No late night "junk"snacking - March 8 - 14



  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    zaza - amazing. that is awesome. and I'm patting myself on the back for doing a week. You are an inspiration.

    rosemary - i absolutely agree on not having room for junk food. but our bodies will thank us.

    miss alias - I like the idea of chilling out before going to bed FAR AWAY from the kitchen. Hope you got some rest.

    dewdrop - it's extremely impressive that knowing you were going to eat later than planned, you still made sure you made healthy choices. That has to count for something big.

    As for me, success for this week, 3/7 on both late night eating and calories.
    Tonight, little date with hubby, so cutoff time will be 9:30 for me.

    Have a great day
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Thank you lulabellewoowoo and rosemary10 for your support. :smile: This challenge makes all the difference. Like miss alias, I've been hiding up in my bedroom watching TV at night. That routine is really helping because I've made it through 9 nights in a row. Now, if I could just bring that same discipline to the rest of my day and lower my calories and junk food eating. :grumble:
    Good luck everyone!
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    dewdrop - it's extremely impressive that knowing you were going to eat later than planned, you still made sure you made healthy choices. That has to count for something big.

    :heart: and I won't say more

    I had finally one night of eating before my cut-off :smile:. You know what bugs me? That March started perfectly, on a Monday! I thought: "1st of the month on a Monday, awesome!". So when I blew that day, this has followed me since. Argh...
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
    dewdrop - I don't think we are defined by our messups but more by our progress. We have these great goals that we are making progress towards. Over time we keep improving bit by bit. An occasional messup can be expected. It's the general upward trend of our habits that gets us to our destiny. We didn't get in these health/diet/weight problems overnight. Perfection isn't the goal and I don't think it's even possible. If we want to get lasting results we need to change our thinking about food and ourselves. If our goals are only external ie. "to make us look better", good though they are they won't carry us very far. You have been doing really great and had MUCH success. You have helped the rest of us. You are successful not perfect, and this won't keep following you. Now snap out of it.

    Someone (I don't recall who) said,
    " sow a thought reap an action, sow an action reap a habit, sow a habit reap a character, sow a character reap a destiny"
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Thanks, Rosemary! What can I say, one knows their true friends when in need. You're so special, ladies! :flowerforyou:
    Now let's not make a drama out of it - I am moving on! 26 is the number I need to beat, hehe.
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
    Sorry dewdrop for being a bit overbearing. Cool new goal though.

    I'm 3/7 this week
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    4/7 this week on time cutoff (I made 9:30 my time and was done by 9) and still good on calories. Didn't plan my day very well so didn't eat a lot during the day. Was afraid at dinner time I was going to start wolfing it down I was so hungry. Consciously made myself take a sip of water between each and every bite and actually had leftovers, surprisingly enough.

    You guys are doing great. We are coming up on the weekend ladies. Plan accordingly :) Don't forget to have fun. Weather is finally clearing up here so I plan on burning some extra calories doing something outside, which means yummy foods.

    Have a fantastic Friday!
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Sorry dewdrop for being a bit overbearing. Cool new goal though.

    Not at all!!! I read your text a few times, because I really liked it :wink:.

    And, to prove it: I've got 2 nights down now. :wink:
  • jeh6050
    jeh6050 Posts: 2 Member
    Last Night made my cut off 8.30pm and had finished dinner by 8.15. however seem to have gotten the mindset that since i cant eat after 8.30 i must eat everything i can before 8.30 and had a lot of biscuits as well as a dessert.

    Today will be better. Now i know my problem is late night eating and snacking in general i can tackle it!
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    I'm stil going strong. I just have to remember to pay attention to the clock over the week-end. i almost blew it last night because we went out to dinner. So far, it's 11 nights in a row. yeah! (the only thing I'm doing right:ohwell: )
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Oh no, how did I miss so many post? I'm fighting sleep, but I just had to check in briefly. For the last two nights, I completed my dinner way before my cut off time. Actually today, I ate dinner at the mall with my buddy and had oven baked pizza and we just chatted away. I didn't get home officially until 930, but I know we ate well before 7. I will have to read the previous post to catch up on what I missed. I see there are some new faces on here. Happy to have you!

    Good night to all! :yawn:
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I'm going to count last night as a success. Once I got home from y bible meeting, I realized I was pretty deficient in my calories for the day (exhaustion makes me less hungry), so instead of falling into the ice cream I was dishing for the kids, I had some frozen grapes (already prepackaged by me and waiting in the freezer for me). Of course, my son ate all of his ice cream and then half of my grapes (gggrrrrr). So calories and cutoff on junk - 5/7.

    Tonight will be a 9:00 cutoff for me, and Sunday is family dinner, so probably 8 for that one. Then back to 7:30.

    Have a great day everyone! Hope it's sunny where you are.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    lulabelle :flowerforyou:! Awesome job!!!
    I'm also back on track, so far :wink:
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
    I'm on night 5 out of 6. Been kinda sick with sore throat, cough and headache. Just gonna rest up and hope I'm good enough to work on Sun. nite

    lulabelle - love the smiley devouring the choc bunny and cute that your son ate up your grapes. You're a smart mom - that just might help him when he's an adult and wants to get healthy.

    Good job dewdrop, zaza and teetee!

    jeh - don't you just love those aha moments? It seems that MFP (my fitness pal) does that to a person. It does that to me. Plus you get the benefit of other people's insights.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Good job, ladies! Zaza, you are inspiring.
    Rosemary, first of all, well done! and hope you feel better by tonight - maybe a hot tea can calm your throat. Secondly, guess what? I had another good night! :happy:. So THANK YOU! :flowerforyou: (and also the others for being encouraging and motivating).
  • nicola_743

    What is the challenge? Is it not to eat junk food in the evenings for all week long? I tell you what is great. I crave chocolate sometimes and crisps and I've started eating a packet of Kelloggs Special K Minis in chocolate flavour. They're great for nibbling and only 99 calories per packet. They go fast though if you don't take your time and nibble them but they're great and filling and chocolatey! X
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    What is the challenge? Is it not to eat junk food in the evenings for all week long?

    The challenge is rather to not sabbotage ourselves by doubling the caloric intake in the evening :wink:.

    It's cute to see how each week we have one person that gives us tips as to what they eat in the evening to cope with the cravings. When I first started this, I had in mind the following situation: I usually start with an apple after dinner (really healthy). Then the apple makes me hungry and I want something salty. From that point onwards, it's a downhill road. So my strategy is: NOTHING past dinner, water and tea excluded. Not saying that's the only road there is, but this is working for me and it turns out the next morning that I was fine without the apple. :smile:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    What is the challenge? Is it not to eat junk food in the evenings for all week long?

    The challenge is rather to not sabbotage ourselves by doubling the caloric intake in the evening :wink:.

    It's cute to see how each week we have one person that gives us tips as to what they eat in the evening to cope with the cravings. When I first started this, I had in mind the following situation: I usually start with an apple after dinner (really healthy). Then the apple makes me hungry and I want something salty. From that point onwards, it's a downhill road. So my strategy is: NOTHING past dinner, water and tea excluded. Not saying that's the only road there is, but this is working for me and it turns out the next morning that I was fine without the apple. :smile:
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
    Good job dewdrop! 4 is good. And thanks for the hot tea idea, I brought Raspberry Zinger to work and I need to go fix it so I don't raid the Snack Box again (had a small bag of cheetos- my fav). I'm going to walk away and check on everybody and see if anyone needs help. Everything is pretty calm tonight though.

    I'm 6/7
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I completed this week with 6/7 for no late night eating (last night, I was just hungry), and 5/7 with staying within my calories. Weekends are hard because I don't have any spare time to exercise on Saturday and Sunday. I have started running outside, but it poured like crazy both days. Next weekend will be better.

    How did you all do?