20 questions about you.



  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    1. What is your eye color? GREEN
    2. What is your favorite season? fall
    3. What is your favorite Holiday? christmas
    4. Have you ever been arrested? nope
    5. What are 2 things with in arms reach of you right now? phone, baby's boot
    6. Would you rather know how you are going to die, Or know when you are going to die? neither!!!
    7. What is in your purse/wallet? receipts, wallet, hairbrush, nail polish
    8. Playstation or Xbox? xbox
    9. Have you ever met any celebs? yes
    10. Smooth or crunchy? smooth peanut butter please
    11. Do you have any addictions? licorice
    12. What is your fave animal? bear
    13. What color is your underwear right now? teal
    14. Mermaids or unicorns? neither
    15. What are you supposed to be doing right now? working
    16. Did you just grab my *kitten*? :ohwell:
    17. Could you live without a computer? NO, its my job
    18. Fave websites? MFP and....
    19. Have you ever spend 8 hours in a row on the internet? um no
    20. How many people do you know, share the same name as you? One comes to mind
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    1. What is your eye color?
    Brown, usually Bloodshot red

    2. What is youre favorite season?
    Football season

    3. What is your favorite Holiday?
    I'm not in a position to be picky

    4. Have you ever been arrested?

    5. What are 2 things with in arms reach of you right now?
    Pepper spray and Jelly Beans

    6. Would you rather know how you are going to die, Or know when you are going to die?
    How. I already know when

    7. What is in your purse/wallet?
    Cobwebs and an out of date subway coupon and a press pass for the olympics

    8. Playstation or Xbox?
    Xbox 360, PlayStation Vita and every nintendo handheld

    9. Have you ever met any celebs?

    10. Smooth or crunchy?

    11. Do you have any addictions?
    Not any more

    12. What is your fave animal?
    Leo Panthereus ( Lion)

    13. What color is your underwear right now?
    Blue Plaid

    14. Mermaids or unicorns?
    Mermaids. No such thing as a unicorn

    15. What are you supposed to be doing right now?

    16. Did you just grab my *kitten*?
    I'd buy you a drink first

    17. Could you live without a computer?

    18. Fave websites?

    19. Have you ever spend 8 hours in a row on the internet?
    No, but I have spent hours on a bus with the internet

    20. How many people do you know, share the same name as you?
    NOBODY :-(
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 760 Member
    1. What is your eye color? Brown
    2. What is youre favorite season? Fall
    3. What is your favorite Holiday? Thanksgiving
    4. Have you ever been arrested? No
    5. What are 2 things with in arms reach of you right now? Coffee & my phone
    6. Would you rather know how you are going to die, Or know when you are going to die? When
    7. What is in your purse/wallet? Everything but money!
    8. Playstation or Xbox? Neither
    9. Have you ever met any celebs? Nope
    10. Smooth or crunchy? Smooth
    11. Do you have any addictions? Not that I care to admit
    12. What is your fave animal? Horse
    13. What color is your underwear right now? Comando today
    14. Mermaids or unicorns? unicorns
    15. What are you supposed to be doing right now? working
    16. Did you just grab my *kitten*? I could have
    17. Could you live without a computer? Yes
    18. Fave websites? Amazon, MFP
    19. Have you ever spend 8 hours in a row on the internet? No
    20. How many people do you know, share the same name as you? 1
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    1. What is your eye color? Green
    2. What is youre favorite season? Spring
    3. What is your favorite Holiday? Christmas
    4. Have you ever been arrested? No
    5. What are 2 things with in arms reach of you right now? literally water bottle and computer
    6. Would you rather know how you are going to die, Or know when you are going to die? when
    7. What is in your purse/wallet? keys/ ink pen
    8. Playstation or Xbox? xbox
    9. Have you ever met any celebs? lots of Nascar drivers (husband use to work on a race team)
    10. Smooth or crunchy? smooth
    11. Do you have any addictions? diet pepsi
    12. What is your fave animal? dog
    13. What color is your underwear right now? hot pink
    14. Mermaids or unicorns? mermaids
    15. What are you supposed to be doing right now? working
    16. Did you just grab my *kitten*? no
    17. Could you live without a computer? it would be hard
    18. Fave websites? MFP, pinterest
    19. Have you ever spend 8 hours in a row on the internet? my job requires it daily
    20. How many people do you know, share the same name as you? 4
  • ball858
    ball858 Posts: 395 Member
    1. What is your eye color? BLUE
    2. What is youre favorite season? SPRING
    3. What is your favorite Holiday? NEW YORK
    4. Have you ever been arrested? NO
    5. What are 2 things with in arms reach of you right now? PHONE & TV REMOTE
    6. Would you rather know how you are going to die, Or know when you are going to die? HOW - SO I CAN AVOID IT!
    7. What is in your purse/wallet? MONEY / CARDS
    8. Playstation or Xbox? XBOX
    9. Have you ever met any celebs/famous people? LENNY HENRY / NELL MCANDREW / STEPS (THE BAND) PRINCESS ANNE / PRINCE WILLIAM.
    10. Smooth or crunchy? CRUNCHY
    11. Do you have any addictions? EXERCISE!
    12. What is your fave animal? DOG
    13. What color is your underwear right now? BLACK
    14. Mermaids or unicorns? NEITHER THEY DONT EXIST
    15. What are you supposed to be doing right now? SHOWERING (JUST BACK FROM GYM)
    16. Did you just grab my *kitten*? OOOOPS SORRY ;P
    17. Could you live without a computer? NOPE
    18. Fave websites? MFP & FACEBOOK
    19. Have you ever spend 8 hours in a row on the internet? NEVER
    20. How many people do you know, share the same name as you? NONE
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    1. What is your eye color? BLUE
    2. What is youre favorite season? SPRING
    3. What is your favorite Holiday? CHRISTMAS
    4. Have you ever been arrested? NO
    5. What are 2 things with in arms reach of you right now? CELL & REMOTE
    6. Would you rather know how you are going to die, Or know when you are going to die? WHEN
    7. What is in your purse/wallet? TOO MUCH JUNK, NOT ENOUGH CASH
    8. Playstation or Xbox? NEVER TRIED EITHER
    9. Have you ever met any celebs? NO
    10. Smooth or crunchy? SMOOTH
    11. Do you have any addictions? MFP & CHOCOLATE. THE TWO DON'T MIX WELL
    12. What is your fave animal? KITTENS
    13. What color is your underwear right now? NOT WEARING ANY
    14. Mermaids or unicorns? MERMAIDS
    15. What are you supposed to be doing right now? GETTING READY TO WORK OUT
    16. Did you just grab my *kitten*? THOSE SQUATS ARE REALLY WORKIN FOR YA
    17. Could you live without a computer? SADLY, NO
    18. Fave websites? THIS ONE
    19. Have you ever spend 8 hours in a row on the internet? SADLY, YES
    20. How many people do you know, share the same name as you? NONE RIGHT NOW. BUT I'VE MET TONS OF LAURAS OVER THE YEARS
  • GrannySparkle
    GrannySparkle Posts: 225 Member
    1. What is your eye color? Brown
    2. What is youre favorite season? Spring
    3. What is your favorite Holiday? NONE
    4. Have you ever been arrested? Yes
    5. What are 2 things with in arms reach of you right now? Laptop, TV remote
    6. Would you rather know how you are going to die, Or know when you are going to die? Nope
    7. What is in your purse/wallet? Everything but the kitchen sink
    8. Playstation or Xbox? Neither
    9. Have you ever met any celebs? Do NASCAR drivers count...if so Yea
    10. Smooth or crunchy? smooth
    11. Do you have any addictions? food
    12. What is your fave animal? birds and cats
    13. What color is your underwear right now? striped
    14. Mermaids or unicorns? unicorns
    15. What are you supposed to be doing right now? cooking dinner
    16. Did you just grab my *kitten*? NOPE
    17. Could you live without a computer? NOPE
    18. Fave websites? list is too long
    19. Have you ever spend 8 hours in a row on the internet? yes. 16 hours? Yes
    20. How many people do you know, share the same name as you? 4
  • cubizzle
    cubizzle Posts: 900 Member
    1. What is your eye color? BLUE
    2. What is youre favorite season? FALL
    3. What is your favorite Holiday? THANKSGIVING
    4. Have you ever been arrested? TWICE
    5. What are 2 things with in arms reach of you right now? iPHONE ALL MY WORK
    6. Would you rather know how you are going to die, or know when you are going to die? WHEN FOR SURE
    7. What is in your purse/wallet? A BUNCH OF WORTHLESS PIECES OF PLASTIC
    8. Playstation or Xbox? BOTH!!!!!!
    10. Smooth or crunchy? ALWAYS CRUNCH
    11. Do you have any addictions? SEVERAL
    12. What is your fave animal? JACKELOPE
    13. What color is your underwear right now? NOT WEARING ANY....NEVER DO
    14. Mermaids or unicorns? MERMAIDS.....WAY HOTTER
    15. What are you supposed to be doing right now? DOCKETING FILES FOR HEARING
    16. Did you just grab my *kitten*? I'M ONTO YOUR GAMES
    19. Have you ever spend 8 hours in a row on the internet? EVERY DAY....
    20. How many people do you know, share the same name as you? NONE
  • lydia_the_tattooed_lady
    1. What is your eye color? Hazel
    2. What is youre favorite season? Spring!
    3. What is your favorite Holiday? Easter
    4. Have you ever been arrested? Nope
    5. What are 2 things with in arms reach of you right now? coffee mug and lotion
    6. Would you rather know how you are going to die, Or know when you are going to die? Oh geez neither. I Like to be surprised :D
    7. What is in your purse/wallet? (in my wallet) an old concert ticket, a silver certificate dollar, stamps...and money
    8. Playstation or Xbox? Xbox. It's just more familiar for me.
    9. Have you ever met any celebs? Nope.
    10. Smooth or crunchy? Crunchy!
    11. Do you have any addictions? SUGAR.
    12. What is your fave animal? Elephants :)
    13. What color is your underwear right now? I think striped? I overslept for work this morning so I didn't pay much attention lol
    14. Mermaids or unicorns? Mermaids.
    15. What are you supposed to be doing right now? Hahahha working. Probably getting ready for lunch.
    16. Did you just grab my *kitten*? Nah that was the other guy
    17. Could you live without a computer? Yeah....but then I wouldn't have MFP!!
    18. Fave websites? PeopleofWalmart...Fbook...MFP...MapMyRun...I'm pretty boring lol
    19. Have you ever spend 8 hours in a row on the internet? Maybe back in high school
    20. How many people do you know, share the same name as you? Know personally? I don't know any Lydia's. But I know people who know Lydia's...does that count?
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,631 Member
    I love surveys!

    1. What is your eye color? Brown
    2. What is youre favorite season? Fall even tho I'm allergic to it
    3. What is your favorite Holiday? All the ones I get off work
    4. Have you ever been arrested? Nope!
    5. What are 2 things with in arms reach of you right now? Papers (lots and lots of papers) and a box that I haven't opened yet that contains a flash drive
    6. Would you rather know how you are going to die, Or know when you are going to die? I already know how (getting hit by a car. I walk outside at night and the drivers just don't care that I have the right of way) so I guess when
    7. What is in your purse/wallet? Wallet, cell, calculator, various receipts, a 5" media player....
    8. Playstation or Xbox? Wii
    9. Have you ever met any celebs? A few soap stars at organized events
    10. Smooth or crunchy? Smooth
    11. Do you have any addictions? Food and walking
    12. What is your fave animal? Stuffed
    13. What color is your underwear right now? White
    14. Mermaids or unicorns? Unicorns
    15. What are you supposed to be doing right now? Working
    16. Did you just grab my *kitten*? I'm jealous of it!
    17. Could you live without a computer? God no
    18. Fave websites? imdb, here
    19. Have you ever spend 8 hours in a row on the internet? Probably
    20. How many people do you know, share the same name as you? No one now but I used to know something like 3 others
  • anifani4
    anifani4 Posts: 457 Member
    1. What is your eye color? HAZEL
    2. What is youre favorite season? AUTUMN
    3. What is your favorite Holiday? DON'T LIKE ANY OF THEM
    4. Have you ever been arrested? NO
    5. What are 2 things with in arms reach of you right now? PHONE; DICTIONARY
    6. Would you rather know how you are going to die, Or know when you are going to die? HOW
    7. What is in your purse/wallet? WALLET HAS ID, CASH, CREDIT CARD, GYM CARD, PHOTOS
    8. Playstation or Xbox? NEITHER
    9. Have you ever met any celebs? NO
    10. Smooth or crunchy? CRUNCHY
    11. Do you have any addictions? MY GRANDKIDS
    12. What is your fave animal? CAT
    13. What color is your underwear right now? OFF WHITE
    14. Mermaids or unicorns? UNICORNS
    15. What are you supposed to be doing right now? FIXING DINNER
    16. Did you just grab my *kitten*? WISH IT WAS ME
    17. Could you live without a computer? YES BUT IT WOULD BE DIFFICULT
    18. Fave websites? POGO, WEATHER CHANNEL, USA TODAY, MFP
    19. Have you ever spend 8 hours in a row on the internet? NO
    20. How many people do you know, share the same name as you? 6
  • aradiamegido
    1. What is your eye color? Blue/green
    2. What is youre favorite season? Spring
    3. What is your favorite Holiday? Christmas
    4. Have you ever been arrested? Nope
    5. What are 2 things with in arms reach of you right now? Laptop case and mouse
    6. Would you rather know how you are going to die, Or know when you are going to die? How
    7. What is in your purse/wallet? Nothing at all
    8. Playstation or Xbox? Xbox
    9. Have you ever met any celebs? YES John Barrowman from doctor who
    10. Smooth or crunchy? Smoooth
    11. Do you have any addictions? Internet
    12. What is your fave animal? Armadillo <3
    13. What color is your underwear right now? White
    14. Mermaids or unicorns? Mermaids
    15. What are you supposed to be doing right now? Updating
    16. Did you just grab my *kitten*? ha
    17. Could you live without a computer? never
    18. Fave websites? Tumblr
    19. Have you ever spend 8 hours in a row on the internet? Maybe...
    20. How many people do you know, share the same name as you? Two
  • JSlattery79
    JSlattery79 Posts: 116 Member
  • JacquelineD35
    JacquelineD35 Posts: 279 Member
    1. What is your eye color? DARK BROWN

    2. What is youre favorite season? SPRING

    3. What is your favorite Holiday? THANKSGIVING/CHRISTMAS

    4. Have you ever been arrested? NO

    5. What are 2 things with in arms reach of you right now? iPHONE AND PEN

    6. Would you rather know how you are going to die, Or know when you are going to die? WHEN

    7. What is in your purse/wallet? MONEY/ID/CREDIT CARDS

    8. Playstation or Xbox? XBOX

    9. Have you ever met any celebs? YES

    10. Smooth or crunchy? SMOOTH

    11. Do you have any addictions? AVOCADO

    12. What is your fave animal? DOG

    13. What color is your underwear right now?GREEN

    14. Mermaids or unicorns? UNICORNS

    15. What are you supposed to be doing right now? WORKING

    16. Did you just grab my *kitten*? YES, SORRY MY HAND SLIPPED :blushing:

    17. Could you live without a computer? NO

    18. Fave websites? MFP

    19. Have you ever spend 8 hours in a row on the internet? NEVER

    20. How many people do you know, share the same name as you? 2
  • rere2008
    rere2008 Posts: 19 Member
    1. What is your eye color? DARK REDDISH BROWN
    2. What is your favorite season? FALL
    3. What is your favorite Holiday? HALLOWEEN
    4. Have you ever been arrested? NO
    5. What are 2 things with in arms reach of you right now? LIP BALM, CELL PHONE
    6. Would you rather know how you are going to die or know when you are going to die? I SUPPOSE I'D RATHER KNOW HOW
    8. Playstation or Xbox? WII
    9. Have you ever met any celebs? NO
    10. Smooth or crunchy? SMOOTH
    11. Do you have any addictions? MEN
    12. What is your fave animal? TIGER
    13. What color is your underwear right now? YELLOW I THINK
    14. Mermaids or unicorns? UNICORNS
    15. What are you supposed to be doing right now? WORKING
    17. Could you live without a computer? YES BUT I'D GO THROUGH BAD WITHDRAWL
    19. Have you ever spend 8 hours in a row on the internet? SADLY, YES
    20. How many people do you know, share the same name as you? 3 OR SO
  • browneyedgirl7928
    browneyedgirl7928 Posts: 910 Member
    1. What is your eye color? Dark Brown
    2. What is youre favorite season? Fall - Football starts and MY birthday!
    3. What is your favorite Holiday? HALLOWEEN
    4. Have you ever been arrested? No
    5. What are 2 things with in arms reach of you right now? Water and my phone.
    6. Would you rather know how you are going to die, Or know when you are going to die? How.
    7. What is in your purse/wallet? Too much crap!
    8. Playstation or Xbox? Have never played either.
    9. Have you ever met any celebs? Yes. The Dallas Cowboys and far too many musicians to list.
    10. Smooth or crunchy? Crunchy.
    11. Do you have any addictions? Football.
    12. What is your fave animal? Dog.
    13. What color is your underwear right now? Pink and White
    14. Mermaids or unicorns? Unicorns
    15. What are you supposed to be doing right now? Nothing! Work is done for the day.
    16. Did you just grab my *kitten*? No.
    17. Could you live without a computer? No.
    18. Fave websites? MFP, Twitter, Pinterest.
    19. Have you ever spend 8 hours in a row on the internet? No.
    20. How many people do you know, share the same name as you? At least two. One is here on MFP!!
  • TommiEgan
    TommiEgan Posts: 256 Member
    1. What is your eye color? Dark Brown
    2. What is youre favorite season? Autumn
    3. What is your favorite Holiday? Christmas
    4. Have you ever been arrested? No
    5. What are 2 things with in arms reach of you right now? Sandwhich and my phone.
    6. Would you rather know how you are going to die, Or know when you are going to die? How I am going to die.
    7. What is in your purse/wallet? Cards, cash and 1 receipt.
    8. Playstation or Xbox? Xbox
    9. Have you ever met any celebs? Not really.
    10. Smooth or crunchy? Crunchy
    11. Do you have any addictions? Cycling and MotoGP
    12. What is your fave animal? Bear
    13. What color is your underwear right now? Kinda multi coloured.
    14. Mermaids or unicorns? Mermaids
    15. What are you supposed to be doing right now? Work.
    16. Did you just grab my *kitten*? Hehe you wish.
    17. Could you live without a computer? Yup quite easily.
    18. Fave websites? Cracked.com, and MFP
    19. Have you ever spend 8 hours in a row on the internet? Um no, wait, gaming yes I have.
    20. How many people do you know, share the same name as you? Personally 0, but I google my name and I found at least 2!
  • dkarssen79
    1. What is your eye color? Green/hazel
    2. What is youre favorite season? Spring
    3. What is your favorite Holiday? Halloween(and not just b/c it's my birthday!)
    4. Have you ever been arrested? Nope
    5. What are 2 things with in arms reach of you right now? Cell phone and water
    6. Would you rather know how you are going to die, Or know when you are going to die? When
    7. What is in your purse/wallet? check card, license, lotion, beauty supplies, ear buds
    8. Playstation or Xbox? xbox
    9. Have you ever met any celebs? hulk hogan
    10. Smooth or crunchy? crunchy
    11. Do you have any addictions? sweets
    12. What is your fave animal? elephant
    13. What color is your underwear right now? black and pink
    14. Mermaids or unicorns? mermaids
    15. What are you supposed to be doing right now? cleaning
    16. Did you just grab my *kitten*? maybe lol
    17. Could you live without a computer? no
    18. Fave websites? mfp, fb and google(a mom's best friend)
    19. Have you ever spend 8 hours in a row on the internet? no
    20. How many people do you know, share the same name as you? common name but unique spelling Danyel, so far don't know anyone that spells it the same
  • anna473
    anna473 Posts: 49 Member
    1. What is your eye color? GREEN
    2. What is youre favorite season? SPRING
    3. What is your favorite Holiday? AUSTRALIA DAY!
    4. Have you ever been arrested? NO. NOT EVEN ON AUSTRALIA DAY.
    5. What are 2 things with in arms reach of you right now? LUCAS' PAPAW OINTMENT & IPHONE
    6. Would you rather know how you are going to die, Or know when you are going to die? NEITHER!
    8. Playstation or Xbox? NEITHER - I'M A PC GIRL
    9. Have you ever met any celebs? PRINCESS MARY OF DENMARK 3 TIMES NOW, GEOFFREY RUSH
    10. Smooth or crunchy? CRUNCHY
    11. Do you have any addictions? YES. ; )
    12. What is your fave animal? CATS
    13. What color is your underwear right now? BLACK AND WHITE STRIPES
    14. Mermaids or unicorns? UNICORNS. I'M NOT SO BIG ON SEA CREATURES
    15. What are you supposed to be doing right now? THE DISHES
    16. Did you just grab my *kitten*? I TEND TO PINCH RATHER THAN GRAB
    17. Could you live without a computer? YES, BUT COULD I LIVE WITH MY HUBBY LIVING WITHOUT A COMPUTER??
    18. Fave websites? REDDIT, JEZEBEL, CELEBUZZ, MFP.
    19. Have you ever spend 8 hours in a row on the internet? OF COURSE
    20. How many people do you know, share the same name as you? LITERALLY MILLIONS
  • nikkiej2012
    nikkiej2012 Posts: 236 Member
    1. What is your eye color? Brown
    2. What is youre favorite season? Summer
    3. What is your favorite Holiday? Xmas
    4. Have you ever been arrested? Nope
    5. What are 2 things with in arms reach of you right now? my bag and my book
    6. Would you rather know how you are going to die, Or know when you are going to die? how i am going to die
    7. What is in your purse/wallet? money...essence mag
    8. Playstation or Xbox? play
    9. Have you ever met any celebs?nope but wish i have
    10. Smooth or crunchy? smooth
    11. Do you have any addictions? shopping and something else
    12. What is your fave animal? dogs
    13. What color is your underwear right now? green with black stars
    14. Mermaids or unicorns? mermaids
    15. What are you supposed to be doing right now? reading and research
    16. Did you just grab my *kitten*? was i suppsed to ?
    17. Could you live without a computer? no
    18. Fave websites? MFP ..Facebook..and a few others
    19. Have you ever spend 8 hours in a row on the internet? yes
    20. How many people do you know, share the same name as you? none i am the ONLY 1 with my name well first n last that is :) GO ME !!!