T.H.E. (Trying Hard Everyday) Team: Join us!



  • manda1111
    manda1111 Posts: 113
    Good morning :p

    Okay here we go:

    SW 198, GW 130, CW 161 = 3 lbs loss!!!

    I am so happy I don't know what I did this week besides meal planning that made the difference but I haven't had a multiple pound loss in months, yeah. Have a great weigh in everyone.

    P.S I'm going to the doctor today about my shoulder. Here's hopping no surgery.
  • pamh5555
    pamh5555 Posts: 191 Member
    Hello Ladies and good luck to you this week.

    Starting Weight Dec 1 - 215
    Current Weight - 199
    Lost a total of 16lbs so far. Wish more but happy.

    BTW, just a little side note to share.
    Husband had the stomach flu over the weekend. Got on the scale and was not happy with what he saw 240 lbs. Any way he cut out his milk and cookies at night. Starting drinking more water. Sleeping better because of this as well as eating lunch more often. Usually a bowl of salad and some fruit. Lost 6 lbs in 4 days. Plus no real excerise. Just doing everything else normal. IS THERE NO JUSTICE IN THIS WORLD?
  • manda1111
    manda1111 Posts: 113
    So about the arm. The doc said to give it a month and if it is still being bad get an MRI, yeah. He said I could have bercitus (sp?) but with specific area pain its usually a rotator issue. I'm holding out for the just really soar. He but me on a lot of Ibuprofen and ice daily well see how it goes.
  • pamh5555
    pamh5555 Posts: 191 Member
    Well, Only 10 days until vacation. i cannot wait. I am not going to diet per se on vacation but how can you resist all that fresh salad fixings that is already cut up for you or even all those fresh fruit everyday. I am just glad that they do small portions on the ship.

    Starting Weight on Dec 1 - 215 lbs
    Current Weight - 198.5 lbs
    Lost 16.5 lbs so far.

    I have also logged my food at least 5/7 days.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hello ladies!

    Yes, Im still alive! So sorry I fell off the board for a while...I didnt realize that it had been a month n a half since I had checked in and was surprised to see ya'll still on this same thread today when I came looking ya!

    Everything was going great up until a few weeks ago. I lost 4lbs in 1 week and was sooo close to reaching my valentiines day goal and got a little cocky about being back to where I was. My hubby left for 3 weeks on business and things just kind of tumbled from there, which is not normal for me, but I had some things happen in that 3 weeks that put me into a little bit of a depression and it got out of control. Usually I do way better with food and working out when he is gone, but this time I crashed hard and turned into an emotional eating mess! :sad: The wierd part for me was that I KNEW what I was doing.. I just didnt care.... and I should have been reaching to my support system but for some reason I didnt feel like I really had one anymore. (depression does that to ya!) I was doing alot of walking... sometimes 6-7 miles in a stretch but when the weather turned bad.. so did my eating and I ate and ate and ate and ate just about everything that I knew was bad for me and boy am I paying for it now!! Im sitting back where I started in January plus a pound at 222lbs.

    I didnt realize how bad it was until I weighed myself this morning and after a good few hours of guilt tripping myself and beating myself up I said "WHAT are you doing? This is NOT how you handle this!" So, here I am.....spilling my guts, being honest with myself and with you...No more being depressed...no more excuses....

    Ok.. so that being said I made a pact with myself and have commited myself to the gym again. I need back my old no excuses routine, which I KNOW will make me feel better about myself and give me more energy to do what I need to do to lose this 22lbs I want gone. I have a workout buddy again, but this time I am going for myself, not to keep someone else company. This time its about what I need to do for me to reach MY goals and get to where I want to be and even if my buddy cant go, I will be there.

    Tomorrow is my first day back and I am starting with day 1 of the couch-2-5K program on the treadmill. I have it all loaded on the ipod and ready to go. I'll be alternating that with water aerobics, while fitting in more mileage walks when the weather is good outside as an added plus.
    HAPPYDAZE Posts: 12
    I'd love to join also.......btw you look much too young to be a mother of teenagers!!

    HAPPYDAZE Posts: 12
    aahhhhhh ................NO JUSTICE....................my husband started working out months after me......and he has lost more weight and has more endurance (running) than I do.....:grumble:

    I just keep on trying.....after all I HAD OUR 4 CHILDREN.......LOL:smile:
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    LOL happy, I am too young to be the mother of teenagers... especially 3 of them. Im 36 and my oldest is 18 and graduating this year, then I have a 16 year old son and a 13 year old daughter. Basically by the time I was 23 I was done having kids... so yeah I was a young mommy. :0) I love it tho and my son is now doing home schooling and is doing SOOOOOOO much better in school its crazy, plus I get to make him do PE everyday. Its a challenge when the weather is bad, but when its not.. we get out and walk, ride bikes.. do whatever we can so he can get his time in. He has to log 30 minutes a day and take fitness tests, which I do with him just so I can see just how bad I am.. and have goals to reach for. It makes it fun for him that way and Im thinking I may sign him up at the gym so I have another person to drag along with me. He'd love it and it would be good for both of us.. I just have to see if I can fit it in the budget.

    64lb is awesome! congratulations! Dont worry about the endurance.. you will get there! How long have you been working on losing it? Great that your hubby is losing weight and working out too! it sure helps to have someone else at home on your side!! :) keep up the great work!
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    I'd love to join this group. I started with MFP in late January, and very quickly met my first goal (10lbs). Unfortunately, I haven't lost anymore since then (mid-Feb) and I'm starting to get really frustrated. I'm continuing to log my food intake and exercise and hoping that at some point I'll start losing again. I am staying within my goals 9 out of 10 days (nobody's perfect), and I'm making sure that I get enough calories (more than 1200). I need to lose a lot of weight, and my next goal is to lose a total of 30lbs.

    I need all the help I can get right now!!

    All the best to everyone!
  • profjan6
    profjan6 Posts: 333
    Would love to join this group. I like the name, because it seems that is it in a nutshell! I have a long way to go, but doing ok. Sat in front of a huge basket of bagels at a meeting the other day. I had that basket in front of me all day! I did not even take a piece and I was very proud of myself. I have scale phobia, so I don't get on the scale often enough. It does not motivate me at all, and it just seems to make me frustrated. So I hop on when I feel like it. So far, I think I'm doing ok. I look forward to this being helpful for me! Enjoy what is left of the weekend, everyone!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Everyone is welcome!

    I love that we have a bunch of new people here! Very cool!

    Yesterday I walked 2.5 miles in lew of going to the gym. It was the first nice weather day we had had in about 2 weeks, so I totally took advantage of it! Today was the only day it was supposed to rain, but I got up and rushed out the door since it was still nice out. I got 1 hour of good paced walking in and shortly after I got back, it started raining, so I was reallllly happy that I got it done!

    Wearing hubby's bodybug today to get a true idea just how many calories I burn in a day and plan to wear it for the rest of the week. Im trying to see what my baseline really is. So far it 8pm and it says Ive burned 2163 calories for the day, so Its interesting to see exactly whats going on. I thought it would be annoying to wear it on my arm all day, but I dont even notice it, so its doable.

    Tomorrow is gym in the AM and some walking after, then hitting the grocery so I can have salad for lunch tomorrow. It just sounds good! ;0)

    Curious... are any of our newbies or oldies from Texas? :wink:
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    hey hey....it's been awhile... we're all moved in and settled... that's about it... lol
  • manda1111
    manda1111 Posts: 113
    Hey ladies,

    I lost 4lbs two weeks ago then gained it back and have lost 3 of it again. With the 3 though I lost inches in the hips and waist so that is good. Its been nonstop here for a while. I'm on spring break this week. Decided not to go anywhere and just enjoy the time at home catching up on a few things. I'm really looking forward to being out of school in two months. I totally reorganized the study yesterday. It felt good to be so productive.

    Well here we go:
    SW 198, GW 130, CW 162 = +1lbs

    Have a great week
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    So Monday I walked 4 miles. Was gonna hit the gym later but didnt get to it. Hubby needed me to run some errands and by the time I got home and made dinner I was spent. Didnt get a workout in today. Its late so Im gonna make this real short. The weather is really nice here right now so Im taking advantage of it and getting outside. Tomorrow is 4 more miles of walking, then going to the gym. :0)

    Hope everyone is doing good!
  • vdpal
    vdpal Posts: 64 Member
    I am kinda late at starting this, but I would like to join in. I will put my starting weight in this Friday. This is an ongoing challenge, right? I have been on and off on myfitnesspal. I don't have a lot of weight to lose, but I have slowly added some over the past couple of years.
    My goal is to weigh 120 pounds. I am 5'4" tall. I am 33 years old, and I have been married to my wonderful husband for a year. We are trying to conceive and I have been struggling to dedicate myself to weightloss, because I don't want to counteract the chances of conceiving. I am thinking maybe if I would just devote my time to concentrating on this maybe the other will just happen.
    We have been doing P90X for about 3 weeks now. I hate the Yoga, so we have skipped that. It is too long.
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    wow it's been awhile.... a long time. Anybody still around???
  • cyndeebee
    cyndeebee Posts: 249 Member
    I'm b-a-c-k...

    Who wants to start a new thread?:happy:
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    don't know how to start a new thread, but I'm game! I have 3 months and 8 days tils my sons wedding to lose 25 lbs....I need help and motivation and support!!!!
  • cyndeebee
    cyndeebee Posts: 249 Member
    I'm here for you, Deb, and I'm sure the others will soon follow.
    I think it's winter that makes us slack off...and gain weight. With this nice weather, we'll all be motivated to lose that winter fat. At least I am...
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    Thanks Cindy youre the greatest! I've missed you