I hate drinking 8 glasses of water a day!



  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    So don't. I don't. Don't worry about it. That you NEED to is a myth.

    Hmmm. Not so sure about that.

    No, he's right. There is no real need to drink 8 glasses a day or even near that amount.

    Obviously, keeping well hydrated is beneficial on many levels but it's not essential.
  • Iggykatt
    Iggykatt Posts: 2 Member
    Crystal Light really helps me. I can't stand plain water. Great Value brands from Walmart stay in my desk at the office. Before I know it I have had more than 8 glasses. Good luck!
  • KyleneSusan
    KyleneSusan Posts: 68 Member
    I hear you -- it is hard sometimes. I try to come up with a plan. 1st glass on the drive to work. 2nd glass between then and lunch. 3rd with lunch. 4th between lunch and quitting time. 5th on the way home. 6th after working out. 7th with dinner. 8th with my meds for bed.

    I'm trying something new, too. Yesterday I brought in a gallon jug to work, filled it with water and Crystal Light flavoring (I know that one is probably a little controversial) and wrote "DRINK MORE WATER" on the jug. It sits on my desk (I prefer room-temperature water) right where I see it. I think I drank nearly the whole gallon yesterday. Unfortunately, I'm not being as successful today.

    I think drinking water is important for beautiful looking skin and healthy insides. And I can exercise longer and harder when I had a lot of water earlier in my day.

    Good luck!
  • surromom2010
    surromom2010 Posts: 457 Member
    I put cucumber, mint and lemmon in a pitcher. Let it sit overnight. And bam, you have some mighty fine tasting water. There are all kinds of different ways to make water yummy!

    Oh I tried that once and it was torrible, but mine had ginger in it also, which made it kind of spicy maybe? I think it would have been better without it, maybe I'll try again your way.
  • asweren
    asweren Posts: 18 Member
    I never drank loads of water, until I got pregnant. If I didn't drink TONS of water (64oz), I would wind up in the hospital with Braxton-Hicks contractions. (Full disclosure: I had a high risk twin pregnancy: I learned to drink that water, because I didn't want to keep going back to the hospital.) Now, I love to drink water, and it's pretty much all I do drink. I use room temperature water, because it doesn't hurt my teeth so much. I put in lemon sometimes, but not all the time. I have found that if I drink something else, soda or juice or whatever, I'm still thirsty. Water really does quench my thirst and minimizes my hunger better than anything else. Good luck to you!
  • I agree!! It's not even just water, though. I have a hard time drinking that much liquid per day period.
    I can go all day with a cup of coffee in the morning, one bottle of water all day at work, and a bottle of water with dinner...and not feel thirsty at all. In fact, if I force myself to drink more than that, I feel bloated and overfull...

    The only time i've EVER been able to down the "8 cups per day" is when I was landscaping...working out in the sun all day.

    As for trying to drink more liquids...I mix a half of a pouch (just enough to give it some flavor) of Crystal Light (the "Pure" kind...has cane sugar rather than aspartame) into my water...that helps some.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    I hate it too, I bought a 1.5 litre bottle, I find the biger the bottle the easier, I just plow through it before lunch, and then 6 are already done :)
  • It is in no way necessary to drink 8 glasses of water per day (for most people at least). If you hate it, realize you don't need to do it and don't do it, it's not a factual claim.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    It is in no way necessary to drink 8 glasses of water per day (for most people at least). If you hate it, realize you don't need to do it and don't do it, it's not a factual claim.

    not even to flush toxins out? help with digestion? stay hydrated? I heard you take your weight , divide by 2 and thats how many ounces of water you should be drinking a day....but I dunno...I drink 64 plus a day usually, but on weekends its harder to remember for some reason, at work I can usually get 6 glasses done
  • GCanha
    GCanha Posts: 66 Member
    I hate plain water- so I add Crystal Light to it and can easily drink more than the 8 glasses a day!
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    I hate breathing oxygen!!
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    Well - try drinking half your weight - ack - for me that's 100 oz (12.5 8oz cups). :sad: I try to get at least 8 but can be a bit much some days. I love tru-lemon packs. I hate the milo things. But the big 20oz glass really helps has does my 32 oz water bottle. And the new ap on my phone that gives me audio reminders every hour or so. Good luck!
  • stines72
    stines72 Posts: 853 Member
    i would be so dehydrated on only 8 cups per day.. i drink close to 3 litres
  • Klopford
    Klopford Posts: 129
    I use Mio to make myself drink more water. Walmart's got a generic version that has a blue raspberry flavor and it is YUMMY!
  • It is in no way necessary to drink 8 glasses of water per day (for most people at least). If you hate it, realize you don't need to do it and don't do it, it's not a factual claim.

    not even to flush toxins out? help with digestion? stay hydrated? I heard you take your weight , divide by 2 and thats how many ounces of water you should be drinking a day....but I dunno...I drink 64 plus a day usually, but on weekends its harder to remember for some reason, at work I can usually get 6 glasses done

    There's a difference between how much water you should ingest every day and how much water you should be drinking. We get water through our food, otherwise, it would pretty much be dust. So those ounce calculations can be deceiving.
  • bdart
    bdart Posts: 7 Member
    use a camelback bottle w/ straw... it's easy to get in the 8 cups... i usually get mine in by noon. I just dont like going to the washroom to pee every hour!
  • I used to but I bought one of those big cups with a straw and it's so easy now! I don't know why it works but it does!
    What I do!

    When it's empty, fill it up again and keep on sipping all day long.
  • Ilovejacks
    Ilovejacks Posts: 153 Member
    I LOVE WATER!!!!!!!!:drinker:
  • I know what you mean. I hate eating eight pieces of pizza too...so I always have them just cut it into four slices instead.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    It is in no way necessary to drink 8 glasses of water per day (for most people at least). If you hate it, realize you don't need to do it and don't do it, it's not a factual claim.

    not even to flush toxins out? help with digestion? stay hydrated? I heard you take your weight , divide by 2 and thats how many ounces of water you should be drinking a day....but I dunno...I drink 64 plus a day usually, but on weekends its harder to remember for some reason, at work I can usually get 6 glasses done

    Some liquid is necessary and your body will tell you if it wants more. I wish someone would step up and admit that their name is "THEY" and they write all the diet myths.