Sugar is like crack

So everytime i tell myself i am going to have just one bite/piece of something sweet it doesnt stop there. I end up eating the whole thing or more, so why is it so addicitng and what can i do to change it?


  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    So you've tried crack?
  • offthedeependay
    offthedeependay Posts: 435 Member
    So you've tried crack?
    was thinking the same thing ,,lol
  • Farburnfred
    Farburnfred Posts: 333 Member
    Same for me, avoid
  • I wish I knew! I'm the same way. It's easier for me to not have any at all than it is to have it in moderation! Sucks, cause sometimes I really, really want a taste....but it never ends up being enough.
  • So you've tried crack?

    hahahaha sorry that was funny.. but I have to agree, it is addictive....
  • irisic
    irisic Posts: 55
    avoid having a taste of it and maybe just reward yourself once a week with something sweet you really really really like..
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    self control? I mean, I hear ya, I love sweets, but it's really about control.
  • BeeRobin
    BeeRobin Posts: 160 Member
    The only way is to avoid completely--even the pseudo sugar substitutes. I gave it up on 3/3/2012 and other than one or two sugar slip-ups have done well without it.
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    Buy things that are fun-size or smaller-size, there should be a lot of those packs left since Halloween just ended. If it's too much of a temptation simply don't buy it anymore! It's not worth sabotaging your weight loss
  • 35khris
    35khris Posts: 33 Member
    Eat a Tbls. of raw sugar. It's not that great!
  • cbrrabbit25
    cbrrabbit25 Posts: 384 Member
    save it for just before bed that way you wont want to get out of bed to go eat more. works for me :-)
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    I completely understand the statement. I try to leave cheap processed sweets alone entirely. If I don't eat them, they don't trigger. And dark chocolate is my friend.

    If you don't have that reaction to sugar, I don't think you appreciate how strong the urge is.
  • tracymat
    tracymat Posts: 296 Member
    Its MUCH easier for me to resist the first bite than the second.
  • So you've tried crack?

    No i have never tried crack, seemed like a good example though. :laugh: lol
  • I have the same issue. Huge sweet tooth. I try to avoid sweets totally lately, but when I do have some, I'll preportion a small amount out, then WALK AWAY from the package of whatever it is. If it's in front of me, I'll eat it. A friend of mine replaces her sweet cravings with watermelon or grapes.
  • Derpina7
    Derpina7 Posts: 552 Member
    I have to avoid it entirely, just too much temptation no matter how hard I try. :sad:
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Eat a Tbls. of raw sugar. It's not that great!

    Better yet, get a cube and smoke it
  • Eat a Tbls. of raw sugar. It's not that great!

    OOOO, like this idea! Kinda like when your parents find you smoking and they make you sit down and smoke the whole pack and you end up puking.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Our bodies are programmed to seek sugar. When we were still living under rocks we quickly discovered that sweet was one of the things that wouldn't poison us. It's a natural response.
    These days it's harder to keep in check, however, with all the added extra junk food companies put into processed goodies. If you're hankerin' for something sweet, reach out for fruit or a stick of gum :)
  • Eat a Tbls. of raw sugar. It's not that great!

    Better yet, get a cube and smoke it

    OMG! I think i will pass!