"Doctors are _______ to Fat Patients"



  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
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    Save your energy for a better topic. In this thread I was called an obese whale who was in denial! Not very supportive at all!
    Wow, did the mods pull that post? I didn't see anyone say anything derogatory towards you at all...... that's terrible!

    That is terrible. Was it pulled? If not, I hope so because name-calling is uncalled for.

    Someone made a "whale" comment earlier which was removed, and it was not at all directed at her, just an arrogant rude general comment.
  • I was 240 lbs when I first talked to my doctor about losing weight. I had diabetes and high cholesterol and because she worked with me and still is to reach my desired goal I no longer have to take medicine for diabetes or cholesterol so yes, some doctors are there to honestly help you. So, yes, losing weight has made me more healthy and I owe alot to my wonderful doctor who has worked with me for so long on this issue.
  • EatClenTrenHard
    EatClenTrenHard Posts: 339 Member
    Save your energy for a better topic. In this thread I was called an obese whale who was in denial! Not very supportive at all!

    nobody called you a whale. That would be a horrible thing to do if someone did. not just that, but ALSO I didn't find anything "not supportive"
    I could only find replies which are discussing the benefits of weight loss.

    Please quote some replies which are not supportive.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
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    Save your energy for a better topic. In this thread I was called an obese whale who was in denial! Not very supportive at all!

    Okay, you can't be for real. Between your failure to support extraordinary claims to taking a post (that was reported, and pulled) that was said before you EVEN contributed to this thread... I'm finding it hard to believe you are of sound mind.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    "Doctors are ***HOLES to HUMANS"

    fixed :flowerforyou:
  • nikbolok
    nikbolok Posts: 107 Member
    "Doctors are ***HOLES to HUMANS"

    fixed :flowerforyou:

    I'm a nurse and do agree. The patients like us better majority of the time because we know what we are talking about. Get a doctor that has a Nurse Practitioner in the office, that's a double bonus ;-)
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
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    Save your energy for a better topic. In this thread I was called an obese whale who was in denial! Not very supportive at all!

    Why come back then?
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
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    Save your energy for a better topic. In this thread I was called an obese whale who was in denial! Not very supportive at all!

    Nobody called you an obese whale. You're just making up attacks now.

    It was on page 3 or 4. I never saw the original poster it was quoted by another poster who stated this was not useful for the topic at hand. The original message was aimed at myself and another poster. Did it ever occur to you that it could have been deleted and you never saw it? What benefit would it make for me to make stuff up? I do not LIE! Good god! No idea how it went from Doctors to me...I stated my personal issue with weight gain regarding dr's. I never meant to cause such an issue.

    #1: I did see the original post, and again, it was NOT DIRECTED AT YOU. It was made before you even made your first comment in this thread. I know this, because I reported it along with several other people in this thread, because it was inappropriate.

    #2: It would really do you some good to get a grip and some perspective. Not a single person has attacked you in this thread. AGAIN, you completely ignored the multiple posts asking you to clarify what you meant since your earlier posts were nonsensical and totally contrary to science. DISAGREEING WITH YOUR COMMENTS IS NOT ATTACKING YOU.

    PLEASE stop playing the victim and either engage in thoughtful discussion or stop posting.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
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    Save your energy for a better topic. In this thread I was called an obese whale who was in denial! Not very supportive at all!

    Nobody called you an obese whale. You're just making up attacks now.

    It was on page 3 or 4. I never saw the original poster it was quoted by another poster who stated this was not useful for the topic at hand. The original message was aimed at myself and another poster. Did it ever occur to you that it could have been deleted and you never saw it? What benefit would it make for me to make stuff up? I do not LIE! Good god! No idea how it went from Doctors to me...I stated my personal issue with weight gain regarding dr's. I never meant to cause such an issue.

    #1: I did see the original post, and again, it was NOT DIRECTED AT YOU. It was made before you even made your first comment in this thread. I know this, because I reported it along with several other people in this thread, because it was inappropriate.

    #2: It would really do you some good to get a grip and some perspective. Not a single person has attacked you in this thread. AGAIN, you completely ignored the multiple posts asking you to clarify what you meant since your earlier posts were nonsensical and totally contrary to science. DISAGREEING WITH YOUR COMMENTS IS NOT ATTACKING YOU.

    PLEASE stop playing the victim and either engage in thoughtful discussion or stop posting.

    This x100.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    Girl, you are on the internet. You have three options:

    1) Answer our inquiries about your health (YOU brought it up, not us)
    2) Grow some tougher skin
    3) Walk away

    No one has attacked you, personally. No. One. It's okay!

    Also, if I stated that I lost weight by eating 10,000 calories of mayonnaise daily, wouldn't you question if my body was working properly? Of course! You are a human, and humans are naturally inquisitive. My statement goes against science. While it is possible that I did lose weight that way, there has to be another factor. Yes, I may eat 10,000 calories of mayo a day, but I'm a messy eater and spill almost all of it. I also burn 3,000 calories exercising. My net would be at a proper calorie deficit for weight loss.

    This is what you've done, and we're simply questioning you as to how your body has accomplished this feat that goes against science. I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation, you just need to stop being offended long enough to give us the whole picture. That's all :flowerforyou:

    By the way, that's not what I eat. I use mayo sparingly lol
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    Girl, you are on the internet. You have three options:

    1) Answer our inquiries about your health (YOU brought it up, not us)
    2) Grow some tougher skin
    3) Walk away

    No one has attacked you, personally. No. One. It's okay!

    Also, if I stated that I lost weight by eating 10,000 calories of mayonnaise daily, wouldn't you question if my body was working properly? Of course! You are a human, and humans are naturally inquisitive. My statement goes against science. While it is possible that I did lose weight that way, there has to be another factor. Yes, I may eat 10,000 calories of mayo a day, but I'm a messy eater and spill almost all of it. I also burn 3,000 calories exercising. My net would be at a proper calorie deficit for weight loss.

    This is what you've done, and we're simply questioning you as to how your body has accomplished this feat that goes against science. I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation, you just need to stop being offended long enough to give us the whole picture. That's all :flowerforyou:

    By the way, that's not what I eat. I use mayo sparingly lol

    Ageed. Also I threw up in my mouth a little at the idea of eating that much mayo.

    On the issue of the original topic, I found the comments more interesting than the article itself.
  • shellebelle87
    shellebelle87 Posts: 291 Member
    I love the people advocating that being overweight isn't unhealthy, seeing as they are on a weight loss website.

    WOW! I am healthy! What gives you the right to say how I feel and know! And I never said others weight gain was healthy, I do not know their situation. I was stating from my personal weight gain situation.

    Not wanting to be rude, but if you weigh close to 300 pounds, how can you be perfectly healthy? Genuinely wanting to know, I am not attacking you or anything.
  • shellebelle87
    shellebelle87 Posts: 291 Member
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    Save your energy for a better topic. In this thread I was called an obese whale who was in denial! Not very supportive at all!

    Nobody called you an obese whale. You're just making up attacks now.

    It was on page 3 or 4. I never saw the original poster it was quoted by another poster who stated this was not useful for the topic at hand. The original message was aimed at myself and another poster. Did it ever occur to you that it could have been deleted and you never saw it? What benefit would it make for me to make stuff up? I do not LIE! Good god! No idea how it went from Doctors to me...I stated my personal issue with weight gain regarding dr's. I never meant to cause such an issue.

    One of my posts is gone now as well from page 1 or 2...sigh...moving on! Its all good...I am an adult and I know I am healthier then I have ever been in the past. NO one can change that wonderful feeling.

    It is wonderful that you feel healthy and wonderful about yourself, but you are clearly reading things that arent there, and arent meant for you if they are. Dont read so much into things. If you werent sensitive about your weight, then why do you think everyone is attacking you?
  • Owlie45
    Owlie45 Posts: 806 Member
    I think some has more to do with delievery, but there are some doctors who are jerks.
    An aunt of mine went to her doctor for a lump in her stomach area. He barely checked the area and informed her that she was fat and needed to lose weight. Another visit and he said your fat, lose weight. She went to someone else who took it seriously, he found that she had stomach cancer.
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    Personal Experience...

    I was in my early twenties... Showed normal heart rate, normal cholesterol, normal blood pressure, normal every thing else.

    I was overweight... 300 lbs and slowly worked my way up to 370 by the time I was 28. When I was 28 I had some major blood work done that of which I had not had in a quite a while.

    It showed not bad blood pressure but not great really bad cholesterol, really bad sugar levels borderline diabetic, fatty liver disease, aches and pains all over and just general misery with back pain foot pains knee pain every thing hurt 24 7.

    I lost 160 lbs ... Now I have the numbers of a healthy athlete in his 20s... No where close to diabetes any more, my cholesterol is way down and my blood work came back fantastic, my back doesnt hurt anymore consistently, no knee pain (I tore my ACL in high school) and several other health issues have improved dramatically...

    Sorry but believing that healthy fat exists and is sustainable for any long period of time is a psychological mechanism designed to protect your ego from reality.
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    Personal Experience...

    I was in my early twenties... Showed normal heart rate, normal cholesterol, normal blood pressure, normal every thing else.

    I was overweight... 300 lbs and slowly worked my way up to 370 by the time I was 28. When I was 28 I had some major blood work done that of which I had not had in a quite a while.

    It showed not bad blood pressure but not great really bad cholesterol, really bad sugar levels borderline diabetic, fatty liver disease, aches and pains all over and just general misery with back pain foot pains knee pain every thing hurt 24 7.

    I lost 160 lbs ... Now I have the numbers of a healthy athlete in his 20s... No where close to diabetes any more, my cholesterol is way down and my blood work came back fantastic, my back doesnt hurt anymore consistently, no knee pain (I tore my ACL in high school) and several other health issues have improved dramatically...

    Sorry but believing that healthy fat exists and is sustainable for any long period of time is a psychological mechanism designed to protect your ego from reality.
    Good job bro!!! And I completely agree, sure your fine for a while but it will catch up to you. My blood pressure got up to borderline hypertension....the last time I went in (prolly about 25 lbs ago actually) it is now normal, not high even. I kept asking him if he was sure lol because I have always had "high" then "really high" then "lower this or ill put you on medication" lol
  • Merithyn
    Merithyn Posts: 284 Member
    My Personal Experience:

    In 1996, I was 25 pounds overweight, and in significant pain in my abdomen. I had recently given birth (via C-section) to my third child in 19 months, and had really not gotten better after the C-section. When I went to my doctor, I mentioned that I had a history of ovarian cysts and that's what it felt like. My doctor told me the problem was that I was fat, and if I'd just lose the weight, I'd be fine. Because of the pain I was in, I couldn't exercise beyond taking care of my children. I rarely ate, and I felt sick all the time. After a year of this, the doctor finally did surgery to find out what was wrong. It turned out that I'd had an ovarian cyst burst, and the flesh of the ovary had wrapped itself around my colon and attached itself to the wall of my abdomen. The doctor was horribly apologetic for not listening.

    In 1997, I was in the same pain. I mentioned it to the same doctor, who told me the problem was that I was overweight and it was IBS. Again, lose weight, and I'd be fine. It couldn't possibly be my ovary again. Six months later, I finally convinced him to go in and find out what was wrong. Yes, it was my ovary again, similar problem as before, and the ovary was removed.

    In 1999, I gave birth to my fourth living child via C-section. (I'd had a child at 20 weeks who had not survived.) Six months later, I was in excrutiating pain, felt sick all of the time, and couldn't keep food down. The doctor's solution? You guessed it: I was fat, lose weight. I finally got wise and changed doctors. The new doctor, after a quick ultra-sound and exam, scheduled an emergency hysterectomy. My uterus was strangled and dying inside me. On top of that, I had ovarian cancer in my remaining ovary. Had I listened to my original doctor and just tried to lose weight, I'd have been dead within a year.

    Many, many doctors treat overweight people differently. They look at the weight first, and the person second. Until that changes, overweight people will find it hard, justifiably, to trust doctors.
  • tlatrice13
    tlatrice13 Posts: 162 Member
    I read this thing in one of Jillian Michaels books once. She said she went on some TV show, a sort of panel debate thing. One side was health and fitness experts, the other were "weight rights" people. She was on the fitness side, and her fellow fitness side panellists were very antagonistic to the "weight rights" people. One of them had a close relative that had died of an obesity related disease and the other one had some other emotional issue of their own with obesity. Bottom line was, they started lecturing and ordering round the weight rights people, not listening to them and not treating them with basic human respect and dignity, basically being really angry and acting on their own emotional reposnes and fears rather than connecting with the other people and responding to them.

    She realised that the "weight rights" people were really not just saying "respect us however we are" but also "look, it is hard being 300lbs, hard enough as it is without being treated like we are sub-human when you know nothing about me and what my life is, without having your anger and fear taken out on me like I am some kind of punch bag". And she realised that any kind of automatic response like that is prejudice and that that always leads somewhere wrong.

    So she just spoke to the weights rights people like normal people, because they were normal people. She stayed in touch after the programme with one of them and she helped her lose weight, when the other person realised that was what she wanted and asked for help. So a bit of understanding, respect and empathy, as well as just plain old kindness and niceness was what got a result in the end.

    And I think a LOT of doctors could do with learning that, and a lot of other people too. A human connection and a bit of respect is going to lead somewhere better or quicker than fighting about what weight is right or wrong.

    BEST. ANSWER. EVER.:bigsmile:
  • I agree with all those whose sentiment is that the doctor sees the fat rather than the person, and that's the issue.

    Of course being overweight is unhealthy.

    I also think they see their BMI scale rather than the person that is in front of them. BMI scale is rubbish, give me calipers and some scales any day.
  • ladyplaz
    ladyplaz Posts: 111 Member
    Wow! I understand that some of you will look at my lack of super success and say "Oh, she just isn't doing enough" or "She has no will power". I just do not understand how any of us on this site can JUDGE. Some of us have had Amazing success at losing weight. Some are here to offer advice (thank you trainers and nutritionist). But, it amazes me how cutting people can be. For all of us there had to be a stopping point. A place where each and everyone of us made a choice to better our health. This choice may have been when a doctor told you to shape up. Or you saw the amazing changes on Biggest Loser. Whatever, you choose to change your lifestyle. I guess I am just amazed that when talking about how the medical establishment refuses to look past the outside shell, people get rude. We all know that obesity is bad. smoking is bad, BUT...Attitude is the worst. If you have a good attitude, it is proven your lifespan is longer. Things to think about.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    When my tiny chinese doctor told me I needed to lose weight (after a looong look up and down my body) she was the first, and really only one, who told me what I knew was happening but didn't want to face. That I was fat! (I cried afterwards. Blech)

    That stupid woman's voice was in my head for months afterwards. Within the year, I had begun exercising and counting calories. A year from my last appointment with her, I had lost over 30lbs. Now I'm down 50! I want to go back and thank her some day.
  • My doctor brought up my weight one year ago and I wasn't happy with my weight so I asked what he thought I should do.

    He wanted me to see a Nutritionist and a Dietitian. I was like fine but the more I got to thinking about it I really wasn't interested in seeing them. I had to go back in December for taking a tumble down the stairs and he was on me about seeing the 'ists' he wanted me to see and I said Oh after the holidays and maybe I really thought I would but I didn't.

    So January I had to go back because my fall down the stairs had caused a flare up in my shoulder and of course he was still pissed because I hadn't made an appointment with the people he wanted me to see.

    I guess because he was so *****y and I was crabby I really got to thinking about it and realized I know lots of people who have been seeing a Nutritionist or Dietitian and they're all close to 300 lbs. I have a cousin who went to one for a decade before her weight finally killed her at the ripe old age of 34. Most of the women in my family, once they get big they don't live long. And I saw what my copays would be going to see specialists every month (well over $70) and I thought hmmmm?

    So checked in and did a trial of a local gym. Membership is $27 a month I joined. I lost 50 lbs since February. I don't think much of my doctor but I realize if you tell a patient something the wrong way you lose your patient and the income they provide. Still Doctors don't think that they are enabling patients to kill themselves any more than McDonalds is enabling weight gain. A doctor isn't going to come out and say get your fat *kitten* off the couch, get some self respect and go run to somewhere other than the fridge. It's not his job. Still if/when I go back to him I can't wait to get on that scale at least until I dump him as my primary.

    Lack of balls aside - I don't like a doctor who pushes you off at every specialist like he's getting kickbacks. He's a doctor, he should be capable to advise over a general area of medical care not look in your ears & say oh you need a ENT.. or poke you in the stomach & recommend a gastro.. you know?
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    my doc is very helpful and supportive :)
  • mnishi
    mnishi Posts: 419 Member
    If there were no fat people there wouldn't be a need for so many doctors.
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    Yes, damn those doctors for telling people to get healthy. :huh:

    Really? Losing weight /= healthy.

    Since I was 10, the first thing every doctor ever said to me is: You need to lose some weight. Never mattered what I came in to see them about. They never gave me and info or help on how to do this. Most of them seem to believe being fat is the root of every health problem I've had.

    Basing off your ticker, which has a highest weight of 300lbs, yes that IS unhealthy. Losing weight would YES = healthy. Did you ever ask your doctor for any info?! Sorry to say, but at 300lbs, being fat was probrably a major factor in health problems.
    I don't get why you disagree that to lose weight would be healthier. You are here to lose weight..........

    I think what's being lost here though is that when you're overweight and you have something as simple as a cold, you don't want to see a dr. about being ill because you know the 1st thing they're going to say. I think it would be a little more compassionate to address the reason the patient is in to see the dr. first, and then talk about weight. Discouraging sick people to come in for a well check or for any other reason doesn't help anyone, ever.

    I was late getting my 1st GYN appt because I knew I would be chastised for being overweight. Wouldn't it have been better to be on time with that appointment/healthy than to be terrified of being lectured while the OB was doing the exam? There is a balance.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    I have been disrespected by a few doctors. The one that really hit home the worse was when I was rear-ended when I was stopped to let a pedestrian walk. A woman going about 40 MPH ran right into the back of me. She was checking her texts and got a inattentive driver ticket. I thought I was going to go through the windshield (slow motion), but then my seat belt jerked me back really hard. I was totally stunned and the cops called the EMTs to look at me. I said I was okay. Anyway, later that night, I got a killer headache on the left side of my head. A friend took me to the emergency room. The doctor came in (after waiting almost 2 hours in an examination room) and I told him what had happened. He said (in a sarcastic voice) what.. you think your neck is broken or something??? I said no, but I can hardly see my head aches so badly. He said.. as he stood up to leave... well, there's nothing I can do for you. He didn't even have my neck x-rayed or anything. He just left the room.. and I left the hospital. To this day I, occasionally, have the same headaches that always start at the base of my skull. I have had x-rays and my neck is misaligned, which my doctor says can cause the headaches.
  • Hmm... Maybe it's because they aren't active enough. Also fruit and stuff can have a lot of sugar, it's just natural.
  • AnnaMarieDinVa
    AnnaMarieDinVa Posts: 162 Member
    My previous doctor, when I asked him for help in losing weight (and he knew I was active, he certified my Boy Scout annual health form -- I was a parent volunteer who hiked, camped, etc., and we discussed all my activities with my horse), he told me, "just eat less." So I started keeping track of what I was eating, and I still couldn't lose weight. So I asked him then, what could I do to lose weight? He told me to lay off the carbs, which I did to the extent that was healthy. Fortunately, he retired, and I got a new doctor. I went in to see her the first time for a really bad migraine (something which he always just gave me heavy drugs for, which never really worked), and while there, I mentioned I couldn't lose weight. She ordered some blood tests, noted my blood pressure was high, and told me to restrict sodium intake and a few other things. My migraine vanished and within a week, I found out that I had a severely bad thyroid problem. She put me on thyroid meds, and I now feel great, have normal blood pressure, and amazingly enough, don't get migraines any more. Soooooo, I was never really large, just larger than I like to be, but if he had helped me, instead of running his mouth about why I had gained a little weight, despite eating healthy and being active, I could have been MUCH, MUCH healthier, felt better, and not taken all those stupid migraine drugs. I love my current doctor. :) I think the key is to get a doctor who listens to you.