College-aged friends!

Hello, I'm new here. I'm 6'2" tall, currently at 230 pounds. I'm not grossly overweight by any means, but I would like to reach a much higher level of fitness. My obstacles at the moment are motivation and McDonald's. Once I get started with a workout routine, the healthier eating always seems to come naturally.

I'm looking for people around my age to help with motivation (both ways!) and other various college-aged conversation. I've found that it's easier to relate to people whose bodies are at the same point in life.

Bonus points if you know great recipes. I'll like you.


  • No one? Oh. Okay. :(
  • I can completely understand. Well, not really the McDonalds crave, but motivation. It is so frustrating because I am so limited on time as it is and being motivated to work-out in my free time usually doesn't sound appealing. I also struggle with wanting to eat snacks when staying up late to study. Living on a college campus is less than conducive to losing weight!
  • deadmittens
    deadmittens Posts: 536 Member
    McDonald's is my Everest. There is one literally right next door to my work. I can smell the aroma of sausage mcmuffins as I get out of my car EVERY MORNING!!!

    and I cave 2-3x a week :sad:
  • I'm 23 and have sent a request. Hopefully we can both meet our fitness goals :)
  • moonmistmm
    moonmistmm Posts: 178 Member
    I'm 19 and I relate to the wanting friends of the same age/lifestyle. I've never been a huge fan of McDonald's, but the Einstein Bagels on campus and I have a pretty steady relationship. Friend request sent
  • NayaBear
    NayaBear Posts: 4 Member
    Add me if you like! I'm sure once I use the app more I'll add some of my signature recipes!
    I'm a university student too!
  • SquidVonBob
    SquidVonBob Posts: 290 Member
    21, but replace the McDonald's crave with burrito crave. I have a kitchen in my dorm room and know how to cook a bit. Feel free to add me.
  • JustRenea
    JustRenea Posts: 82 Member
    My sister works at a McDonalds....and i pick her up after college every day...oh the smell v.v college aged lol.... but now a days, I realize that college age can be anywhere from 17-59 (or older but the oldest I've meet so far was 59!)
  • Hey there! I'm 22, and I'm currently going to college. I feel ya on the needing motivation thing - it's hard for me too. My biggest weakness is Five Guys Burgers and Fries. I cave a lot on them - and sweets in general - but gosh darn. We will do it! Friend request sent!
  • 23 year old pizza fiend, myself, good luck to all.
  • Thank you very much, everyone! I'm looking forward to this. I'd still love for anyone else to add me. :)
  • Hey there! I'm 22, and I'm currently going to college. I feel ya on the needing motivation thing - it's hard for me too. My biggest weakness is Five Guys Burgers and Fries. I cave a lot on them - and sweets in general - but gosh darn. We will do it! Friend request sent!

    You just reminded me of Five Guys. I had forgotten that existed. Bring on the cravings!
  • I lacked motivation at first too! But, now that I actually started working out I love it! I'm an 18 year old full-time college student with 2 kids, a part-time job, and I still find time to go workout! If you set your mind to it you can do it.

    You know what always helps me when I'm thinking about a fast food place? I think of all the grease and nasty bad things for you that is in that food. That usually makes me steer clear.
  • Grad Student/ Full time/ feel free to add me.
  • I'd still like some more friends, if anyone is willing. :)
  • blahblahfood
    blahblahfood Posts: 14 Member
    21 year old college grad here. I know what you mean about McDonald's. My roomie works there but after the horror stories I hear... kinda puts me off it. I am more than willing to share a few recipes (I am a culinary grad after all :P).
  • djames92
    djames92 Posts: 990 Member
    im a junior in college
    everyone can feel free to add me im on here almost every day
  • I am in dire need of some new friends!
  • emmyelleNYC
    emmyelleNYC Posts: 27 Member
    college senior! feel free to add me everyone, currently trying to figure out easy and quick, yet healthy, recipes! :)
  • rebelontherun
    rebelontherun Posts: 192 Member
    Well the good news is, I'm a college student :) I'm 22. And I also love to cook, so always willing to share some recipes.