo ago. I am an emotional eater - and I am trying to stop the munching when stressed. Nice to meet you!

  • nelleybelley
    nelleybelley Posts: 53 Member
    Hi Mamas!

    I'm a SAHM who works 6 days a month from home (although it never feels like I am a "working mom" - my hat's off to you ladies who work outside of the home full time!).

    My babes are Nate 3 and Vanessa 1yr. They are the sweetest little people, although we have our moments (e.g. 3yr old teary melt down on the way home from the park just this morning), but l have truly never been happier. The odd day I will think, "I gave up my career to be an ECE worker / housekeeper!!!", but 99% of the time I love it.

    I think we have unique weight loss issues as SAHMs because we feed the kids so frequently! At my house we do 3 meals and 2 snacks, so we're always near the kitchen! We are also whole food eaters, so much of our day is spent cooking and preparing food. And, when they're having sliced apples, I happen to know there are delicious dark chococlate chips in the baking cupboard, who frequently call my name! :tongue: :blushing:

    Good luck to all of us! We CAN DO IT!!!!

    I agree- SAHMs have a unique challenge!!!
  • nelleybelley
    nelleybelley Posts: 53 Member
    Just checkin in to see how everyone's day is going! Mine is ok, I have cetainly had better. Between the gloomy weather and PMS, I am struggling to stay positive. :grumble:

    But I did do my cardio, and am staying at my calories so far. So all is ok in weight loss world anyway. :bigsmile:
  • mrflibbleisvryx
    mrflibbleisvryx Posts: 47 Member
    Just checkin in to see how everyone's day is going! Mine is ok, I have cetainly had better. Between the gloomy weather and PMS, I am struggling to stay positive. :grumble:

    But I did do my cardio, and am staying at my calories so far. So all is ok in weight loss world anyway. :bigsmile:

    I'd love to have some gloomy weather. I'm in Central FL and it's so stinking dry here right now (and HOT!!!)!!! It rained a bit last week, but it dried right back up. :sad:

    We all have those days! Just try to remember you inspirations for losing the weight! And stay out of the kitchen. :bigsmile:
  • countrymusicgirl
    Hi Moms!
    I'm also a SAHM and today was the last day of school for my boys. I can't believe my oldest will be a SENIOR next year - I'm not that old LOL. I love the summer and really enjoy having my children home, ages 17, 15 and 10. :happy:
    Drivers Training with my 15 year old this summer - that should be interesting:ohwell:
  • kwill23
    kwill23 Posts: 122
    Welcome to MFP, this site is awesome, i know it will help you reach your goal. I am a mommy to ( 7 year old son and 9 month old daughter. i never had any trouble with my weight until i had my son and ever since then it has been a struggle. i am really motivated now because i want to be a good role model for my daughter, i don't want her growing up with a mommy with body issues.
  • abetterme
    abetterme Posts: 393
    Well, I wanted to give an update. I got my Leslie Sansone set today and just finished the one mile walk. Wow. I mean, it's just walking with a few side steps and kicks thrown in, but I'm pouring sweat! It's not really physically challenging, but you definitely get a work out!!!

    I love Leslie Sansone:heart: I have several of her walking VHS/DVD's. My problem is I keep comming up with excusses not to do them. I am not a morning person and already am up earlier than want to be cause of milking dairy cows. I first told myself I need to get up 30 minutes earlier and do it before we go to the barn well that hasn't happend yet, then finding time during the day when the kids aren't running through the living room so I don't kick them and so the day time doesn't happend and then I think ok I will do it before I go to bed and then I end up folding 3 or 4 loads of laundry and cleaning up from supper and then I don't feel like doing it cause all I want to do is go to bed.:sad: :sad: pathetic huh.

    Ok so no more excusses!! I need to just do it no matter what time of the day it is.
  • ceo_of_5
    ceo_of_5 Posts: 9
    hi everyone!

    I'm Denielle, also sahm, with 3 kids...ages 12, 6, and 1.....been married for 12 somewhat wonderful yrs, lol....

    My hubby tries very hard to encourage, offer support, (nicely, tactfully) but I'm too stubborn to listen and follow thru with his suggestions. My main battle is exercise. I want to do it but some how it never happens. I love to walk( that is my preferred exercise) , and living in a warm climate it's possible to do all yr around! What I lack is MOTIVATION.......I have slim to none:grumble: ! I'm new to MFP as well as to this island I live on....therefore have no friends yet to walk with:frown: ! Perfect excuse, huh,LOL.

    Anyway that's my story in a nutshell! Look forward to chatting with everyone.....:wink:
  • BlazinEmerald
    BlazinEmerald Posts: 842
    Hello Mommies.

    Well, My son is absolutely devestated :cry: He had his yearly check up which was great , he is FINALLY in a healthy weight for his age group, he's always been so tiny, born at 4 lb 8 oz. and has now at 7 yrs old hit 50 lbs. what a big grown up boy. After the initial physical they did the eye chart exam , he couldn't even read the third line down (BIG LETTERS) So his pediatrician reccomended he see an eye Dr. right away. an hour later I had him at the Dr. His eyes are pretty bad and has a pretty bad astigmatisim, poor kid got mommy's eyes. So he has to wear glasses and he is just devistated. No matter how good we tell him he will look he feels he will be ugly and get made fun of. The glasses actually look tottaly adorable on him, but his 7 yr old brain thinks mom is fibbing and I have to say that cause Im his mommy. Here's hoping for a better day today. His teacher is workign with me on this and is going to bring a few new books into class concerning glasses , and even wear some herself leading up to the day he gets his. My poor boy. He's upset so Im upset , he cries and my heart bleeds :sad:
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Hello Mommies.

    Well, My son is absolutely devestated :cry: He had his yearly check up which was great , he is FINALLY in a healthy weight for his age group, he's always been so tiny, born at 4 lb 8 oz. and has now at 7 yrs old hit 50 lbs. what a big grown up boy. After the initial physical they did the eye chart exam , he couldn't even read the third line down (BIG LETTERS) So his pediatrician reccomended he see an eye Dr. right away. an hour later I had him at the Dr. His eyes are pretty bad and has a pretty bad astigmatisim, poor kid got mommy's eyes. So he has to wear glasses and he is just devistated. No matter how good we tell him he will look he feels he will be ugly and get made fun of. The glasses actually look tottaly adorable on him, but his 7 yr old brain thinks mom is fibbing and I have to say that cause Im his mommy. Here's hoping for a better day today. His teacher is workign with me on this and is going to bring a few new books into class concerning glasses , and even wear some herself leading up to the day he gets his. My poor boy. He's upset so Im upset , he cries and my heart bleeds :sad:

    Awww.... poor guy! It is so hard when you're a kid. I'm sure you've already thought of this, but can you buy the most stylish glasses, and the coolest sunglasses? My son LOVES to wear his sunglasses, so thought your little guy might be loured that way?

    Can you really pump him up, and reinforce how great he is going to look, and how he could be excited to show his friends? Good luck...
  • BlazinEmerald
    BlazinEmerald Posts: 842
    yeah , he got to pick his own frames and they are sooooo cute , and low and behold NINTENDO Brand lol. So that he's happy about. He asked this morning if his glasses were in yet so I think he is getting used to the idea of them.he should have them Saturday/Monday. He's the kid that strangers on the street stop to tell him how absolutely adorable he is , and Im a bit bias but he is adorable lol. He worries ALOT what others think , so just reinforcing that its what he thinks is what counts and what mom and dad think.
  • nelleybelley
    nelleybelley Posts: 53 Member
    AWWW. Poor little guy. I feel his pain- I am an adult and I hate to wear my glasses. If I wasn't total chicken I would get lasik.
  • cwjett
    cwjett Posts: 189 Member
    Hi Moms!!
    I am a full time working mom of 2 boys, one is 12 and one is 4. Finding time to work out is quite a challenge for me. I either try to wake up really early and go to the gym before coming home to get myself and the kids ready to go or i have to skip my lunch and go to the gym during my lunch break. Thats my biggest problem that I can't seem to get the extra time so we try to swim at home or kick the soccer ball around, things that all of us can do!

    For "kid food" in the house, I don't keep any chips or cookies or little debbie cakes. We keep the little baby carrots, fruits, sugar free jello, fat free pudding or some of the sugar free/fat free frozen fudge or fruit bars(those are really nice on the hot days)

    I don't have too much weight to lose but i want to remain healthy and have the energy to be able to play with my kids and keep up with their busy schedules!

    Good Luck to all of you!! We're moms, we can do anything!!! LOL