How often do you weigh yourself? Is it motivating?

I have heard many schools of thought on how often to weigh yourself. But, I'd love to hear how people use it as a motivation. Do you weigh daily and track the little ups and downs? Weekly?


  • peanutbutterpretzels
    every 3 days! (: that way i see some of the little bumps, but not all of them haha
  • fsutony
    use to weigh myself every monday morning.Now that im getting closer to my goal im just gonna weigh once a month.
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    Daily, because I like to see trends and watch my monthly numbers go down.
  • JessyJ03
    JessyJ03 Posts: 627 Member
    Daily but I'm kinda numb to the scale. I don't lose weight very fast so it doesn't really get me down if I'm the same or up a lb or two.
  • pjhogan8
    pjhogan8 Posts: 14 Member
    I weigh myself every day, but wish I did not. It makes me very grumpy if I have gained a pound, or three, especially if I've been exercising a lot and being "careful". Trying to stay positive though and am joining a 4 week weight loss meditation group tonight. Looking forward to hearing others thoughts and feelings. Hoping to put out some positive intentions for success.

    Oh and to answer your second question, is it motivating? Well, only if it shows a weight loss! A weight gain is frustrating and I definitely "beat myself up" over it. [sigh/lol]
  • SameMe_JustLess
    SameMe_JustLess Posts: 245 Member
    That's me!! I hate posting a gain, but realistically I am going to fluctuate.
  • marinegirl92
    marinegirl92 Posts: 184 Member
    Once a week - on Fridays. I get so disheartened with a Monday AM weigh in!
  • lindsayforlife
    lindsayforlife Posts: 93 Member
    I weight every morning. For me it is motivating and is a great way to stay accountable and not fly off the wagon. This morning, for instance, I weighed myself and noticed that I'm gaining again, not surprising considering my new job, hubby's new job, a terrorizing new kitten and other life stresses as of late. First thing this morning I made another mental promise to revamp my weightloss efforts and find alternative ways in which to manage stress.
  • SueMGordon
    I weigh daily, first thing in the morning, but only post when it goes down (but not at the weekend as I weigh later). If I know I have been sticking close to the calorie limit and doing the exercise when it is due then I treat the fluctuations up as something to ignore. I can never predict when that sudden drop down is going to happen so I like the encouragement when it happens. Sometimes I will check my measurements too, but not as often. I get a little disheartened if I can't record a weight loss in more than a week or so. I certainly see a lot more variation than my husband does.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Right now I'm going for once per month. I can't stand the up and down fluctuations of weighing once per week (let alone once per day). I'm hoping that once per month will have a downward trend that is easy to see.

    Since I joined, I've been weighing about once every 2 weeks, and so far (except once), the number has always been a bit lower.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I weigh in every morning, but only record when there's a loss. If I gain, I don't record it. I don't record the loss until the number is less than the previous recorded. It's always under the same circumstances as well... wake up, bathroom, then onto the scale.

    It isn't as much of a motivator as it is just a habit. I look at the trends over the course of a week/month and gauge progress based on that.
  • TriShamelessly
    TriShamelessly Posts: 905 Member
    Daily, because I like to see trends and watch my monthly numbers go down.

  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    I used to do it once a I do it everyday... I suggest sticking to once a week, or maybe twice a week. Doing it every day can be very discouraging, at least from what I've found :(
  • wwmorrow
    wwmorrow Posts: 118 Member
    I am weighing every day. Some people only weigh once a week...or even once a month, but I am too impatient for that. However, I am realistic and know that everyone's weight fluctuates. I try not to get too upset if I'm up a little.
  • Countryboy_
    I weigh myself eight times a day. I record the measurements for a week and total them up, then on sundays, I divide that total by 56 to get my average weight for the week. I find that when I do it this way, I spend more time running back and forth to the scales, and less time eating...and I ALWAYS show a loss. But remember folks, its only magic if it works!!!!
  • Danardeener
    I weigh every day. However, lately he hasn't been telling me what I like to hear, so we recently broke up. He knows what he has to do to win me back!
  • wsuduce
    wsuduce Posts: 68 Member
    Everyday. I do not get attached to the number but feel it helps me keep track of the trends and assisted me with learning what foods cause me to bloat or hold extra weight. Plus i think it gives my trend lines the most accurate representation. I can have variance from day to day so if I only did weekly weigh-ins what would happen if I just ate big the night before it would not be accurate for the week but if I do it daily and see a spike in one day I know it is just water weight. I mostly just let the calories(tracking) do the work.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I weigh daily, but mostly because I'm fascinated with numbers. I find it interesting that I can see when I have had a lot of sodium and not enough water, or when I've pushed my muscles to do things they are not used to. I'm understanding my body better, and I like that.

    However - if I was the type to get worked up over seeing a 2 lb 'gain', I would stay away from that thing except for weekly weigh-ins.
  • cwilson26
    cwilson26 Posts: 30 Member
    Every day...I like knowing that my numbers are going to fluctuate and if I see them daily, I won't be frustrated if on weigh-in day they happen to be up a little. As long as the trend is that this week's highest day is lower than last week's, and so on!!
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    Once per day, first thing in the morning. I like seeing trends, and if I notice I'm up a pound overnight, I know I need to drink more water that day. It's really helpful.